The Cleanliness Keeper

Guest post by Hubert Dwight

6 Tips For Keeping Your House Spotless For Longer

Whether you work full time, part time, or are a stay at home parent – no-one enjoys the challenge of keeping the house clean. . . No-one.

Whether it’s everyday or every weekend, cleaning the house is never high on anyone’s to do list.

Instead of spending time tidying up daily, follow these six tips for keeping the house spotless for longer.

1. Furnishings which stand the test

For those people with children, or pets for that matter, keeping your house clean can be a challenge.

Shedding fur, toilet accidents or lunch time catastrophes can mess your house up in an instant.

Avoid those messy situations by making sure your furnishings can stand up to the test.

Leather lounges are a great option when you have any potential mess makers in the house.

Durable and comfortable, a leather lounge is easier to clean and won’t absorb those particular odours a fabric lounge will.

2. Steam clean it all

We’ve all seen those advertisements which talk about the hidden germs.

Instead of mopping, try a steam clean instead.

Working at a greater heat and allowing for a more even coverage, steam cleaners are a great way to keep those floors cleaner for longer.

As well as ensuring a deeper clean, most steam cleaners come with some great add-on’s.

These can include window or mirror cleaners and hoses to get into those tight spots which may not get that much attention normally.

3. Storage is everything

As your mother used to say, “if everything has a place then there is no reason for something to not be in place”.

Storage is one the best ways to ensure mess is avoided and your house remains spotless for longer.

Ensure you have adequate storage options for excess clothes, children’s toys and even furniture.

In Summer, use vacuum sealed bags for those bulky winter clothes.

Try out a wardrobe organiser for the online shopping which never seems to stop.

Storage is a practical way avoid unnecessary mess, and makes cleaning quicker.

4. Robots are the future

Many people will likely put vacuuming at the top of that list of jobs most hated.

Time consuming and labour intensive – it’s no wonder why it gets put off to the next weekend, every weekend.

Instead of spending time every week vacuuming the house, invest in a robotic vacuum cleaner.

With developments in technology all you have to do is set the programming and watch the little miracle worker target a different area of the house each day.

5. Fabric is a key choice

When looking for a rug it’s all about the look, right? . . Wrong!

Next time you are considering your new rug, think about feel.

Ensuring that your house stays cleaner for longer can be as simple as throwing the curtains and rugs in the washing machine.

This will keep the space cleaner for longer, and won’t take up too much of your precious weekend time.

6. Have a bit of goodwill

Let’s be honest, it’s not all mess, but just stuff we don’t use and haven’t yet got rid of yet.

Our wardrobes spill out because we keep clothes we don’t wear.

That couch in the spare room probably doesn’t serve a purpose anymore.

Instead of hoarding things you no longer need, take the time to purge some belongings and do a good deed at the same time.

Take half a day and give those unwanted items to goodwill or charity bins in your local area.

Keeping the house tidy for longer can be a challenge for even the best of us.

Trying to fit everything into an already cramped week is hard.

Follow these six tips and watch your home transform into a clean haven for a long time to come.

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