Is An Apartment Right For You

Guest Post by Andrej Kovačević

A house isn’t the best thing for everyone.

There are plenty of people who like living in apartments like these Highline Westmead apartments.

Some people prefer their home to be in an older low rise apartment.

There are also lots of investors that buy apartments to rent out.


    • Good for Singles and Couples – Smaller simpler space may well be big enough and apartments are likely to be closer to jobs and restaurants.
    • Less maintenance – Most maintenance is taken care of by the the body corporate, making one less major worry for you.
    • No Lawn Mowing – or sweeping paths!
    • Amenities – Depending on the development there may be array of amenities. These usually include covered parking and a security system but can include things like: a swimming pool, a communal barbeques, a gym,
    • Smaller Utility Bills – Generally heating, cooling an apartment is easier than a house  electricity gas and water bills will be lower.


    • Storage Space – This can be a significant problem if you are downsizing from a house.
    • Noise – Although wall and floors between apartments are more substantial than most domestic interior walls from time to time you will hear noise from adjoining apartments.
    • Making it ‘Yours’ – Body corporate rules the extent to which you can personalise your apartment without body corporate approval.
    • Parking – Its rare to have more than one parking space which can be a problem if you are a two car couple. This can also  make it difficult for visitors.


    Apartment living may be well suited to many but there are disadvantages you need to take into consideration.

Turf Preparation

Guest Post by Andrej Kovačević

Most people want to see a quick garden when they move into their new house. . . but they are faced with a clayey mess.

That makes turf very popular . . . . but it doesn’t mean its instant!

If you are going to have a quality lawn you do need to spend some time on preparation before laying the turf.

Ordering Your Turf

Before you start you need to think about the type of turf you want and where you want to get it from.

Although I am a big spender at Bunnings I wouldn’t buy turf from there.

I would be talking to a quality turf supplier who can provide me with good advice on turf varieties and deliver freshly cut turf.

You don”t want to buy turf that has been cut for a week or more.


Its going to take at least three weeks before you will be ready to lay the turf

Step One – Kill the weeds Use a good quality herbicide and leave for at least 10 days for the weeds to die off.

Step 2 – Excavate and Fill Usually with a new house the ground surface will be different to the finished lawn surface you want to you need to move the subsoil. Aim for the finished subsurface to be around 150mm below the finished lawn level.

Step 3 – Check the pH The target soil pH for turf is between 5.5 and 6.5.

Step 4 – Spread the Topsoil  Spread a good quality topsoil and lightly compact. Aim for a finished level 25-30mm below finished lawn level.

You are now ready to receive your turf delivery!

Laying Turf

  • Use an overlapping pattern ensuring that the rolls are staggered
  • Butt and push ends together tightly without stretching.
  • Fill any gaps between the turf rolls with topsoil.
  • Cut excess turf  using a knife or or sharp blade.
  • Roll the turf to ensure it has even contact with the soil.

Initial Care

Keep off the grass for the first 4 weeks but make sure its adequately watered.

You should then be ready for regular mowing/


Duplex and More – A Growing Trend

Guest Post by Andrej Kovacevic

Goodbye To The Quarter Acre Block

Thirty or more years ago the standard Australian house was on a quarter acre, or bigger, block.

These days with real estate prices going up, populations going up, and no building land close to cities the typical Australian House is changing.

More and more of our suburbs are duplex, and even triplex blocks.

But investing in real estate is no joke as that property is one of the biggest and most important financial decisions that anyone can make.

So what are the options?

Splitting an Existing Block

This is attractive to those who love their existing house, and the neighbourhood, but don’t want to be bothered with a big garden.

It is often possible to fit an additional home on the same block while leaving the existing house intact.

This is a great way of gaining some extra money to make a pension go further, without the trouble of moving house.

If this is your preferred option you need to find a good design that will fit on the block, which may need to be double storey.

It worth visiting an expert in your city such as Duplex builders Sydney to get some ideas about designs and costs.

Knock Down and Rebuild

If you are serious about property development this is often the best way to go.

It might seem to be a waste of money demolishing a habitable house but by getting a blank site it gives you many more options.

