Reliable and Efficient Hot Water System Services: Ensuring Comfort and Efficiency

Guest Post by Alexa Garcia

Hot water is an essential utility, integral to daily life, from showering to cooking and cleaning.

Ensuring that your hot water system is functioning efficiently and reliably is crucial.

This article explores the area’s leading hot water systems services, highlighting their solutions and why they stand out.

Importance of Hot Water Systems

Hot water systems are the cornerstones of modern living.

A malfunctioning system can lead to significant inconveniences, affecting daily routines and comfort.

Choosing a service provider that guarantees efficiency, reliability, and quick response times is essential.

There are a variety of hot water system service providers who specialise in installation, maintenance, and repair, ensuring homeowners have access to continuous and reliable hot water.

Types of Hot Water Systems

Understanding the types of hot water systems available is essential when selecting the right one for your home or business. The main types in order of increased running costs include:

  1. Heat Pump Systems: These are highly efficient, using the ambient air to heat the water. They are an excellent option for reducing their carbon footprint and energy consumption.
  2. Solar Hot Water Systems: Leveraging the abundant sunlight of Australia, solar hot water systems are an eco-friendly option. They use solar panels to heat the water, significantly reducing energy bills and environmental impacts. They are usualy boosted either by electricity or gas
  3. Electric hot water systems: These are popular for their ease of installation and reliability. They use an electric element to heat the water and are suitable for households with moderately hot water needs.
  4. Gas Hot Water Systems: As the cost of gas has increased these systems are becoming less popular. LPG in particular has the highest cost.

Choosing the Right Hot Water System

Selecting the right hot water system depends on various factors, including household size, water usage, budget, and environmental considerations.

Here are some tips to help you choose the best system:

  1. Assess Your Needs: Determine the hot water requirements of your household. Larger families typically need systems with a higher capacity and continuous flow.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Consider energy-efficient systems to reduce utility bills and environmental impact. Solar and heat pump systems are excellent choices for eco-conscious consumers.
  3. Budget: Evaluate your budget for the initial installation and long-term operating costs. While solar systems have higher upfront costs, they offer significant savings over time.
  4. Space: Consider the space available for installation. Some systems, like solar panels, require more space, while others, like tankless systems, are more compact.
  5. Professional Advice: Consult with professionals for expert advice tailored to your needs. Reputable service providers like those mentioned above can guide you in making an informed decision.

Maintenance and Repair Services

Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity and efficiency of hot water systems.

Leading service providers offer comprehensive maintenance packages, ensuring your system operates smoothly and efficiently.

Regular maintenance includes:

  1. Inspection: Routine inspections to identify potential issues before they become major problems.
  2. Cleaning: Cleaning of tanks and components to prevent sediment build-up and ensure efficient operation.
  3. Parts Replacement: Timely replacement of worn-out parts to maintain system efficiency and prevent breakdowns.
  4. System Testing: Comprehensive testing to ensure the system is operating at optimal performance.Emergency repair services are also vital, as hot water system failures can occur unexpectedly.

Reliable service providers offer prompt and efficient emergency repair services, minimising downtime and inconvenience.

Sustainable Hot Water Solutions

As the world moves towards sustainability, many homeowners are opting for eco-friendly hot water solutions.

Solar hot water systems and heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular due to their low environmental impact and cost savings.

By choosing sustainable hot water systems, you can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving natural resources.

Reliable and efficient hot water systems are essential for comfortable living.

With a variety of service providers offering top-notch installation, maintenance, and repair services, residents can enjoy a continuous and reliable hot water supply.

By understanding your needs and consulting with professionals, you can choose the right system that meets your requirements and budget.

Regular maintenance and opting for sustainable solutions can further enhance the efficiency and longevity of your hot water system, ensuring a comfortable and eco-friendly living environment.

Interior Fashion

When we looked at remodelling our first house in 1976 the fashion colours for bathrooms fittings were avocado, like this photo, and sepia.

I really thought avocado would look nice………How very 70’s, or even how very early 70’s!

It was a good thing we decided to stick with white!

Although I have to be honest at the time the main reason was cost, because we could use the existing toilet that was white.

What I have come to realise if something is very fashionable it usually means it quickly gets out of date.

