If you live in an area that could be subject to wildfire having a bushfire water storage is important . . . . . . Even if you have mains water supply!
Public water mains only have limited capacity. . . . . . . . In a bush fire situation Fire Trucks will be sucking water out of the mains and your neighbours will want to have their hoses running. The result can be you get nothing, or just a trickle of water.
If you are building a new house in an area that has a bushfire risk then there will often be a council requirement to have a bushfire storage tank. With an existing house in the bush you also should consider adding a bushfire reserve water tank
Your Bushfire Reserve supply should be set up so the water cannot be used up in normal domestic use.
The tank should be located where the it can be readily seen and accessed by the Fire Brigade. The outlet with a connection that meets the State Fire Brigade requirements. (Check your local State Fire Service website for current details of minimum size, location, arrangement, and signing ).
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