Electrical – Rough In

‘Rough In’ is the installation of the electrical cables, and conduits before the insulation and plasterboard are fixed.Electrical plates

It includes installing the mounting plates and boxes which will be used to fix the power outlets and light switches.

This is also a good time to install data cables.


Here are some things to look out for:

  • Cables in the ceiling should be clipped high enough so that they are above the insulation (this is to stop them overheating)
  • Any cable that has to pass through a timber frame member should go through a hole drilled in the centre to protect from later plasterboard fixings.
  • Cable runs in walls should  be either vertical or horizontal (something to remember when you are drilling walls after the house is built)
  • Wiring grommets (see photo on right) are used to protect the cable as it passes any sharp metal edges (eg switch boxes or steel frames)
  • Proper wire anchoring. The wires should be attached to wall studs to secure them. The first clip no further than 100mm from a fitting and then around 300mm thereafter.
  • Check power outlets, lights, and switch points are in the locations that you have asked for.
  • Are power outlet and switch heights consistent. Typically, power outlets, are 100mm above the floor and switches are 1200mm from the floor unless otherwise specified (e,g higher power outlets if you are planning for wheelchair accessibility)


NB I am not an electrician so this may not be a complete list. . . . if you have any suggestions please leave a comment!


Decor Ideas for a Gorgeous Outdoor Space

Guest post by George Z

A beautiful outdoor space is a great addition to any home, particularly if you love lounging, entertaining or just relaxing with friends and family on a warm day.

An excellently designed outdoor space has a stunning effect on the general appearance of a home.

Here is a brief rundown of four tips that will come in handy in ensuring your outdoor space is not only breathtaking but also homely and practical.

Creatively Incorporate a Fireplace into Your Outdoor Space

Contrary to popular misconception a fireplace is not reserved for indoor décor but can be a great focal point for an outdoor space.

Based on preference you can either go for a portable or permanent fireplace.

A portable fireplace is a great option as it gives you the freedom to change location.

On the other hand, a permanent outdoor fireplace is also a viable option as it adds a touch of luxury to your outdoor space.

Let your outdoor space act as a gathering area with some furniture around it and it will act as a serene and beautiful place to converse or read a book.


Add Colour and Drama to Your Outdoor Space by including Living Walls

Instead of boring walls make your outdoor space more lively and dramatic using plant walls.

Plants on walls not only beautify your outdoor space but also eliminate unsightly and boring blank walls.

The idea of plant walls is amazing as it equates to literally having a vertical gardening.

Based on your preference you can either go for annual plants, edibles or perennials.

For décor and style reasons it is better to choose plants that have varying textures and have different floral hues.

This will create a beautiful contrast that will make your outdoor space stand out.

Another option is to choose artificial plants.

As stated on BuildMat plant walls page, they “instantly add life and colour to any indoor or outdoor surface” and “their real power comes from their capacity to encourage healthy living”.

Enhance the Visual Appeal of Your Outdoor Space by Incorporating Artistic Accessories

Add sculptures or beautiful statues that will make your garden more stylish and artsy.i

Depending on your taste go for sculptures with sentimental value such as your favourite animal or alternatively go for statues with historical significance such as Roman and Greek sculptures.

Also include other artistic elements such as intricately shaping the plants that are on walls or even mosaic pavers.

This will add personality and pizazz to your outdoor space.

Make use of artistic ornaments made from different materials ranging from metal and plastic to stone and ceramic.

Strategically place all artistic elements at locations where they stand out such as close to flowers with contrasting colours or alternatively make these artistic pieces a centrepiece in your outdoor space.

Add a Water Feature into Your Outdoor Space

Enhance your outdoor space by adding a water feature, particularly if you want to bring your garden to life.

You can either design your own water feature as a DIY project or opt for a store bought manufactured one.

Keep in mind that you should choose an outdoor water feature that complements the décor of your outdoor garden.


These tips will help in transforming your outdoor space to an outdoor room that is an extension of your home and reflects your personal style.

Protecting the Planet with Sustainable Kit Homes

Guest post by Andre Smith

In the past, home construction relied heavily on safety and aesthetics without giving much thought to where the supplies were coming from.

However, that trend is changing as people look for ways to be eco-friendlier in their daily lives.

If you’re ready to build your dream home, then consider a sustainable home.

In addition to featuring earth-friendly building materials, they’re also more energy efficient so that you can keep your utility bills down in the future.

Steel is the New Wood

Wood-framed houses are giving way to sustainable steel structures that go up faster, last longer, and are completely recyclable.

