The Dos and Don’ts When Building A Pool In Your New Home

Guest Post by John Guevara

Adding a pool to your home enables you to enjoy so much more of your outdoor space, it adds value to the property and of course, it means that you can have a dip when the sun is shining.

With this being said it takes careful planning and preparation before you get started on this installation, and there are some common mistakes to avoid.

If this is something which you have been considering then here are some of the most important dos and don’ts when it comes to building a pool in your new home.

What You Should Ensure That You Do

The most important factor of your pool build is the company which you hire to complete it.

With this in mind, it is critical that you invest sufficient time in finding a high-quality pool building company.

Not every pool building company offers impeccable service, which is exactly what you should be looking for. Custom pools by Mr Pools for example are always of the highest quality, yet sadly not every company can match that standard, which is why you must be careful.

Also ensure that you have spent a great deal of time on the budget for your pool, as this will largely dictate what you are able to achieve with the build.

Things Which You Certainly Shouldn’t Do

A common mistake, which people make is underestimating the size and the scale of the project which is being undertaken.

A pool build requires careful planning, a great deal of commitment, and time for it to be a success.

There is much to factor into the pool design beyond shape, so be prepared to do plenty of research into the options available around filters, water type, and pool additions.

Something else which you must ensure that you avoid is going for a budget builder.

Staying within your budget is critical of course but don’t make the mistake of going with a company that has prices, which are lower than average.

In most cases, the cheaper the builder, the lower the quality of the work will be.

A pool should be delivered to a safe level and a high standard, and you won’t get that if you are working at bargain-basement prices.

And finally, don’t forget to focus heavily on the safety features of the pool.

There are many mandatory requirements, which you have to ensure that you have factored in, that will ensure the safety of those using the pool.

Features like drain covers, anti-slip tiles, and safety covers form a critical part of the pool.

These aspects are not up for negotiation because there are very serious risks which a swimming pool presents.

This is a large-scale project which you should be focused on getting right the first time.

Once the build is complete any changes will be hard, and that is why it is so critical that you invest the time and the energy in the beginning, to get the right design and the right team to deliver it.

The Benefits of Conveyancing For A New Build Home

Guest Post by John Guevara

There are currently more and more people looking to buy a new build property, which gives them the chance to stamp their own identity on a freshly built home.

There are however some key differences to bear in mind when buying a new build, regarding the legal issues surrounding the purchase.

In particular there are some additional challenges when it comes to conveyancing for the property, which you wouldn’t find when buying an existing home.

Despite these challenges however, there are many benefits of making sure that you work with a professional.

Checking Planning Permission 

One of the most important checks which a conveyancer will complete is that the property has been built in accordance with the local planning laws.

This includes utilities such as gas, electricity and water, as well as the drainage system which has been installed for the property.

Beyond the connection of utilities, the road access will also be an important area to check before completion of the purchase.

Discovering Any Restrictive Covenants 

Depending on where and how the property has been built you may have some restrictive covenants which you need to know about.

The conveyancer will ensure that you are fully aware of any limitations which you may have in altering the property in the future.

This could involve the addition of an extension on the home, and you will know from the outset whether this is even possible, or if you would require additional planning permission.

Establish Leasehold or Freehold

Understanding whether the property is leasehold or freehold is vital so that you have a full idea of what kind of annual costs you are going to be looking at.

If for example you are buying a new build apartment then this will be a leasehold property.

As a result, you will have to plan in more expensive annual charges alongside payments for the maintenance of the building and payments for the care of communal areas too.

Your solicitor will be able to give you a clear picture of what you are required to pay each year.

Helping With The Snagging List 

Even when the property is complete there is still some work to do on ensuring that it is fit for purpose and that it meets the necessary standards.

Completion of the purchase takes place 10 days after the property has the PCI inspecttion.

During these 10 days you have the opportunity to identify any ‘snags’ which exist on the property.

Your solicitor will be able to help you during this stage and they will also be able to arrange payment of stamp duty where it is applicable, prior to completion of the purchase.

Finally, you will have to register the ownership of the property at Land Registry, which is made much easier when handled by the conveyancer.

This is a more complex deal than buying an existing home and this is why using a conveyancer is the smart move.