In my local suburb it is usually easy to build three new units on a block, rather than be limited to a duplex development because of the difficulties of working round an existing house.

Again its best to talk with an expert who get help deliver an attractive development that can maximise your profit.

Buying a Duplex Unit

There are a lot of advantages in buying a new duplex unit rather than a having a house built on a new subdivision;

  • Most duplex units will be closer to the cities, and jobs than new blocks a long way from cities.
  • Buying in established suburbs means schools, shops, health service, and public transport is going to be convenient.
  • The gardens will be smaller which means less time spent on lawn mowing.

One disadvantage over getting a home built is that you only see it when its finished which means that to protect yourself you need to be sure there aren’t any problems . . . . so make sure you get the property inspected



The keys to investing in the perfect property

Guest Post by Andrej Kovacevic

Real estate is an incredible investment opportunity, but it is also one of the most intense investments that any individual can ever hope to make.

At the end of the day, the bottom line when it comes to investing in real estate, is that it is a decision that requires a lot of forethought and research before one can hope to invest in the right property.

More than anything else, this is the utmost reality, and it is a reality that is absolutely crucial if a real estate buyer is ever going to be able to make the right choices for themselves and their real estate opportunities around the globe.

The pool of available properties for investment is always changing. Inevitably, this can make it quite challenging to know when the right time to jump in the investment pool is.

The single most valuable piece of advice is, without a doubt, first taking the necessary time to discover and explore what it is that you are looking for, why you want those traits, and what (if anything) you are willing to compromise on to get the property.

It is a work in progress, and it can and often does take time to figure it out properly. 

Taking the time to understand what it is you want

The most important step in property investment is without a doubt to look around for inspiration.

What is it that appeals to you? What do you want? What are you willing to compromise on or entirely workshop out of your ultimate real estate purchase decision?

Knowing what you want is the single most important part of buying real estate.

If you do not know what it is you are looking for, how can you possibly expect your real estate agent to know?

At the end of the day, that is where it all starts. 


Taking the opportunity to learn as much as possible about the market

As well as learning about yourself and your own preferences and loves in real estate, make it your business to know the market and what is popular in the market around the time you are looking to invest.

Whether it is modern window roller shutters or the inclusion of advanced home technology gadgets and systems, the point is always the same: knowing the market goes a long way towards assisting you in delving into that market as a real estate buyer from an informed position.


Taking the chance to take your time making the decision

Essentially, at the end of the day, you want to be sure about the property that you are deciding to invest in.

All the research is great, but it means nothing if you are not willing and able to step back when necessary to wait out set periods in real estate that tip in favour of the seller and not the buyer.

Ultimately, the more time you take to make the decision, the clearer and more sure-footed you will be in the decision after the fact.

That is always a positive. 

4 Reasons for Investing in an Instantaneous Water Heater for Your Home

Guest Post by Bijoy Hembram

How would you feel about running out of hot water during your shower?

Then one of the essential aspects to include in your to-do list should be to get a quality tankless water heating system for your new home.

Some people view this as a luxury or an extra cost that they would instead do without, but that is only because they have not looked at the bigger picture to realize the benefits that come with water heating systems.

You must, however, invest in a good quality system from a reputable supplier like JR Water and Gas and look for a heater that meets your exact needs.

If you are still skeptical about the instantaneous water heating system idea, here are the top benefits to expect from it.

Enhances energy conservation

The water heating systems use gas or electricity to provide you  with hot water in your shower, sinks, and other areas around your home.

The best part is that you can choose whichever source of energy that is ideal for you.

Instantaneous water heaters are known for energy efficiency as they only heat water when you need it to.

This is unlike the traditional storage tanks which store water at a constant temperature regardless of whether you need hot water or not.

The heaters are super effective

Instantaneous water heaters are one of the most effective solutions, and this is mainly because you get hot water when you need it.

You only need to learn to adjust the tankless system, and you are assured of getting endless hot water supply when in demand.

They require less maintenance

The other benefits to expect from the tankless or instantaneous water heating systems is that they will serve you for a long time, yet require minimal maintenance.

Once the system is installed, you can trust that it will last and serve you for up to 20 years.