Steel buildings will never fall prey to insects like termites and ants.

They’re especially coated to prevent rot and ensure that your new structure lasts for generations to come.

With a great range of colours available, you can choose the perfect shade and avoid the hassle of painting your new home exterior.

Another great benefit of steel is the superior strength to weight ratio.

You can easily span greater distances using less material, and that results in a more aesthetically pleasing finish.

You’ll  create a more open floor plan while saving a good deal of money on labour and supplies.

Finally, steel is 100% recyclable, so any scrap materials can be reclaimed and put to another use.

Passive Utilities

Rather than focusing on how a home looks, the sustainable builder focuses on how a home will work with the surrounding environment.

With passive design options, you can take advantage of the climate to reduce heating and cooling bills.

This is why you need to work with a team that will come out and survey your land.

When your home is oriented to the site based on prevalent breezes and the path of the sun, it’s easy to keep your property cool and comfortable without relying heavily on your air condition.

In addition to placing your home properly to take advantage of the sun in the winter, you can also have well shaded exterior windows and doors to easily keep everything cool in the summer.

Move to the Insulation

Wood has a natural insulating factor, but that doesn’t mean that you should rely on it when building.

Steel homes use insulation to effectively minimise heat transfer.

Homes should also be effectively sealed to stop air leaks in a passiv manner to helps you lower energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions.

Condensation can become a problem in some cases, but knowledgeable builders know how to keep the air circulating in your home so that this won’t be an issue for you.

Focus on Thermal Mass

The right structure will also keep a focus on building materials with higher thermal mass.

Wood doesn’t retain temperatures very well, but concrete, brick, tiles, and metal are all excellent at storing heat.

Their higher thermal mass helps you lower energy bills in a sustainable home.

The materials should be integrated as part of a passive design system, but your kit home will already take this into account.

Water for the Future

Sustainable home designs in Australia look beyond the heating and cooling to look at water conservation.

Living in a dry climate, it’s important to be mindful of water usage.

With carefully planned kit homes, you can reduce the quantity of water consumed with improving the quality of storm and wastewater.

This is accomplished by including features such as:

  • Water efficient interior fixtures
  • Landscaping using native plants
  • Collection tanks fed by the stormtroughs
  • Greywater systems that allow some domestic water to be reused

Solar Solutions

One great benefit of living in Australia is that the regular sunshine can provide you with an alternate power source.

Modern sustainable kit homes make excellent use of solar power for appliances, lights, and even hot water.

Rather than relying on the traditional power grid, you can lower your energy bills drastically by turning to the sun for all of your power needs.

You can also choose wind systems for your kit home if you live in an area with enough open space.

This allows you to use renewable energy at night and during the rainy season.

The houses go up fast, and they last as long as traditional designs.

However, with some planning and passive additions, they can work with the local environment to provide you with a more enjoyable living space.


You may be asked “Do you want a Caveat” before you buy land for your new house.

I think it depends on what sort of land you are buying:

  • If I was buying a block on a new large sub division I wouldn’t bother.
  • However If I was looking at an existing property to knock down and rebuild I think having a caveat would be worthwhile.

I would be very reluctant to get involved in any property that has a caveat lodged on it.


Caveat means beware, A caveat is a written warning on the ‘Title’ to anyone who wants to deal with the property that someone else’s interest already has priority.

The Caveator is the person having an interest in the property who must be notified of any attempted dealing in the property.

A Caveatable Interest allows you to lodge a caveat. The interest is acquired once a contract for purchase is signed.


Lodgement should be done as soon as possible.

I think that it’s best to use a lawyer to lodge a caveat to check whether:

  • There is a caveatable interest
  • If there are any contractual restrictions on having a caveat,
  • The caveat is lodged correctly.

What are the costs?

It will depend on your lawyer/conveyoncers fees but I would expect that the costs will be around $500-$1000.

Why is an existing caveat a problem?

Well it may be difficult to complete a purchase due to the many reasons including the following three:

  • Someone else has already signed a contract to buy the property and they have priority.
  • A financial institution may have been allowed to lodge a caveat by the existing owner to secure a loan.
  • A creditor may have a court order allowing for the lodging of a caveat.
  • Other rights. There are numerous other rights that may give rise to a “caveatable interest”.

This is not  a professional legal opinion and you should consult your legal representative before making any decisions.

7 Proactive Steps to Keep Your Plumbing in Tip Top Condition

Guest Post by Hubert Dwight

While domestic plumbing may not be the most exciting topic in the world, it is an essential part of keeping a household running smoothly.