4 Common Plumbing Problems And How To Prevent Them

Guest Post

Maintenance is a never-ending task for households.

To thoroughly maintain your house, you need to pay attention to how things work, particularly the plumbing.

Plumbing problems might be a pricey issue, especially if it requires repairs.

The challenge with plumbing problems is many of them might go undiagnosed for a long time.

When the situation reaches a critical stage, you’re slammed with a hefty fee.

Don’t allow them to ruin your day

Instead, plan and avoid it from occurring.

Problems And Prevention

Several of those plumbing concerns are basic enough to do it yourself while others pose certain risks and are best left to the pros.

Is it necessary to call a plumber? . . . Yes, if the problem is beyond your capabilities.

If you’re from Sydney, you’re in luck because there a lot of good plumbers there.

If you search for plumber Northern Beaches on the internet, you find many plumbing companies that offer different services.

Being familiar with typical plumbing issues and solutions enables you to choose whether to attempt repairs on your own or to contact a plumber.

Here are some common plumbing issues and what you can do about them:

1. Clogged Drains And Toilets 

Clogged drains are evident as water backs up when emptying a sink or taking a bath.

The symptoms of a toilet blockage are much more obvious.

Rather than flushing properly, the water from the toilet bowl doubles up, which may cause an overflow.

Usually, this issue happens when there’s clogging that restricts water flow.

The kitchen sink might be clogged with thickened fat and food scraps.

Bathroom sink and toilet bowl clogs are more often triggered by tangled hair and other insoluble wastes that were flushed.

Avoid toilet blockages by dumping only soluble garbage down the bowl.

Keep an eye on your children to ensure they don’t put toys or other heavy things down there. If something solid goes into the bowl, remove it rather than flushing it.

To unclog, begin by using a plunger to assist in removing the obstructions.

Plungers are effective for use on both toilets and drains. When the obstruction is near enough, you can pull it with a clump or tweezers.

Hire an expert to resolve the issue if the obstruction can’t be quickly removed.

Another instance to call a professional is when you have frequent clogging in the same drain.

2. Leaks 

Leaks sometimes go undetected.

They’re not usually audible, and they mostly emerge in concealed areas such as between walls or underneath the floor.

Leaks might develop as a result of corrosion, displacement, or excessive water pressure.

The most common leaks are from faucets and pipes as the normal deterioration from everyday usage is often impossible to prevent.

Leaky faucets are also unavoidable.

However, you can slow down the deterioration of faucets by turning them gently and minimizing undue pressure on the knobs.

While leaking pipes are hard to avoid, they may be identified early with a routine check.

Keep an eye for signs of dampness or little dripping.

Significant rust or chalk-like deposits may indicate the possibility of a leak.

Contact a plumber if you lack knowledge in plumbing or if the task is too extensive.

3, Low Water Pressure 

Low water pressure is a frequent culprit of plumbing issues in older properties, but it may also occur in new houses.

There are a number of potential reasons for low water pressure.

A leak in the waterline may result in a loss of pressure in your faucets.

Another possibility is mineral and silt accumulation in the pipelines and taps.

This reduces the flow of water, leading to decreased pressure.

Low water pressure could be avoided by installing a filter system to prevent mineral build-ups.

Pipes should be monitored frequently to detect leaks promptly and fix them.

Contact a plumber if your water pressure drops drastically or you can’t determine the source of the issue.

4. Running Toilet

A running toilet is frequently caused by the toilet’s internal mechanisms failing to function correctly.

The most typical cause is a malfunctioning flapper valve, which regulates the flow of water.

Sediment clogging is also a possible cause of a running toilet.

Though you can’t normally avoid toilet problems, you may frequently check the mechanism to guarantee they’re functioning correctly.

If repair or replacement is required, you may have to contact a plumber.


Plumbing problems can strike at inconvenient moments.

While DIY plumbing solutions might save you some cash, making a mistake may lead to property damage.

Hence, it’s best to call a reputable local plumber.

How To Pack Efficiently When Moving Homes

Guest Post by Sheldon Evangelista

Moving happens for diverse reasons.

With it comes packing, which, essentially, makes moving a big deal.

