Mission Control

Although we have a study in our house most of the organising the household, paying our bills, writing letters and using the laptop happens on the kitchen counter. So do we really need the study?

If I was going to build again I would probably look to organise the kitchen area differently and set up a ‘Mission Control’ next to the kitchen bench. This would consist of a filing cabinet, with some shelves on top for:

  • A computer printer.
  • A rack of filing trays for printer paper, and envelopes.
  • A stand for bills to be paid.
  • A cordless phone charger (perhaps with mobile and Skype there is now no need for the cordless phone!)
  • A cup with some pens and pencils.
  • A phone point for the wireless router.

I would also want a drawer near the counter for sticky tape, more pens, blue tack staples, paper clips etc. Next to the filing cabinet would be the shredder which could then be emptied into the kitchen compost bin.

All this would save the cost of having the study and be far more convenient for the everyday paperwork around the house.

The only trouble with this idea is you could be too close to those jars of tempting biscuits! . . . . . (See this link:  Is Modern Kitchen Design Making Us Fat?)

If you had a Mission Control what would you want in it?

For other posts on planning your home see Design


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