Tips for Mixing and Matching Your Outdoor Furniture

Guest Post by Marketplace

When summer comes, it’s time to soak up the sun and relax in the spectacular warm weather.

The outdoor furniture that wasn’t in use throughout the winter is now ready, simply because it’s time to switch activities to outdoors–from hosting parties to dining. 

When it comes to picking your outdoor furniture, it’s all about mixing and matching.

Therefore, the furnishings, other than serving their purpose, also need to blend with the surrounding space.

In case you’re wondering how to choose the perfect outdoor pieces that suit your space while staying within the price range, it’s not as hard as it may sound.

With the help of companies, such as Dreamo, you have a range of options to help make up your mind.

Nonetheless, if you’re looking to mix and match your outdoor furniture, then read through this guide for some tips.

Incorporate Umbrellas

The use of umbrellas in not only for shade.

For instance, in beach houses, where the outdoor space faces the ocean, umbrellas regulate the amount of light.

Umbrellas come in different colours and patterns, So choose the one that presents a colour splash to the surroundings while also providing a focal point.

If the umbrella’s colour is bright, the chairs can offer contrast by being dim.

Better yet, match the umbrella’s colour to that of the chairs to create a colourful pattern.

Bring the Indoors Out

As the easiest way to elevate your outdoor space with furniture pieces with your indoor furniture, there shouldn’t be much disparity between the indoor and outdoor furnishings.

When it comes to cohesive arrangement, you may choose to go with matching sets of furniture to bring harmony.


Colour coordination is important.

Before adding a new color to the outdoors, take note of the surroundings; for example, use the house colour as a guide to give you an idea of the hues that match well.

Further, the surrounding trees and flowers should help you decide whether you want to harmonize or prefer contrast.

Even if cushions and pillows present many colour options, you can still explore using chairs in different materials, styles, and shades.

Additionally, plastic as a material offers a wide range of colour options.

As a tip, use vibrant bright colours to bring out a happy theme, especially in the summer, where the sunlight bounces off the furniture.

Use the same colour for all the pieces to bring a matching effect, as using different colours for each piece makes the space look disjointed.

Nature of Your Space

It’s possible to have an outdoor space that’s not in nature–there are no trees or vegetation around.

The best example is the outdoor space by pool-sides.

Such a space can use a touch of wooden furniture because it contrasts well with the surrounding.

If the outdoor space is close to trees, wooden furniture won’t blend perfectly with the environment.

Instead, materials such as metal mix well with this kind of setting.

Do note to place wood, such as pine, on the grass because wood isn’t suitable for exposed areas.

The moisture coming from the ground will cause the wood to damp and rot. and can corrode some metals.


It’s always advisable to go for a material that requires little care.

For instance, the furniture material should withstand weather conditions since the furniture stays outdoors.

So, consider outdoor-friendly materials, such as aluminium, teak, and resin.

Metallic furniture is easy to blend with the rest of the space because it’ll contrast with the other materials in the outdoor space, bringing different perspectives and finishes.

To provide strong accents, you can also introduce fabric since it’ll incorporate into pillows.

However, choose comfortable cushion designs that can bring out a fresh look without changing the furniture.

Remember, the material covering your pillows should resist weather changes for them to suit outdoor usage.

Switching Shapes

Instead of using a matching dining set, add in a different chair as it helps in breaking the monotony in the space.

Matching furniture from different collections and interplaying shapes of pillows and accessories provide an exciting look; a break away from the normal setting.


Above everything, determining what furniture to buy within your budget is important.

Some options, such as aluminium and resin, offer quality furniture for less money as they’re cheaper than wood.

Also, to achieve a new look, furniture pillows are inexpensive and easy to change around.

Bottom Line

Mixing outdoor furniture involves incorporating different aspects, like shapes, colours, materials, and furniture pieces.

The essence is to break away from boring and monotonous settings because matching provides a blend.

Since there are no rules, interplay the ideas above to achieve that sweet spot between match and mix.

Ultimately, beauty lies in the beholder’s eyes, and what you opt for your furniture depends entirely on your preference.

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