Passive Solar
Thermal Mass for Heating
If you read up about energy efficiency you will come across the expression ‘Thermal Mass’ . . . . . . but what is it? . . . . . and how does it work? Materials with Thermal Mass The…
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Glaring Fail

Here is a new town house development in Melbourne. Just a couple of ‘small’ problems Those huge master bedroom windows face west so they are going to get the summer sun all day from around 2.00pm until late in the…
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Window Shade Fail

I saw these north facing windows the other day. In spite of the architectural detailing this is a lesson on how to stuff up shading! Its less than an hour from Midday and already most of the window is out…
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Advice – Fail

When I saw this Billboard the other day I had turn round to drive past it again, as I didn’t believe it the first time! They are making it appear that it’s a big deal that they are selling what are…
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Block Orientation
Sponsored by Coral Homes When looking at block orientation a key issue is using the sun to warm the house in winter and keeping the sun out of the rooms in the summer. Typical blocks in Australia are rectangular. About…
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