One thing that taught me early on was although its interesting to look at all the nice new designs of fittings and fixtures you should try and pick things that won’t date.

Even though you are building a house for you to live in for several years you don’t want a dated look when you come to sell.

Before you get carried away with a lot of ornamentation remember this will date faster than anything else and the ornamentation will be difficult to keep clean for a lifetime.

Some of trends I have seen a lot of recently are:

  • Mini down lights. We caught the down lights trend in 1991 when they used standard incandescent 100w bulbs. My worst lighting decision ever!
  • Stainless steel worktops, which has taken over from polished granite
  • Feature walls, why would you pay hundreds of dollars for something you could paint yourself in a couple of hours with $50 of paint.
  • Free standing cast iron baths, but how many of us have a bath and how do you clean round them?

How dated will these things look in five years time?

One Of My Mistakes

I have to admit one trend I did get caught up in, in 1991, was having a two person spa bath.

It was only used by two of us once, and only used about 5 or 6 times in the ten years we lived at that house.

Some Advice

The best advice I can give is:

  • White bathroom fittings.
  • Light wood doors on kitchen units.
  • Neutral tones for carpets and tiles.

This make the house more of a blank canvas where you can show of your fashionable items like rugs, carpets, paintings, painted walls and furniture. At least they are easier to replace when fashion changes.

How have you become an Interior fashion victim?

For similar posts see Selection


How Often Should You Hire Carpet Cleaning Experts?

Guest Post by Muntaha Anwaar

Carpets bring warmth and comfort to any home but require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best.

If you’re wondering how often you should hire carpet cleaning experts in Melbourne, you’re not alone.

Proper carpet care not only enhances the appearance of your home but also contributes to a healthier indoor environment.

In this guide, we’ll explore the factors determining the frequency of professional carpet cleaning and provide practical tips to help you make informed decisions.

Understanding Carpet Cleaning Frequencies

The frequency of carpet cleaning depends on various factors, such as:

  • Foot Traffic: The more foot traffic your carpets endure, the more frequently they need cleaning. Homes with children, pets, or frequent visitors may require more frequent cleaning to remove dirt, stains, and allergens that accumulate over time.
  • Indoor Air Quality: Carpets act as filters for indoor air, trapping dust, pollen, and other particles. Regular cleaning helps maintain good indoor air quality and reduces the buildup of allergens that can affect respiratory health. This is especially important for households in Melbourne, where pollen and dust can be significant concerns.
  • Pets: If you have pets, especially those that shed fur or dander, your carpets may need more frequent cleaning. Pet odours and stains can be stubborn and require professional cleaning to remove them effectively.
  • Allergies and Health Concerns: Regular carpet cleaning is crucial for individuals with allergies or respiratory issues. Clean carpets help reduce allergens and improve indoor air quality, providing a healthier living environment.

Recommended Carpet Cleaning Schedule

Based on these factors, here’s a general guideline for how often you should consider hiring carpet cleaning experts:

  • Every 6-12 Months: For households with average foot traffic and no specific allergy concerns.
  • Every 3-6 Months: For homes with children, pets, or smokers.
  • Every 2-3 Months: For households with individuals who suffer from allergies or respiratory sensitivities.

However, these are general recommendations.

Your specific circumstances may require more frequent cleaning sessions, especially if you notice visible stains, odours, or a decline in indoor air quality.

Signs Your Carpets Need Cleaning

Apart from following a schedule, there are signs to watch for that indicate your carpets need professional cleaning:

  • Visible Stains and Spills: If you notice stains that regular vacuuming or spot cleaning doesn’t remove.
  • Persistent Odors: Lingering smells, especially pet odours or musty smells, indicate deep-seated dirt and bacteria.
  • Allergy Symptoms: Increased allergy symptoms or respiratory issues among household members may indicate a buildup of allergens in the carpet fibres.

DIY vs. Professional Cleaning

While regular vacuuming and spot cleaning can help maintain carpets, they are not a substitute for professional cleaning.

Professional carpet cleaners use specialized equipment and techniques to clean carpets, effectively removing embedded dirt, allergens, and stains that household methods may miss.

