This is a singlet . . . . . it is not protective clothing!

Yet every year (including this week, December 2015) I see on the news someone fighting a bushfire around their property wearing a singlet and shorts.
If you build your new house in an area at bushfire risk a singlet is not going to protect you from:
- Burns from Flames, Sparks and Embers;
- Extreme heat leading to Heat Exhaustion;
- Smoke, damaging you lungs.
Even if you plan to leave you may get trapped by a fast moving bushfire . . . . so it’s best to have proper protection for everyone in your household.
Protective Clothing
Here is some advice on what your protective clothing should include:
- Heavy cotton pants, for example denim jeans;
- Long-sleeved shirt (made out of natural fibres such as cotton or wool);
- Strong leather work boots with thick woollen or cotton socks;
- Leather gloves;
- Hard hat or wide-brimmed hat;
- Glasses or goggles to protect your eyes against smoke, embers and debris in the air;
- Leather gloves;
- A face mask to protect your mouth or nose.
Make sure everything is loose fitting and made from all natural fibres.
It’s even better if you can have a natural fibre coat or overall as well. . . . Just check out what the firemen wear.
For more information check your state bushfire service website.