You don’t realize how much stuff your house possesses until you need to move it somewhere else.

Packing can be stressful, takes time, and tests your patience in many ways.

Part of the stress comes from not knowing where to start.

However, it’s quite possible to pack efficiently and quickly in readiness for the move. 

With proper planning, you can make packing a breeze.

Before you start removing items from your top shelves and taping boxes, look at this useful guide to help you pack more efficiently so you don’t get so overwhelmed. 

Create A Moving List

Taking inventory of all your items is what you need to do first before deciding what’ll go into the moving boxes.

It’s very tempting to ignore this step because of the amount of work involved.

However, having an inventory list will reduce your moving stress a lot. Here are the reasons why:

      • Know how many items you have: You may not realize the number of items you have for packing until you actually make a record. Making a list will help you plan effectively for the workload by creating enough time and getting enough packing boxes. While at it, you also decide which items are necessary and which aren’t, making work easier during the actual packing. 
      • Everything will be accounted for: Items get lost all the time during the moving process, and, sometimes, you aren’t sure how they got lost. With an inventory, you can check things off as you pack, helping you keep track of the items. Hence, it’ll be easier to trace at what point something got lost.
      • Organized packing and unpacking: An inventory will guide you on where to begin your packing. You’ll easily organize valuables, fragile, important items, and everything as you know where and how many they are. Similarly, the unpacking process will be smooth, and you won’t be stuck without knowing where to start.

Don’t forget to check off items and boxes as they’re packed, loaded, and unpacked.

Get All Your Moving Supplies Ready

With an inventory, you’ll have a clear idea of what moving supplies you need and the quantity. Otherwise, it’s possible to underestimate the supplies required, leading to mixing up items or last-minute packing.

These are the suppliers you’ll need:

  • Packing boxes in various sizes.
  • Stuffing material, such as newspaper or bubble wrap, for fragile items.
  • Packing tape and scissors.
  • Markers and labels or stickers.
  • Plastic bags for storing small items, such as screws.
  • Furniture pads.
  • Dollies for moving heavy boxes and furniture.
  • Toolset for disassembling and assembling furniture.


Start With Least Used Items

It’s advisable to begin with the least utilized items in the house.

These can be the things you have in your attic or garage.

If they’re already stored in boxes, ensure to confirm and label them accordingly.

The other items you can pack early are items in the spare rooms, decorations, pictures, and books.

The kitchen is usually also a good place to start packing.

You can do this before the moving date, leaving only a few items that you’ll need.

Do note that kitchen items are mostly fragile, and you’d want to take enough time to pack them.

Try and use the food items in the fridge instead of adding new ones.

Pack Overnight Bags For Each Family Member

It can be quite stressful getting to your new house and realizing you have to unpack everything to reach some essentials.

Have separate bags for at least a day’s worth of essential suppliers and items.

Here are some of the things you need:

      • Keys and wallet
      • Medicine
      • Important documents
      • Electronics and devices, such as laptops, TVs, chargers, or any technology device you want to access easily
      • A day’s worth of clothes
      • Toiletries
      • Water and snacks
      • Items for your children and pets, if you have any

Having these items handy will reduce the pressure of unpacking, reduce frustration, and give you ample time to settle in at your pace.

Bedding should also be easily accessible to ensure you can make beds on the first night.

Alternativly, you can use sleeping bags, which also need to be easily accessible.

Moving With Ease

As you can see, efficient packing doesn’t have to be very complicated.

With good planning and knowing where to start, everything else falls into place.

Remember to check off your items at every step of the process.

It may seem like a lot of work, but you’ll clap at yourself when everything is unpacked and nicely arranged on the other side. 

You don’t have to do all these things alone; reliable expert movers can help you pack and move your belongings efficiently, but with a plan and an idea of what you want, the work will be much easier.



What Will I Need to Create the Ultimate Outdoor Entertainment Area?

Guest Post by Natalie lge

If you enjoy entertaining friends, hosting family get-togethers and spending time in the sunshine with your family, you need to adapt your outdoor space to cater to these needs.

Building an outdoor entertainment area will allow you to have your friends and family over, knowing you have the perfect setup to play host.