Choosing the Right Carpet Cleaning Service in Melbourne

Choosing the right carpet cleaning service in Melbourne is crucial to ensure your carpets receive the best care and maintenance.

Here are seven additional points to consider when making your decision:

  • Experience and Expertise: When selecting a carpet cleaning service in Melbourne, prioritize experience and expertise. Look for companies with extensive industry knowledge and skilled technicians who understand various carpet types and effective cleaning methods.
  • Insurance and Licensing: Verify that the carpet cleaning company is fully insured and licensed. This protects you in case of any accidents or damages during the cleaning process.
  • Free Estimates: When selecting a carpet cleaning service in Melbourne, opt for those offering free estimates. This allows you to compare pricing and services upfront, ensuring transparency and helping you make an informed decision that fits your budget and needs.
  • Green Cleaning Practices: If you’re concerned about environmental impact, inquire about the company’s eco-friendly cleaning practices. Many services now offer safe green cleaning solutions for your family and the environment.
  • Customer Satisfaction Guarantee: A reputable carpet cleaning service should guarantee satisfaction. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, this ensures they will re-clean the area at no extra charge or provide a refund.
  • Availability and Flexibility: Consider a company that offers flexible scheduling options to accommodate your busy lifestyle. Whether you need evening, weekend, or emergency services, choose a company that can meet your needs.
  • References and Reviews: Before hiring a carpet cleaning service in Melbourne, review their references and online reviews. Positive feedback from previous clients indicates reliability and quality service, helping you gauge their reputation and trustworthiness before making a decision.
  • Additional Services: Some carpet cleaning companies offer additional services such as upholstery cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, and even water damage restoration. Choosing a company that provides multiple services can be convenient and cost-effective.


Regular carpet cleaning is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy home environment.

You can determine the optimal cleaning schedule by understanding your household’s needs and the factors influencing carpet cleanliness.

Whether you need seasonal deep cleaning or more frequent maintenance, Wizard Cleaning is here to help.

With a professional carpet cleaning services, you can ensure your carpets remain clean, fresh, and allergen-free year-round.

By following these guidelines, you can keep your carpets looking their best and contribute to a healthier indoor environment for you and your loved ones.

Waffle Pod Raft Slab

A ‘Waffle Pod’ slab is now probably the most common Concrete ‘Raft’ House base.

It has generally taken over from the Conventional Raft Foundation.

It’s an example of composite construction with polystyrene pods forming the voids in the underside of the concrete ‘Waffle’.

This photo shows some of the pods, with the reinforcement fixed over them, prior to placing the concrete.


  • Cost
  • No trenches resulting in:
    • Simpler excavation; and
    • Flat sub-base means site is easier to keep dry than trenches that collect water.
  • Waffle Pods bring house further out of ground so in an area that is wet the higher the better.
  • Better insulation from the ground meaning the floor will warm up quickly from cold when you put the heating on. (especially if you go for in slab heating)


  • More susceptible to bad workmanship – If the pods move during placing of the concrete.
  • More susceptible to bad drainage which can lead to soil heave if building on reactive clay
  • Lower thermal mass so less suited to passive solar design.
  • Thinner slab (typically 75mm rather than 100mm) means may it not be as resistant to point loads such as jacking a car. Some people specify 100mm thickness for the garage floor.
  • A thicker overall slab may be needed if you want Floor Drains (To allow for the dropped floor in those rooms)

Problem Sites

If  your block has difficult ground conditions its still possible to use a waffle pod slab with:


Also see Ground Conditions


The Role and Importance of A Commercial Electrician

Guest Post by Alexia Garcia

The need for proficient and dependable commercial electricians is continually rising.

These specialists are integral to maintaining the safety, functionality, and efficiency of electrical systems within various commercial environments.

This article explores the responsibilities, qualifications, and significance of commercial electricians.

