Bathroom Heating

If you have following this blog you will know I am a big fan of reverse cycle air conditioning for room heating due to its amazing efficiency..

That however doesn’t apply to our bathroom.

This might look like a reverse cycle unit but its actually a rather smart looking fan heater.

So why am I happy with the 100% efficiency for this heater rather than the 300% efficiency of reverse cycle.

Well there are a few reasons:

  1. The unit was fairly inexpensive at less than $100 as opposed to around $2,000.
  2.  It doesn’t actually use much power as it runs for less than 10 minutes a day over the winter months only. (we are 3 minute shower people) That’s probably no more than 12 kw hours per year (Power cost of under $4 a year)
  3. Being a fan heater it starts to warm up the room within 30 seconds whereas a reverse cycle unit will need to run for several minutes meaning that there really isn’t a power saving benefit for short term heating.
  4. The fast response is more convenient.

This just shows the most ‘efficient’ heater isn’t always the best solution, particularly if the heating is only for short periods. .


Benefits of Using a Timber Wall System

Guest Post By Stephen Tasker

No matter what the type of building – residential or commercial – there are common needs that can lead you to consider timber wall systems.

Any home or business can be improved with the benefits of natural, sustainable and low-maintenance wood used to improve acoustics, meet code requirements, provide beauty and privacy, and enhance architectural details.

Let’s look at some of the many benefits architectural timber provides, and you’ll quickly appreciate how it will enhance your home or business.

Acoustical Control

There’s a reason that wood is used in musical instruments.

Its inherent qualities allow it to absorb and diffuse sound – and it does it with a warmer, softer result than metal or other substances.

Open floor plans and high ceilings can create an environment where everyday life – conversations, plumbing, kitchen noise, traffic can become distracting and unpleasant.

Timber feature walls and ceilings can help control the noise in your business or home – and do it attractively.

With the addition of a suspended timber ceiling and other features, the sounds stop echoing.

The noise flows between and behind the wood slats, shaping and diffusing the sounds, and letting you enjoy the calmer, quieter benefits.

In commercial applications, these same qualities give efficient and attractive results to theaters, restaurants, retail and office spaces.

Enhancing Architecture

In contemporary, rustic or other interiors, wood is a classic.

It can fit into any home or commercial design.

Architectural timber features can define areas in open spaces, emphasize a wall, soften a high ceiling, provide privacy, and add stunning accents to any kind of space.

Suspended timber ceilings give warmth to rooms and provide a background for light fixtures that ceiling tiles or plasterboard cannot match.

It works well for protected outdoor spaces, too.

A well-placed timber wall lets light flow through while giving you privacy.

Whether inside or out, timber features can be the perfect solution for updating your space while adding value and warmth.


Living green is an important part of adding timber ceiling systems or timber feature walls to your commercial or home space.

Finding a sustainable building product that uses woods like Western Red Cedar can be an important contribution to your green lifestyle and your commitment to the environment.

The Red Cedar used in Austratus timber ceiling and wall products, for example, is a certified sustainable product.

The growth and production methods help limit greenhouse gases, create less pollution of water and air, use less energy, and are highly renewable and sustainable.

Using a suspended timber ceiling means that the materials used are much friendlier to the environment and come from materials that don’t require mining.

You can feel good about a product that uses materials that are certified to come from a sustainably managed forest.

Code Compliant Construction

It might be surprising to learn that elements like timber ceiling systems and timber feature walls can be a beautiful way to complete your project while remaining code compliant.

Fire ratings for commercial spaces can be a headache.

The correct timber products can assist you to easily meet Building Code Level 3 requirements in your building.

Western Red Cedar is a wood with low fire spread and fire hazard qualities, and used with sprinklers, it is easier than ever to meet the building regulations.

Ease of Maintenance

The wood used in architectural timber features, suspended ceilings, and walls has another feature that you may not have considered – easy upkeep.

The maintenance is almost non-existent.

Keeping it clean will help extend the life of the finish, but many actually prefer the look that the wood takes on as it ages.

Woods like Western Red Cedar are filled with naturally occurring preservatives.

Problems like termites, decay and moisture damage are minimized, adding to the low-maintenance aspect.