Nearly every component of the instantaneous heaters is replaceable without the need to replace the whole unit.

Saves your space

Space is one of the main reasons why homeowners prefer the tankless water heaters to the storage tanks.

If you have limited space at home, then this will work perfectly for you.

This type of water heating system can be installed anywhere, which could be outdoors or indoors.

The systems are mounted on the wall, so you do not have to worry about freeing up some space to have it installed.

For large house its easy to install more two heaters to avoid that wait for the water to reach your tap!


The benefits of instantaneous water heating systems are endless, and these are just a few of what to expect. It is evident that the systems enhance convenience, safety, help you save space and money.

They are also super easy to install, use, and maintain. Take your time and search for a tankless water heater that meets your needs and get to experience this in your home.

An Introduction into Home Security Cameras

Guest post by Prince Kapoor

According to, there are roughly 2.5 million burglaries each year in the U.S., with 66% of those being home break-ins.

If you’re a homeowner or even if you rent and you’re looking to keep your family safe, you’ve probably considered getting home security cameras set up.

However, there’s an overwhelming amount of information out there, and it can be hard to know where to start.

That’s why we’ve compiled several tips on the introduction into home security cameras so you can have a solid starting point.

In this article, you’ll learn why you need to get home security cameras set up at home, whether you should get a wired or wireless camera, and how to install and place your camera.

Keep reading to discover just how easy it is to keep your home and family safe with home security cameras, even if you know nothing about home security.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Why You Should Invest In Home Security Cameras

Investing in home security cameras is a smart idea for a number of reasons. Here are a few reasons why you need to set one up in your home this year:

1. Protect Your Home from Break-Ins & Burglaries

The most obvious reason to install a home security camera in your home is to defend your family and home against burglaries. Nowadays, home security cameras can send an alert to your smartphone notifying you of unusual activity outside the home, so you can be ready to alert the police, or defend yourself.

Also, in the event that someone does break-in, you’ll have footage that you can take to the police to help identify the criminal so they can prosecute them or press charges if necessary.

2. Communicate with Your Family

Modern security cameras aren’t limited to simply capturing footage of a potential burglar. You can use these devices to check-in with family members while you’re out of the home, as an upgrade to a simple phone call.

Whether that means making sure your kids are getting their homework done at the dinner table, or you want to have a quick chat with your spouse to let them know you’ll be late for dinner.

3. Check-in on Your Pets

Just as you’re able to communicate with your loved ones, let’s not forget about your pets. Though you shouldn’t leave your pets alone for long periods of time, in the case that you do have to be away for a few hours, it can be stressful not knowing how they’re doing.

Home security cameras are an easy way to quickly check-in on your dog or cat to make sure they’re alright, without even having to leave your desk at work.

4. Medical Security

Along with being able to check in on the kids and pets, many homeowners are using home security cameras to check in on their elderly parents, or loved ones with medical conditions.

Maybe you have a loved one who deals with a medical condition, or maybe your aging mother lives by herself or is susceptible to falling. Installing a home security camera is a great way to have peace of mind that you’ll be able to check-in, even if your loved one can’t answer the phone due to an emergency.

5. Bonus: Insurance Benefits

One bonus reason why you should have home security cameras set up in your home is for insurance discounts. Many insurance providers will offer a discount to homeowners who have a home security camera installed in their homes. Remember to check with your home insurance provider as every company offers different policies and discounts.

Wired vs. Wireless Home Security Cameras

Getting a home security system is a smart way to keep your home safe. Homes with security systems are 300% less likely to be burglarized, according to

Once you’ve made the decision to purchase a home security camera, the next question you have to ask yourself is: Should I get a wired or wireless home security camera?

Here we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each type:

Wired Home Security Cameras

Wired home security is the traditional type of security and is usually used on larger properties. They require cables for an internet connection, power, and video transmission.


Reliability: The main benefit of wired security cameras is reliability. They’re not susceptible to wireless signal interference.

Large System Support: Wired security is best for large properties. They can handle the range of power, transmission, and internet signal better than wireless on big properties.


