A guest post by Hubert Dwight
There are lots of things to enjoy about the winter.
There is spiced pumpkin soup, hearty home cooked meals, and nights in with the family.
Yet, it can also be a stressful time, particularly for households that are not fully prepared.
The cold temperatures and harsh winds of winter can wreak havoc with untidy gardens and homes, so make sure that you’re ready this year.
For instance, don’t leave fragile garden furniture in the yard all winter.
The metal components rust and wooden ones rot.
When spring rolls around, the only option may be to buy an entirely new set.
The same goes for things like cracks and draughts in windows.
While they might not seem like much of a problem now, they’re bound to become an obstacle when the weather gets unpredictable.
Fortunately, preparing for winter doesn’t have to be a difficult task.
This will give you some ideas on the best places to start and the most valuable preparations to make.
Get Your Garden in Order
It is much harder to maintain an unruly garden in winter than it is when the temperatures are
mild and it is still enjoyable to spend time outside. So, with the help of Revell landscaping services, get a head start on the cold weather and give your trees, plants, and shrubs some tender love and care.
One of the best things about high quality landscaping is that, in the winter, shrubs and trees can be used to keep heat close to the house.
Repair Draughts in Windows
It takes mere minutes to plug up cracks and holes around window frames, with a little bit of restorative caulking.
To check for holes, simply run your hand along the perimeter of the frame.
If you find patches that are significantly colder than the rest, there is likely to be a tear in the caulking.
Cover it over and plug it up with new material; this will keep your home warm and insulated as the year progresses.
Seal Draughts under Doors
If you fix all of the holes in your window frames, but the interior of the house is still cold, the gaps under the doors could be letting in draughts too.
Once again, all you have to do is invest in two or three hefty draught excluders.
Place them against the doors when you are trying to get cosy on an evening.
Replace the Drapes/Curtains
All homes should have a set of summer curtains and a set of winter ones.
Obviously, the winter set should be substantially thicker and heavier, because this is great for conserving heat.
As curtains are so cheap to buy, you could even purchase a number of different sets and rotate them through the year.
That way, you get to combine style with practicality and energy efficiency.
Switch Off Sprinkler Systems
If you have automated sprinkler systems, it is really important that you remember to switch them off before temperatures drop.
Ifyou are in an area where the ground gets cold enough, the components might freeze and crack.
It is much safer to turn off the automated settings and give the sprinkler a rest until the spring.
Generally, it is safe to keep using the system until the soil gets harder to lift and rotate with a spade.
Store Garden Furniture
Don’t forget to gather up with your garden furniture and put it safely away in a shed or garage.
This is especially important for untreated wood and objects with metal features.
Ifvthere is a lot of moisture, they can start to rust and corrode; not to mention the fact that it is just harder to keep in good condition if it is cluttered and untidy.
Share the winter with others
It is always really satisfying to know that you’ve helped local wildlife make it through tough times.
So, if you have a little leftover cash and a passion for animals, pick up some fat blocks and bird seed balls.
Place them around the garden, so that birds, frogs, and more can find food and more easily bear the colder temperatures.
While it might not be an essential preparation, you’ll surely be glad of it when your yard is filled with life, even during the winter.