7 Proactive Steps to Keep Your Plumbing in Tip Top Condition

Guest Post by Hubert Dwight

While domestic plumbing may not be the most exciting topic in the world, it is an essential part of keeping a household running smoothly.

If your sinks, toilet, and faucets suddenly stopped working, you’d be in a bit of a pickle, so it’s important that you take good care of them.

Fortunately, routine plumbing maintenance doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive.In fact, it’s all about vigilance and common sense.

If you’re not sure whether you should be tipping that potato peel down the drain, don’t do it.

If you spot a minor leak under the bathroom faucet, don’t ignore it.

We know that these things are risky, but many of us still choose convenience over good sense. . . .and, this puts us at risk of flooding, blockages, major leaks, damp, and unexpected breakdowns.

These handy hints and tips will help you keep your plumbing in tip top condition all year round.

1. Fix Leaky Taps Quickly

Just because a small leak beneath a tap is unlikely to lead to a flood, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a problem.

Get it checked out as quickly as possible, because at the very least it’s a huge waste of water and will drive up your bill.

2. Check the Toilet Flap Valve

There’s a little device inside toilets that causes a near constant sound of running water when it breaks down.

It is called a flapper and you can check that yours is healthy by dropping a teaspoon full of food colouring into the top tank.

If it appears in the bowl after 20-30 minutes, you need to look for reliable plumbing services in Melbourne and get it fixed.

3. Inspect Drains for Blockages

It’s easy to check whether drains are functioning properly.

Clearly, if the water isn’t disappearing, there’s a major blockage, but this is a problem that is usually identified quickly.

Smaller blockages are a little more insidious, but you can spot them by watching how fast the water runs down the sink.

If it runs, but it keeps backing up, add a baking soda and vinegar solution to try and clear the debris.

4. Clear Sediment from the Hot Water Service

Once per year, your boiler will need a little love and care.

Over time, tiny bits and pieces of debris build up in the bottom and this reduces overall efficiency.

You can get rid of it by hooking a hose up to the drain valve and emptying the unit of water.

Then, close it back up and let it refill. If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, a plumber can help.

5. Keep Shower Heads Clean

If your shower head is getting a little lacklustre, soak it in vinegar overnight.

This will dislodge the minerals that naturally accumulate over time.

In the morning, rinse the head in warm water and the dirt should come away instantly.

6. Fill Up Floor Drains

Internal floor drains, like the ones commonly installed in utility rooms, need to be routinely checked for health.

There should be water at the bottom of the trap and if there is not, you can safely top it up yourself.

Do be careful not to add too much water. If evaporation is a problem, due to rising temperatures, a tablespoon of olive oil can reduce the rate of this process.

7. Use Appliances Correctly

One of the most common causes of domestic flooding is the misuse of household appliances.

Washing machines are the main culprit, because lots of homeowners overfill them.

This puts pressure on the components and the pipes can end up bursting and causing serious water


So, protect your home by using appliances in a safe and sensible manner.

Fast is Slow!

When doing a DIY project for your new home, or even building your own house, you will often be doing a task you are not practised at.

At times like this I use a mantra “Fast is Slow, Careful is Fast.”

The faster you go the more mistakes you make

The more mistakes you make the longer it will take. . . and the more expensive materials will be wasted.

Plan the job.

Make sure you have got all the materials and tools you need.

Allow yourself more time than you think you will need.

Measure twice, cut once.

Be careful

Try not to make mistakes.

Don’t take risks! (Injure yourself and you could add weeks to the time)

Concentrate your thoughts on the job in front of you.

Don’t get distracted by the next job.

Keep your site tidy.

Put your tools down so you don’t have to search next time you need them.i

Make sure each part of the job is finished before you start something else.


Inspired by US Navy Seals – Close Combat Training:
“Fast is slow. Smooth is fast. Watch your fields of fire, pick your targets, aim center mass, squeeze the trigger. The faster you go, the more mistakes you make. The more mistakes you make the deeper in the s**t you will be. Be smooth. Try not to make mistakes. Be one with the battle yet transcend it. Float above the action, survey the scene, target immediate threats, and dispatch them with ruthless efficiency!”

5 Warning Signs You Need New Gutters

Guest Post by Hubert Dwight

The roof, and it’s drainage system, is a vital part of your home, and is hugely important to keeping your home, family and possessions safe and dry.

Many people aren’t aware of how to take care of their gutters, and don’t know the signs to recognise when it’s time to invest in new gutters for your home.

After all, when your gutters are working well, it means that the water falling onto your roof will be directed away from your home, or your rainwater tanks, and you don’t want this system to fail.

Let’s have a look  at five key warning signs that you can use as a guide to let you know when you might need a gutter replacement in Melbourne. or any other location Australia-wide.

Warning Sign One – Puddles

If you spy some puddles around your home after or during a storm or rainshower, it might mean that your gutters aren’t doing the job they’re supposed to do and are struggling to take the water to the downpipes.

You need to check your gutters are clean rather than blocked by leaves.

Then check the way that they flow – which you can either do this during a storm, or with a hose although the sheer volume of water that can fall during a storm will be hard to replicate with a hose.

Be sure to exercise caution when you are standing on a ladder!

Warning Sign Two –  Cracks in your gutters

If your gutters have cracks in them, there’s every chance that the water that’s falling onto your roof is simply falling through the cracks and running down the walls.

When this happens, you run the risk of water seeping into the structure of your home, which can cause a whole host of other problems like mould and damp. Not a great outcome for your family’s health and the structure of your home.

Warning Sign Three – Water Marks on Walls

This relates to warning sign one – cracks – and can be a sign that not all is as it should be with your gutters.

Even if you don’t see the water escaping and causing the issue, it’s a serious problem as it can cause issues with the foundations of your home.

Warning Sign Four – Peeling Paint

Check out the paint on your gutters – if it’s peeling, it may be a sign that rust is beginning to show in your gutters,

Any corrosion can mean that they might have water sitting in them for too long.

When this occurs you’re only a little way from holes and other issues, so be sure to be vigilant here.

Warning Sign Five – Loose or Sagging Gutters

Gutters need to direct the flow of water, and if they’re hanging off your home or not doing the job of directing your water properly, then it’s definitely time to replace them.

You might not need to replace the entire gutter if it’s only a section that’s compromised, so be sure to speak to an expert about your guttering needs.

Don’t forget that storms can occur in any season so, it’s vital to stay up to date with your gutters and the roof of your home.

Be vigilant and check your gutters regularly!

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