Contract Conditions
Builder’s Christmas Shutdown

Every Year I hear complaints of “Everything has stopped on my House Build for a month” What can make it worse is when the builder ‘Tries’ to claim an ‘Extension of Time’ for the Build. What Does The Contract Say?…
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Control of costs is really important if you don’t want to run over budget on your new home. One of the key areas in controlling costs is understanding the specification of the house. One of the traps that many people…
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New House Guarantees and Warranties

I’m always a bit suspicious of guarantees and warranties! In my opinion most Guarantees are really just a piece of paper that explains how the Guarantor will fulfill their legal liabilities. (In some cases they explain a process which is less than fulfilling…
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Cost Plus Contracts – Avoid

What Is A Cost Plus Contract Basically it is a contract where you agree to pay all the builders ‘Direct Costs’ plus a ‘Fee for Administration and Profit’. Rather than a quotation the builder provides an estimate with the actual cost…
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Beware of Escalation Clauses

What Are Escalation Clauses These are a way of allowing for inflation. Basically it provides a way for the builder to increase his costs in line with inflation. The Clause will quote an inflation index which can be used to…
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Using Your Own Building Inspector

I frequently hear of people being told by their Builder “You can’t use your own Building Inspector!” If your builder says that, he is trying to Con You! ……or Breaking The Law! Here is an explanation based on my last…
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Australian Standards
A lot of people people misunderstand how Australian Standards apply to Contracts so here is a quick guide. Standards Australia All Australian Standards (AS) are published by Standards Australia. which is a non-government organisation. It’s role is to meet Australia’s need…
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Contract Meeting Advice

It can seem like an age since you paid the initial deposit for your new house. You have spent ages going through everything at Selection. Surely you can just sign the contract and get started?………….That’s what the builder wants,………… but…
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Using Your Own Tradies
When you look at some of the prices that builders charge for things it makes you wonder if you can get things cheaper by employing your own tradies during the build. Examples are things like: Refrigerated air conditioning. Extra lighting….
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Contract Documents – Vehicle Access

All Weather Access You will notice in the contract documents a clause relating to ‘All Weather Access’. This normally requires the Landowner to provide all weather access to the site. In other words a hard access from the nearest road…
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