The durability of wood has been proved over time.


Timber feature walls can provide privacy without sacrificing the flow of air and light through your structure.

The slatted construction limits views from the street or another room while looking great.

Large spaces can be divided into smaller areas, and a well-placed timber wall can allow customers and diners to enjoy a sense of intimacy that might not be possible in a large undefined room.

The acoustic-softening effects of wood also enhance the feeling of privacy.

It’s clear that timber wall systems offer a broad range of benefits – some that you may not have known about.

These systems are easy care, with code-compliant construction features and sustainability built in.

Acoustical control, privacy, and beauty are some of the more obvious benefits.

With manufacturers like Austratus offering off-the-shelf modular solutions to installation, there is now an innovative and easy way to add suspended timber ceilings and walls – and do it more quickly, easily and affordably than ever.

Will Your New House Be Electric Car Ready?

Currently in Australia, there are just over 4000 electric cars on the roads.

They currently make up 0.1% of new car sales.

Having recently visited China I think that those numbers are going to change as I was amazed at the amount of electric cars and scooters I saw on the roads.

How much power is needed to charge an electric car?

Smaller electric cars have a battery with a capacity of  16 to 24 kWhours battery.

Larger cars such as the Tesla Model S have batteries in the 60 to 85 kWh battery.

Being ready for an electric car

Electric cars typically come with two charging options – slow and fast.

The slow charge option is the most commonly used as you will no doubt plug in at work or at home.

With a small car like a Nissan Leaf you can fully charge the car overnight at a rate of 2.5KW.

That means a simple 15amp socket in the garage will be adequate.

At the most it should cost a few hundred dollars.

If you think you might want a Tesla, or want to fully charge a small car in an hour or two you will need a special circuit and perhaps a 40 amp supply.

That could double the power supply to your house. . . . so you need to talk to your builder and their electrician at an early stage of your build.

The cost of a special charger and upgraded circuits could add $2,000 – $4,000 to your build costs,


How To Select Bathroom Furniture

Guest post by Stephen Tasker

It’s one of the smallest rooms in the house – and also one of the easiest to refresh and renovate.

Your bathroom can look totally different with new bathroom furniture.

Read on for our tips on how to change up the look of this room while minding your budget.

Bathroom updates don’t have to be scary or as expensive as you thought!

Look at your storage needs

Storage is probably the number one need listed by hopeful bathroom remodelers.

Even a single person can quickly overwhelm the space with all the things that just need to be in the bathroom.

How many can you think of, right now? Linens and towels? Of course,

Shampoo, conditioners, lotions, bath soaps, hair styling products? Definitely.

How about hair dryers, hair styling tools, and shavers?  Makeup – all the makeup. Extra paper products. Every single dental hygiene product. Packs of razors, bars of soap, cotton? Candles, bubble bath? Cleaning supplies?  What about the linen hamper?

There’s a lot to wrangle – and fortunately, bathroom furniture is all about storage.

Once you’ve done a mental inventory of all your items, look for vanities and mirror cabinets that will help you tuck away all your linens, towels, and extras neatly.

Deep drawers can accommodate tall bottles, styling tools, and other bulky items, while under sink storage will help you organize your towel stacks and cleaning supplies.

A good bathroom furniture supplier will have the selection of styles and sizes that will help you organize it all, beautifully.

Consider your style

Bathroom furniture can make a huge impact in your space.

Are you yearning for a sleek, minimalist environment where you can feel calm and serene as you soak?

Does a more rustic look that will complement your plants and natural aesthetic sound like you?

Consider finishes and colour when deciding on your bathroom on a budget.

Wood or ceramic vanity tops offer completely different looks.

White is classic and can make a small space feel more spacious.

Even the size and shape of your vanity top can set the tone for your new bathroom look.

Fortunately, this is not something that you have to decide upon from tiny online pictures, at least if you live in Brisbane.

The Bathrooms On A Budget showroom is a great place to visit and see all these ideas in person.

It’s always a good idea to take some ideas along on your shopping trip by saving photos on your phone.

Likewise, take some snaps of your favorite designs while you’re there.

These will help you decide on the best look for your space once you’re back home.

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