Installation Time: Wired installation can be extremely meticulous and time-consuming. We recommend using a professional (though it’s not mandatory) since there can be plenty of complicated cable-running involved.

Susceptible to Power Outages: If the power goes out, your wired home security goes out as well. One way to combat this is with a backup generator, which requires a bigger investment.

Wireless Home Security Cameras

New & modern wireless home security cameras have become more and more popular over the years.

They address the biggest downside to wired security: installation.


Easy Installation: If you’re someone who can’t stand setting up new technology, then your best bet is to choose wireless. Since they transmit footage via Wi-Fi, you don’t need to run internet cables. Plus, installation is more flexible since you only require a power source.

Easy Take Down: If you rent your home or lease business property, then wireless systems are much easier to take down if you have to move locations.


Varying Signal: The biggest downside to wireless security cameras is their vulnerability to a weak Wi-Fi signal. If your home has terrible Wi-Fi, you should consider getting a wired system.

Limited Size: Wireless systems are usually limited to four cameras. If you have a larger property, your security cameras may not have the capacity to cover the entire area.

Tips for Installation & Placement of Cameras

Once you’ve purchased your home security cameras, the next step is to figure out how and where to install them. 

Here are a few installation tips to make sure the process is as simple and as fast as possible:

    • Test Your Equipment Before Committing to the Install. This is important to make sure the signal is strong enough if you have wireless security.
    • Don’t Try to Jerry-Rig or Tweak the Camera. If you have a knack for technology, you may want to “adjust” the settings or the mount. Unless you’re an expert, it’s best that you stick with the manual and equipment provided so you don’t damage your cameras.
    • Don’t Install the Cameras Where You Can’t Reach Them. Put them somewhere you can reach them for ongoing cleaning, maintenance, or if you need to access them for any reason.
    • When in Doubt, Hire a Professional. If you’re not confident installing the cameras yourself, don’t push yourself to the edge to do so. Hire a professional if you have any doubts. It will save you time, and they will ensure an efficient installation.


Placing your home security cameras in the right spot is crucial to ensure maximum security. Here are the most vulnerable break-in entries that your cameras should be covering:

  1. The Front Door This is the main entry a potential burglar will take. Put your camera on the second-floor level that points directly to your front door.
  1. The Back Door The back door is another vulnerable location. Again, make sure the camera is high enough so a potential threat can’t remove it.
  1. Off-Street Windows Many burglars will attempt to break-in through a window that’s not visible from the road. Make sure to point one to any windows at the side or back of the house.
  1. Other Vulnerable Locations Some other common locations to secure include:
        • Basement
        • Second floor
        • Driveway
        • Garage
        • Shed or Barn

The easiest way to figure out where to put a camera is looking at all possible entries, with doors being the most vulnerable, and windows being the second most vulnerable.

A University of North Carolina study, titled, “Understanding Decisions to Burglarize from the Offender’s Perspective”, states that 60% of burglars would change their minds if they noticed a home security system was installed.

Remember, an investment in home security cameras is an investment in the safety of your home and family.

7 Ways To Allergy Proof Your Bedroom

Guest Post by Dennis Hamming

Allergies and nasal congestion can make it hard to get a good night’s sleep.

If you suffer from allergies, you might find that your symptoms get worse at night.

Waking up repeatedly because your nose is stuffy or because you’re struggling to catch your breath is a good indication that you need to get your nighttime allergies under control.

Chances are, allergens within your bedroom are the cause of your nightt ime troubles. With a few simple changes, you can get rid of those pesky allergens and reclaim your nights.

Get rid of the carpet

Your carpet might look clean, but even if you vacuum regularly, dust mites, dirt, dander, and pet fur can all get trapped within the deep fibers of your carpet.

Hard-surface flooring, such as hardwood or laminate, are easier to completely remove allergens from.

You can always cozy up your hard-surface floors by investing in low pile rugs, which are less likely to trap allergens than carpet.

If you absolutely cannot get rid of your carpet, get it steam cleaned regularly.

Cut out the clutter

It can be hard to keep your room free from dust when the dust is regularly collecting on all of your knickknacks.

