Drain Fail?

How about this picture of the water missing the drain?

Is this a design failure?

Well that’s what www.diply.com, where I found this photo, thought!

Actually its a construction quality failure that is more common than it should be.

Whats happened is the drain is deeper than the base of the paving so the construction crew have had to dig down to solid ground.

The paving has dropped around the drain because

  • either the ground under the paving wasn’t too solid,
  • or the base between the pavers and the ground wasn’t compacted enough.
  • or both of the above.

Too often a poor quality paving job looks good when its new. . . . but after a few months these sort of problems emerge!

For more Unusual House Photos, Wins, and Fails, have a look at: What the………………….?

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