If your sinks, toilet, and faucets suddenly stopped working, you’d be in a bit of a pickle, so it’s important that you take good care of them.

Fortunately, routine plumbing maintenance doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive.In fact, it’s all about vigilance and common sense.

If you’re not sure whether you should be tipping that potato peel down the drain, don’t do it.

If you spot a minor leak under the bathroom faucet, don’t ignore it.

We know that these things are risky, but many of us still choose convenience over good sense. . . .and, this puts us at risk of flooding, blockages, major leaks, damp, and unexpected breakdowns.

These handy hints and tips will help you keep your plumbing in tip top condition all year round.

1. Fix Leaky Taps Quickly

Just because a small leak beneath a tap is unlikely to lead to a flood, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a problem.

Get it checked out as quickly as possible, because at the very least it’s a huge waste of water and will drive up your bill.

2. Check the Toilet Flap Valve

There’s a little device inside toilets that causes a near constant sound of running water when it breaks down.

It is called a flapper and you can check that yours is healthy by dropping a teaspoon full of food colouring into the top tank.

If it appears in the bowl after 20-30 minutes, you need to look for reliable plumbing services in Melbourne and get it fixed.

3. Inspect Drains for Blockages

It’s easy to check whether drains are functioning properly.

Clearly, if the water isn’t disappearing, there’s a major blockage, but this is a problem that is usually identified quickly.

Smaller blockages are a little more insidious, but you can spot them by watching how fast the water runs down the sink.

If it runs, but it keeps backing up, add a baking soda and vinegar solution to try and clear the debris.

4. Clear Sediment from the Hot Water Service

Once per year, your boiler will need a little love and care.

Over time, tiny bits and pieces of debris build up in the bottom and this reduces overall efficiency.

You can get rid of it by hooking a hose up to the drain valve and emptying the unit of water.

Then, close it back up and let it refill. If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, a plumber can help.

5. Keep Shower Heads Clean

If your shower head is getting a little lacklustre, soak it in vinegar overnight.

This will dislodge the minerals that naturally accumulate over time.

In the morning, rinse the head in warm water and the dirt should come away instantly.

6. Fill Up Floor Drains

Internal floor drains, like the ones commonly installed in utility rooms, need to be routinely checked for health.

There should be water at the bottom of the trap and if there is not, you can safely top it up yourself.

Do be careful not to add too much water. If evaporation is a problem, due to rising temperatures, a tablespoon of olive oil can reduce the rate of this process.

7. Use Appliances Correctly

One of the most common causes of domestic flooding is the misuse of household appliances.

Washing machines are the main culprit, because lots of homeowners overfill them.

This puts pressure on the components and the pipes can end up bursting and causing serious water


So, protect your home by using appliances in a safe and sensible manner.

Flameproof Doesn’t Mean Bushfire Proof

A CSIRO report on the Victorian 2015 Wye River fires has revealed that there are some problems with the current regulation on Bushfire protection.

Of the seven houses built since 2009 to comply with the regulations four were destroyed. (In the area of the fires 116 houses were destroyed)

This is in spite of up to $200,000 of additional costs.

Reasons for the Losses

The report identifies several issues that affected the survivability of houses

  • One house was clad with plasterboard, but this was then clad with cedar which was highly flammable.
  • Another well designed house appeared to be holding up until the older  next-door house caught fire. The extreme heat from the burning house destroyed the newer house.
  • Leaves and twigs on the ground burning.
  • Burning of  plastic water tanks, building materials, garden sheds, and boats stored under or next to houses.
  • Timber retaining walls burning
  • Storage of LPG Tanks

If you want to read the full report it can be downloaded here:  Wye River Fire Report

Photo from theconversation.com

Don’t Forget The Carpet Cleaning

There are lots of reasons to think about professional carpet cleaning:

  • Moving to your new house from a rented place you will want to make sure you get the bond back!
  • Selling your existing home and wanting to make sure it look at its best.
  • Or just a clean up after a big party!

In our case we have been in our current place for around 4 years and the carpets needed a bit more work than our Dyson could deliver.

We used a Melbourne based family business called Wizard Cleaning.

They turned up on time, worked quickly and left the carpets looking 100% better.

At $60 to get carpets in 3 room cleaned why would you look at hiring a machine and doing it yourself?

Wizard also offer a range of other services such as

  • Duct cleaning
  • Tile and Grout Cleaning
  • Upholstery Cleaning

If you live in Melbourne why not give them a try?

Their phone number is 03 9323 1474


Disclaimer; I was provided with a complementary clean to help my evaluate the service

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