Most people can get away with dusting their bedroom once a week, but if you suffer from allergies, the dust still might irritate you.

Getting rid of clutter around your room helps prevent unnecessary dust from collecting on your belongings. You don’t need to get rid of everything.

Keep a few pieces that bring you joy and donate the rest.

Use an air-filtration system

Air quality matters.

Dirt and other allergens get stuck within your vents and then circulate throughout your home.

This can be particularly bad at night, especially if you keep your bedroom door closed.

If you have an existing Air conditioner unit, make sure to regularly change your filters to help keep your air clean.

Another alternative is an air purifier as these small machines are designed to circulate air within a room.

Keep the pets out

If you regularly let your pooch or kitty sleep on your bed, you’re inviting all sorts of allergens into your bed.

Dander and fur shed from your pets and get into your bedding.

Ideally, your pet will stay out of your room all together.

Keep the door closed so that allergens from your pet don’t end up on your floor or bed.

If you absolutely must let your pet into your room, teach them to stay on the floor.

Invest in hypoallergenic covers

While it is easy to wash your comforter and sheets to get rid of allergens, it isn’t so easy to wash your mattress and pillows.

Hypoallergenic mattresses exist, but if you need a less expensive way to get your allergies under control, consider a hypoallergenic mattress pad or a dust mite cover.

No matter if you’re in the market for a king-size mattress cover, XL mattress pads, or a pillowcase, you’re sure to find the right solution that will keep your bed allergen-free.

Choose easy to clean materials

Choose the furnishings in your room wisely.

Upholstered headboards might look nice — but they also trap allergens.

Stay away from cloth or upholstered furniture and instead choose furniture that can be easily wiped down.

If you do have upholstered furniture in your bedroom, make sure to vacuum it regularly.

You should also avoid using heavy curtains.

Use metal blinds that can easily be wiped clean and/or lightweight cotton curtains that can easily be thrown into the wash.

Close the windows

Leaving your windows open is a great way to circulate fresh air throughout your house!

It is also a great way to introduce allergens into your house.

Outdoor allergens such as weed pollen make their way into your house and land on your bedding and furniture, which triggers those nighttime allergies.

As tempting as leaving the window open might be, keep it shut!

To help circulate air within your room, use a ceiling fan or tower fan instead but make sure to regularly dust your fan to prevent dust build-up on the blades.

In summary

Nighttime allergies can put a damper on your overall health, especially if you aren’t sleeping well at night.

Start making changes throughout your bedroom so that you can sleep better at night.

Consciously choosing furniture and materials that can be easily cleaned, keeping your pets out, and using an air purification system are all good ways to eliminate allergens from your bedroom.



12 Industry Interior Decorating Secrets

Guest Post By Emma Williams

Some people have a natural eye for interior design.

If you’re not one of them, it’s good to have an interior designer on speed dial.

Planning to undertake some renovations on your home?

Here are twelve interior decorating secrets you should know before getting started…

Image Source: Pexels

Choose a consistent colour palette

You may be thinking that mixing different styles is a big no-no.

This isn’t true, however. mixing styles can look great and can offer plenty of interest but only if each piece is consistent with your chosen colour palette.

Three to four colours work best.

Use large art in small spaces

In a small space you may assume that the furniture and art should be small but you should actually aim for the opposite.

Too many small pieces tend to chop up the space but using one large piece of art as a focal point will make a small space feel grander.

Large art serves as an anchor to small rooms.

Image Source: Pexels

Create calm with colour and patterns

Adding quiet, painterly patterns in a soft tonal colour palette with a mix of white, grey and taupe gives a space a sense of calm.

Texture is key and can create a lot of dimension and movement.

For added effect, mix up the pattern scale with an assortment of small-, medium- and large-scale prints.

If you’re not DIY, make sure to compare house painting quotes online and do research into trending Dulux paint colours.

Draw in the views with black paint

Don’t be nervous to paint accents black.

Painting the inner frames of windows black (the part that touches the glass), for example, will turn your windows into a picture frame, drawing your eyes through each room and out to the view beyond.

Keep functionality and practicality in mind

The best interiors are those that take you and your lifestyle into consideration.