To get the most out of your outdoor entertainment are, however, it’s important to consider how you like to entertain. 

Understanding how you are going to use the space will help you to build an entertainment area that will best suit your needs.

If you like to cook for your guests, installing a barbecue and a cooking station will make your life a lot easier. . . . On the other hand, if you like to have your mates round to watch the footy, a large TV may be a better choice.

How you plan on using the space will always influence what you need for your ultimate outdoor entertainment area. 

Let’s take a look at a few additions that will help you to create the ultimate outdoor entertainment area, regardless of what you will be using it for. 

Outdoor Blinds

If you’re going to be out in the sunshine all day, you will need to ensure that you have somewhere to seek refuge from the sun’s harmful rays.

Outdoor blinds in Melbourne are the perfect solution for homeowners seeking shade in their outdoor spaces.

Not only do outdoor blinds help to create a cool area for you to relax but they are available in a range of colours and styles to match the aesthetic of your home. 

Drinks Fridge

Whether you’re planning on cooking in your new outdoor entertainment space, or not, an outdoor fridge is an essential addition.

When the temperatures start climbing, it’s always good to have cold drinks close at hand.

Whether you’re serving juice for the kids or beers for your mates, every outdoor entertainment space needs a drinks fridge. 

Seating Area

To keep your guests comfortable, you need to offer them somewhere to sit.

There is a wide range of outdoor furniture available nowadays in every style, colour and price range possible.

Take the time to consider your options and find a solution that matches the style of your newly designed outdoor space. 

Sound System

Whether you’re having a dance party, watching the game or relaxing with friends, it’s always good to have a quality sound system.

If your budget won’t extend to a full-scale outdoor sound system, there are many Bluetooth speakers that are more affordable and more than enough power to keep your parties going. 


Having the right lighting is vital in helping you to set the right ambience in your outdoor entertainment area.

There are countless lighting solutions available depending on your budget, style and objectives.

From simply lighting a few candles to hanging strings of fairy lights or fitting more expensive sconce lights, there is no end to lighting options you can choose from.

Take the time to find a style that creates the vibe you are looking for to add that extra touch to your space.  

Create An Outdoor Entertainment Area Built Around Your Interests

To ensure that you get the very most out of your new outdoor entertainment area, you need to take the time to consider your interests and needs.

Designing an outdoor space that you and your guests can truly enjoy, will ensure that you get the best return from your new space.

Having an outdoor entertainment area tailored to your interests will give you, your family and friends the perfect space to spend quality time together moving forward.  

Everything You Need to Know About Australian Furniture Removers Association

Guest Post by Maria Dalit

Planning a move is so much easier if you’re working with a member of the Australian Furniture Removers Association (AFRA).

If you’re working with an AFRA member, you can be sure that you’d receive excellent and stellar moving services.

What is the AFRA?

The Australian Furniture Removers Association (AFRA) is the regulator and representative of all players in the Australian removals industry.

It is a national association that ensures quality service to all clients of moving companies in Australia.

Basic AFRA Information:

    • AFRA currently has 350 member companies in the removals industry.
    • All Australian regions have registered AFRA members.
    • To be a member of good standing, regular auditing is required. Members of good standing are audited after every four years.
    • Auditing takes place before a moving company becomes a member.
    • A year after being accepted in AFRA, a moving company is required to undergo another audit.
    • Should an audit show that a member has been failing to comply with AFRA mandates, such member will be given a 21-day period to correct. Only after the 21-day period and there has been no due correction of mistakes will the AFRA undertake disciplinary measures.
    • AFRA welcomes companies of all sizes. Members range from one-truck company owners to multi-national moving enterprises. 
    • All AFRA members must comply with basic industry requirements regarding vehicles, staff, insurance, and equipment.
    • The number 1 furniture removals in Perth is an AFRA member.
    • All client complaints that can’t be resolved by members can be referred to AFRA.
    • All AFRA members have Public Liability Insurance.
    • All AFRA members have Transit Insurance.

AFRA Membership:

AFRA is the only authorized body that can accredit, evaluate, and certify the quality of service of moving companies in Australia.

The surest way to know if a moving company is legitimate is to check if it is a valid AFRA member.