Responsibilities of a Commercial Electrician

A commercial electrician Brisbane handles numerous tasks crucial for the seamless operation of businesses and commercial establishments.
Their duties include:

  1. Installation: They set up electrical systems in new buildings, adhering to local codes and regulations. This encompasses wiring, lighting, and other electrical components.
  2. Maintenance and Repair: Regular upkeep and timely repairs of electrical systems are necessary to avoid business disruptions. Commercial electricians diagnose and resolve issues efficiently.
  3. Upgrades and Renovations: As technology advances, businesses must modernise their electrical systems. Commercial electricians facilitate the installation of new equipment and the updating of old systems to align with contemporary standards.
  4. Safety Inspections: Conducting safety inspections to spot potential hazards and confirm that electrical systems meet regulatory standards is a primary responsibility. They offer recommendations to enhance safety and efficiency.
  5. Emergency Services: Electrical emergencies can happen at any time. Commercial electricians provide round-the-clock emergency services to address urgent issues affecting business operations.

Qualifications and Training

Becoming a commercial electrician requires extensive training and proper certifications.
Key qualifications include:

  1. Education: A high school diploma or equivalent is usually required. Many prospective electricians complete a technical school program or an apprenticeship offering practical experience.
  2. Apprenticeship: Completing an apprenticeship under the guidance of experienced electricians is essential. This hands-on training lasts several years, covering various aspects of commercial electrical work.
  3. Licensing: Electricians must acquire a license to practice legally. This involves passing a comprehensive exam that tests knowledge of electrical theory, code regulations, and practical skills.
  4. Ongoing Education: The electrical field is always evolving. Electricians must stay current with the latest technologies, codes, and safety practices through continuous education and training.

The Impact of Commercial Electricians

Commercial electricians are indispensable to the economic and operational health of Brisbane.
Their significance is evident in several areas:

  1. Business Continuity: Reliable electrical systems are vital for the uninterrupted operation of businesses. Commercial electricians make sure electrical problems do not interfere with productivity and business activities.
  2. Safety: Electrical safety is paramount in commercial settings. Proper installation, maintenance, and inspections by qualified electricians prevent accidents, fires, and other hazards.
  3. Energy Efficiency: With the increasing focus on sustainability, commercial electricians assist businesses in reducing energy consumption through efficient electrical designs and the installation of energy-saving devices.
  4. Compliance: Adherence to local electrical codes and regulations is mandatory. Commercial electricians ensure that businesses meet these standards, avoiding legal issues and potential fines.
  5. Innovation: As businesses incorporate new technologies, commercial electricians play a pivotal role in integrating these advancements into existing systems, ensuring smooth operation and enhanced capabilities.

Choosing the Right Commercial Electrician

Selecting the appropriate commercial electrician involves considering several factors:

  1. Experience and Expertise: Seek electricians with substantial experience in commercial projects similar to yours.
  2. Reputation: Check reviews, testimonials, and references to gauge the electrician’s reputation and reliability.
  3. Certification and Licensing: Confirm that the electrician holds the necessary certifications and licenses.
  4. Insurance: Ensure that the electrician has adequate insurance coverage to protect against potential liabilities.
  5. Cost and Estimates: Obtain detailed quotes and compare prices, but do not sacrifice quality for lower costs.


Commercial electricians are essential to business infrastructure.

Their expertise ensures that businesses run smoothly, safely, and efficiently.

By understanding their roles, qualifications, and the impact they have, businesses can make well-informed decisions when selecting a commercial electrician, thus securing their electrical systems and contributing to overall success.

Boundary Fence Fail

Driving along a quiet Werribee Street  I had to stop to take a picture of this!

Are they trying to recreate the Berlin Wall?

Is it a World War 2 buff trying to create his own Colditz?

Is that square cover in the nature strip the escape tunnel exit?

All it needs is a  watchtower and searchlights to convince me!


For more Fails and Unusual Houses go to What the………………….?


The Benefits of Plantation Shutters in Your Bathroom

Guest post by Jelle Verbruggen

Window coverings in a bathroom must be, first and foremost, practical.

Fortunately, shutters offer a permanent solution for your home.

Plantation shutters are perfect for bathrooms.

They are easy to clean, provide unmatched privacy, and promote ventilation to combat mould and mildew.

Elegant louvres offer infinite adjustability, allowing you to strike the perfect balance between natural light and privacy.

In addition to their functionality, bathroom shutters are incredibly stylish.

With a wide range of colours and styles available, shutters are an excellent way to complement your bathroom’s interior design.
Keep reading to learn more about the benefits that make plantation shutters the best choice for a bathroom.