This is especially true in areas like the kitchen.

The kitchen is the heart of your home and you spend more time in the kitchen than any other part of your home.

With this in mind, functionality should be your primary goal when renovating – from the placement of your bin to the overhang of your breakfast bar.

Inject your personality

Interiors that avoid your own personality quirks will lack the soul you want from your home.

Image Source: Pexels

Interior trends come and go so avoid fads and instead focus on what you love.

Re-purpose objects that carry a place in your heart, choose decor from different shops, and be authentic.

Stop comparing your home to those in magazines – they don’t take into consideration your personality.

Swap Pinterest for Instagram

Everyone raves about Pinterest for all things interior design but Instagram can offer a slice of ‘real life’ that Pinterest lacks.

Find a blogger, interior designer or home decorator you love and follow their every move.

Follow a person with a similar lifestyle and you’ll find inspiration for your home renovation project everywhere.

Start with the end in mind

Know what you are trying to achieve by setting a brief, getting clear on the mood and style, and building a visual representation of your objective.

Having something visual you can refer to can help you to stay on track and get the result you want.

While you’re at it, check out this budget guide for decorating your home, which will help you set a budget for the project.

Aim for storage

Benjamin Franklin said: “A place for everything and everything in its place”.

With this in mind, storage is your home’s best friend.

Look for furniture that maximises utility such as ottomans and end tables with built-in storage.

Make your furniture work double-duty.

Be thoughtful about materials

The quality of the materials you use in your home will affect how you and your guests experience a finished room.

Good quality materials have a sound and feeling that’s different from poor quality materials.

Generally speaking, natural materials reign supreme.

Use muted floors, walls and sofas

Keep walls, floors and sofas simple and indulge in inexpensive items like cushions and lampshades for personality.

Adding one accessory that is oversized and out of proportion will make a room look far more interesting yet balanced when paired with a mute canvas.


If you can’t afford an interior designer for the entire project, consider hiring an interior designer to edit your decoration.

Similar to hiring an editor for a book project, an interior designer knows when to add elements and when to take them away.

They might tell you that there’s one too much of this element or that two elements are weakening one another.
Keep the receipts from your purchases and get the strongest composition from your efforts.


Bedroom Makeover: The Best Bedding Materials for Each Season

Guest Post by Dennis Hamming

Part of building a new home or renovating an existing home is getting the chance to decorate the bedroom of your dreams.

While it is fun to pick out new colors for your walls and other static elements of your room, you also have to think about bedding.

Bedding is something that can be switched out regularly, allowing you to easily switch up the look of your room without spending a ton of money. . . . but bedding is so much more than just a decoration.

Bedding affects how you sleep at night.

The right material and quality will make you feel more comfortable at night, which can improve the quality of your sleep.

The right type of bedding varies by season and temperature, so whenever you begin your bedroom makeover, consider picking up several sets of bedding that you can rotate throughout the year.

Lighter colors in warm weather, dark colors in cold weather

The color of your bedding does play a small role in keeping you comfortable.

Lighter colors, such as white or a pastel color, work best during the summer because lighter colors tend not to absorb as much body heat.

Darker colors, such as grey or navy, absorb body heat as well as sunlight, which can keep you warmer on a cool winter’s night.

Flannel and Oxford sheets help keep you warm

Flannel sheets are extremely soft and cozy, making them perfect for winter, ohwever, pilling is common with flannel sheets.

Oxford sheets are often more sustainable and thicker than other types of sheets, making them ideal for fall and winter nights.

They’re a great choice for when you want to keep warm, but don’t necessarily want the pile that comes with flannel sheets.

Both flannel and oxford sheets come in a variety of colors and patterns.

Cotton sheets are good all year long

Cotton percale sheets are extremely popular because they can be used all year long.

The tight weave of these type of sheets makes them breathable.

During the summer months, they remain nice and cool to help keep you comfortable in hot weather, and during the winter months, they can be used under thicker comforters to help keep you warm without getting overheated.

Goose down in the winter, duck down in the summer

Fluffy down comforters can be used all year long, however, goose feathers tend to insulate more heat than duck feathers do.