This is because AFRA undertakes strict membership policies and protocols. Removers need to secure the following to attain AFRA membership accreditation:

      • Right equipment
      • Right vehicles
      • Right premises
      • Right staff training
      • Insurance coverage

Such level of excellence is maintained through mandatory regular audits once a company becomes an official member.

Members who slip on standards are subject to disciplinary measures.

This practice greatly ensures that all customers of AFRA member companies always receive outstanding service.

All AFRA protocols and policies are placed to ensure that consumers are fully protected.

AFRA only offers membership to Australian moving companies, but all members are free to serve both local and international clients.

How to become an AFRA member?

To apply for membership, a company needs to coordinate directly with AFRA administrators. Such can be had by emailing

All applicants must be ready for an audit before evaluation for acceptance.

AFRA’s Reputation

AFRA membership is seen as a seal of quality in the removals industry. AFRA membership indicates that a company is fully equipped, fully insured, and fully capable to carry out moves.

AFRA only approves companies who can fully service customers in an efficient, professional, and excellent manner.

Only fully protected companies with legitimate insurance plans become official members. 

Easy Complaint Resolution

AFRA membership also ensures customers that they will have access to easy conflict resolution.

All customers of AFRA members can forward their concerns to AFRA if a member company fails to resolve a dispute.

This is why whenever customers would look for a moving company, intelligent ones who do their research opt for companies that are AFRA members.

Insurance Coverage

Did you know that Australian laws don’t require moving companies to be fully insured?

This is why the safest way to go about moving is to simply work with an AFRA member.

All AFRA members are fully insured so clients can be sure that they will be protected and secured every step of the way. 

Industry Updates

An AFRA member is always up to date with all the latest development, protocols, and policies in the industry. AFRA undertakes continuous audits of all its members to ensure that all are fully compliant with the latest requirements for customer safety and protection. 

You are safe with an AFRA member

There is nothing that you need to worry about if you’d be working with a moving company that is a member of AFRA.

You won’t even need to check on their portfolio and professional capacity because the mere fact that they are AFRA members already tells you so much.

Relying on AFRA is as good as relying on an expert who already checked and evaluated something for you.

When a moving company is an AFRA member, you can be sure that:

      • It has the right moving equipment for all your needs
      • It has the right vehicles for all your moving needs
      • It operates on duly regulated and well-maintained premises
      • It deploys regular staff training
      • It is fully insured
      • It is efficient
      • It is professional

You will never go wrong if you’d choose to work with an AFRA-member company.

Work with one to ensure that you don’t experience extra stress and unnecessary moving fatigue.

You can always trust a moving company if it is an AFRA member.

Moving becomes easy and efficient if you’d choose to work with an AFRA-member company.

The next time that you’d be looking for a mover, check first if the company is an AFRA member. 


5 Tips For A Stunning Backyard Makeover

Guest post by Kendra Winston


If you’re one of those homeowners lucky enough to have space for a backyard, then make the most out of it.

Your backyard should be more than just a space where you put plants in random areas, and then neglect them later on.

Especially now that many of us are still spending more time at home than usual, your backyard should be like your personal oasis.

It’s your retreat and your space to have a breath of fresh air.

When you need to have that break from keeping yourself indoors too much, you and your entire family should be able to utilize your backyard as a space to relax, play, have fun, and even dine.

To help you bring new life to your backyard, here are some of the most effective tricks and techniques used by experienced landscapers:

Trim Your Plants And Trees

As you go through your yard, also do an inventory of the plants that you have.

Perhaps there are those that need to be trimmed, while there may be aging trees that have to be removed by a tree removal Sydney.

For the plants that are getting too messy, then a good trim may be all it takes to make your garden look fresh and new again.

For instance, if vines are all over the place on your fence reaching to your house’s walls, then it may look worn out and creepy.

Taking off the vines can make your entire yard look more inviting.

Start With A Pre-Makeover Checklist

Just like any other home improvement project, the last thing that you’ll want is to be all over the place.

You’ve got to be able to reinvent your garden in such a way that everything you do fits and works with what you have.

This begins with a good plan and a pre-makeover checklist.

When you have one, it creates a solid foundation by which you’ve got a means to assess the work that’s completed on your garden.