Quality Polymer Shutters Stand Up to Bathroom Humidity

When it comes to selecting the right window covering for your bathroom, moisture resistance is the most essential characteristic to consider.

You don’t want to end up with soaked blinds that retain moisture—even a few drops of water can harbour bacteria and make the blades bow or warp if exposed to rapid temperature shifts.

The Australian-madeMYT bathroom shutters are crafted from a specially formulated virgin polymer and further reinforced with a patented aluminium core to provide:

      • Lasting durability
      • Exceptional moisture resistance
      • Splashproof surface
      • Fade-resistant colour finish
      • Lightweight construction

Additionally, polymer shutters are incredibly easy to clean and maintain.

Simply wipe them down occasionally for a hygienic and pristine bathroom with minimal effort.

More Light, Enhanced Privacy

A common issue Australian homeowners face is a lack of natural light in their bathrooms.

Bathroom windows tend to be much smaller than regular windows to ensure privacy while still letting some light and air in for ventilation.

Adding window coverings to these small windows can further restrict natural light, making tiny bathroom spaces feel even more cramped and dark.

The good news is that there’s a solution that doesn’t make any compromises.

MYT’s made-to-measure polymer shutters feature a robust 40mm side stile, which allows significantly more light through than the standard 51mm stile seen on other plantation shutters.

This unique design lets you enjoy a brighter bathroom without sacrificing control over your privacy.

Stay Comfortable, Save on Bills

Nobody likes a chilly bathroom in winter or a hot and steamy one in summer.

Fortunately, plantation shutters are a long-lasting solution that helps create a more comfortable year-round temperature in Australian homes.

The perfect fit also gives you more light and air control over your bathroom.

Dual closure blades that open and close both ways let you effortlessly fine-tune your bathroom’s climate:

      • Tilt the blades up to circulate warm air out on hot summer days.
      • Tilt the blades down to trap warm air in winter while still allowing excess moisture and humidity to escape.

The Most Sustainable Option

The most sustainable window coverings are the ones that can stand the test of time.

In the manufacturing facilities in Seven Hills, Sydney, MYT Shutters works tirelessly to ensure that its shutters are crafted with exceptional quality and durability.

Unlike blinds and curtains that require frequent replacements, bathroom plantation shutters are a permanent and sustainable household upgrade built to last a lifetime.

Crafted with an impressively dimensionally stable polymer and a patented aluminium core, these shutters can withstand the extreme temperature swings and humidity levels of a bathroom environment.

To minimise the ecological impact of its production processes, MYT Shutters only uses water-based, low-VOC paints, filters and reuses its water, recycles 100% of the cut-offs, and uses 100% polystyrene-free, fully recyclable packaging.

Match Your Bathroom Design

Your bathroom reflects your unique taste.

That’s why MYT Shutters offers custom colour matching to ensure your new shutters blend flawlessly with the rest of your bathroom.

The silky-smooth finish is unparalleled and won’t lose its pristine shine, even after prolonged exposure to humid bathroom environments.

Visit your local MYT dealer to learn more about the diverse range of shutter systems, colours, and design options.

Building On Fill – Concrete Piers

Its not unusual for the Site Investigation Report for your new house to reveal loose fill materials above a more stable clay or rock.

It might also reveal the soil is in poor condition.

To deal with the problem of building on poor ground concrete piers are a commonly used solution.

These are basically a hole that is excavated through the poor material and into the top of good ground. The hole is then backfilled with concrete to the level of the underside of the slab.

When they are finished you have a flat site with piers visible as concrete ‘pads’  (like the photo below), ready for the slab to be constructed

You don’t have to have Concrete piers over the whole site, just the parts where there will be fill, or weaker soil between the bottom of the slab and the stronger soils.

The following diagram shows a typical slab on a cut and fill site with piers excavated through the fill to the good ground.

See the following link for an alternative to Concrete Piers: Screw Piles.

The Slab over the piers is likely to be either a Waffle Pod Raft or a Conventional Raft Slab

When the site investigation indicates fill the builder will often put in a Provisional Sum for the estimated metresdepth of concrete piers.

At the time of construction they will drill down to  good ground in the fill areas and calculate the actual metres you will need to pay for.