Down comforters are known for being durable, comfortable, and warm.

While it is true that down comforters trap heat better than other types of comforters, you can find lightweight down comforter options that have a lower fill power.

The lower the fill power on a down comforter, the less heat they’ll trap.

Merino wool comforters can be used in any season

Most associate wool with being a warm material to keep you warm in the winter, but merino wool is actually good for both hot and cold weather.

Merino wool comforters wick moisture away from your body.

This helps regulate your body temperature, keeping you cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Merino tend to have more weight to them than down comforters.

Fleece or electric blankets add extra warmth

If you want to make your bed even toastier in the warmer months, add a fleece or electric blanket to your bed.

Fleece is a lightweight material, but it is also thermal and soft, making itideal for snuggling up under when you need some extra warmth.

If you’re really snuggling to get rid of the winter chills, consider using an electric blanket.

Electric blankets come with heating wires that can be adjusted to find the perfect cozy temperature for you.

Electric blankets should only be used while you’re awake because the wires within them can overheat and cause
a fire.

Knitted tweed is super breathable for summer

If you want a blanket to snuggle with during the summer, but don’t want to overheat, consider using a knitted tweed blanket.

The stitching of knitted tweed blankets isn’t very tight, making the fabric extremely breathable.

While knitted tweed is still cozy and comfortable for snuggling, you won’t run the risk of overheating.

Concluding thoughts

Redecorating your bedroom is great, but you’ll want to choose practical bedding choices that allow you to stay comfortable all year long.

Certain fabrics, such as cotton or down, are great all year long.

Other fabrics, such as flannel and fleece, are recommended for use in the cooler months.

Of course, you should also take into consideration if you’re a hot sleeper or a cold sleeper when choosing your bedding.

Asphalt vs. Concrete Driveway: What It Costs to Repair and How They’re Best Fixed

Guest Post by Andrea Estrada

Driveway repairs aren’t a simple DIY unless you are familiar with the necessary tools and are capable of hard physical labour. We explore what it would cost you to hire a professional who won’t sacrifice quality for the sake of meeting your price point..

Your driveway is one of the first exterior features of your home.

Over the years, the material used to lay out driveways can deteriorate due to wear and tear brought on by harsh seasons, and heavy use.


Its important to give a good first impression to visitors and, in the future, prospective purchasers.

It’s crucial to consider how the driveway contributes to the whole external appearance

If you’re looking for architects to advise on a renovation project, or even home construction  click for more info to get started.

In this post, we seek to inform you about the costs and popular ways both concrete and asphalt driveway repairs are carried out.

Concrete Driveways

Concrete driveways normally fail due to bad cracking which allows water into the foundation.

If it is a single slab it may be possible to just replace that slab at a cost of around $200 – $250 per square metre,including removing the old slab.

If it is several slabs its probably going to most effective to rebuild the whole driveway.

With a larger project cost are more likely to be in the $150 – $200 per square metre range .

If you want a different appearance to plain concrete, such as exposed aggregate expect to pay an extra $15 – $20 per square metre

Obtain driveway removal quotes from more than one concretors and check some of their past projects so you have a good idea of the quality to expect.

Once the concrete is placed avoid driving on it for at least seven days.

Asphalt Driveway

Asphalt driveways are cheaper to build and repair than concrete driveways although they won’t last as long as a well constructed concrete drive.

Expect to save 40 percent of the construction costs compared with concrete for a full construction construction, and can use the driveway immediately after repair or paving.

The darker coloured driveway helps to hide any oil leaks .

In some cases an asphalt drive can be repaired, to as new condition, by simply laying a 25mm layer of asphalt over the existing material for much greater saving.

This type of repair would cost anywhere from A$30/m2 to A$40/m2; rates vary by the job which is why it’s advisable to contact a few asphalt laying specialist to procure a precise quote.

Again make sure you check a couple of past projects

Final Thoughts

As is evident by this point, asphalt driveways are cheaper to pave and repair than concrete driveways.

However, different climatic conditions in Australia can impact both driveways differently, which could cause you to rethink your choice.

Usually, asphalt  is more affordable in Western Australia compared with the Eastern States.

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