If your whole house is on ‘Controlled Fill‘ You may not need to use concrete piers.


Lots more information in the anewhouse Guide to Buying a Block for only $4

See Ground Conditions for more about your new house foundations.


Building Insurance: What Is It & Do I Need It For My Property?

Guest Post by Hubert Dwight

Are you in the process of purchasing your dream home?

Maybe you’ve just stepped into the enchanting world of homeownership in your warm, cosy abode.

Now, you’re pondering on that next important unanswered question of building insurance.

Perhaps you wonder if protecting your investment is necessary or if adequate coverage already shields your current residence.

No matter where you stand on the homeownership journey, the importance of building insurance cannot be overstated.

From new acquisition to long time loved dwelling, a building insurance policy is the essential safeguard for both, and we’re about to explain why. So, read on to find out more. 

What Is Building Insurance? 

Building insurance acts as a financial safety net for your property, protecting you from a vast number of potential risks and unforeseen events.

From natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes to disasters like fires, theft, vandalism, and an endless array of mishaps, building insurance is designed to protect your property from a plethora of threats.

In essence, building insurance is like a sturdy safety net that’s meticulously woven to protect your home from those darned curveballs that life often throws our way.

Whether it’s a sudden burst pipe that’s flooded your basement, a tree branch that’s crashed through your roof during a storm or other property landscaping mishaps, or a breaking and entering that’s left your premises ransacked, building insurance is there to help shoulder the costs and repair the damage. 

Why Building Insurance Matters

Imagine forking over all your savings to repair extensive damage to your property leaving you out of pocket and emotionally exhausted.

There really isn’t anything worse, particularly when we’re all right smack in the middle of a major cost of living crisis. We cringe at the thought.

This is why building insurance is not a luxury, but rather, a quintessential essential for any homeowner looking to safeguard their investment and ensure their assets are adequately protected against life’s little uncertainties.

While no amount of money can replace those irreplaceable, sentimental items (we’re looking at you, nan’s stamp collection), building insurance provides owners with a scaffolding to rely on.

With the financial resources to repair or rebuild your home after an unforeseen disaster or unhappy event, building insurance leaves you free to move on and rebuild your life and memories that money can’t buy.

New Homeowners VS Existing Properties 

For first-time homeowners, ready to step eagerly into the world of property ownership, building insurance is the peace of mind that allows you to move into your dream home.

It keeps your humble abode safe and sound.

That way, you can enjoy the fresh paint and crisp new carpets with the knowledge that you’re covered.

Building insurance remains just as crucial well into your homeowner years.

Whether you’ve only just signed on the dotted line of your first mortgage to own your place, recently renovated and flipped, or just love where you live – having the right insurance policy in place is imperative.

You never know what will happen, it’s a practical necessity to ensure your investment is protected and your property maintains its value.

How Can I Choose The Right Building Insurance Policy? 

Selecting the right building insurance policy means first understanding the specific risks your property faces.

The right coverage level for your property will depend on your location, your home’s age and condition, and the weather patterns your home is subject to.

By evaluating your risks carefully, you can ensure your insurance coverage protects your home against major threats.

But we get it. Even with an array of building insurance policy options and providers on the market, selecting a policy is a pretty daunting task.

You may even suffer from analysis paralysis, and we can totally relate.

By comparing quotes, reading the fine print and understanding coverage limits and exclusions, you can make an informed decision based on your needs and your budget. 

Don’t stress, take your time, shop around and ask questions if you need to.

Most policy providers will be more than happy to assist you in finding the right coverage for your needs.

Your building insurance is a significant investment in your home’s future, and it’s essential to take the time to choose wisely.

Peace of Mind for Every Homeowner

Building insurance is something no homeowner can afford to be without.

Whether you’re about to purchase your first home or have been a property owner for years, it is the safety net that protects your investment.

It ensuring that accidents, natural erosion, or unforeseen circumstances won’t ruin your home and your finances along with it.

Just as you’ve invested in health insurance and car insurance to protect yourself and your gorgeous set of wheels, why not ensure your property receives the same level of care and protection? 

So, don’t wait until it’s too late — invest in building insurance today, and have that added peace of mind knowing your property is amply protected, come what may.

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