Here’s an example of the pre-makeover checklist that you’ll first need to start with:

        • Are there any existing trees and planted areas you wish to preserve?
        • Is the land flat, or sloping?
        • Is there an external water supply, if you wish to install a water feature, an outdoor faucet or even better yet, a swimming pool?
        • Are there any existing small ‘buildings’ you’d like to preserve like a shed or storage space, perhaps?

Go Full-On With Plants

There’s a reason why there’s all this fuss now about plants.

You can’t say you’ve got a living garden if it doesn’t have an abundance of plants.

If your garden is all flat grass, then this just won’t work.

You need to create depth and dimension by adding different kinds of plants.

A good rule of thumb is that if you want to keep things looking clean and simple, stick with green leaves, and not flowering plants.

Assess What You Want To Do With Your Backyard

A stunning backyard isn’t just one that looks great.

It’s also one that has a good function, and, one way that you can achieve this is to assess what your family can do with your backyard.

For instance, if you’ve got young kids at home, then you may want to keep some place flat for them to have room to run around.

If there’s enough budget for a swimming pool, then this would also be a nice addition.

If you’re the type who loves to entertain, then you may need to have an area for outdoor sitting, a grill, faucet, and whatnot.

When your backyard is able to meet your needs, this increases the chances of you staying happy with the kind of backyard that you have. . . . plus, this also means that whatever changes you put in your backyard will be worth it.

For example, if it’s just you and your partner left now with adult kids living in their own homes, then adding a swimming pool will only be costly, and you are unlikely to be able to make much use of it.

Add Lighting

If lighting can add drama to your home’s interior, it also has the same effect on your garden as well. It can be as simple as hanging solar string lights on your trees, so these can illuminate come night time.

Your backyard will instantly look cozier and more inviting with an abundance of good lighting placed around your yard.


As you can see, creating a stunning backyard doesn’t have to mean an expensive project.

Even when you’re pinching the penny, there are still many ways for you to achieve this successfully.

Whether your backyard looks messy, outdated, or that your priorities for its use have changed, there’s never a shortage of ideas for you to bring new life to your backyard.

Start with the tips above, and soon enough, you’ll be enjoying that outdoor living more than you may have used to in the past.

Kendra Winston

Kendra Winston is an arborist and tree removal specialist with experience in dendrology and horticulture management.
She implements strategic plans to ensure safe and efficient tree removals.
Kendra enjoys swimming, scuba diving, and water sports activities.

The Meaning of Modernity: What Makes a Modern Kitchen?

Guest Post by Alana King

What springs to your mind first when you think of the most essential elements of your home kitchen space?

Are you a person who loves to entertain, has a large or extended family, and a home with a lot of action and busy thoroughfares, or do you prefer to lead a quieter lifestyle?

Many households don’t pay mind to all of today’s most up-to-date modern conveniences, because not all of these innovations are going to be relevant to every household.

When you’re thinking of incorporating new appliances or any other features into your kitchen space, it is best to consider just how suitable that new element will be to your space’s core operations.

Let me guide you through all the different parts of your kitchen, and exactly what modern additions can enhance the hearth of your home.

Kitchen sink placement in the design:

When deciding what works best for your modern kitchen, it is best to remember that this space should always be designed with functionality in mind.

Whilst it’s trendy for a lot of modern homes to have their kitchen sink or composite trough placed firmly in the centre of an island bench, this set-up may not work for you in your day-to-day.

Think about what designs are most likely to adhere to both your needs as well as the style of your wider home, and that meets some of the best designs for kitchen sinks in Melbourne.

Induction cooktops:

In these days where power and energy saving are worked into modern designs, one of the most sensible choices you can make when it comes to selecting hardware for your contemporary kitchen, is opting for an induction stovetop.

Induction cookers help to save power by only working with an electromagnetic current through a copper wire which essentially turns your pan into the cooker rather than exposing your pan to external heat.

The lack of this external heat means that induction cooktops tend to be much easier to clean,  as well as being much safer to operate, particularly for households with small children.

A decreased risk of burns and fires means that your kids can have a chance to get more creative in the kitchen and develop valuable life skills at a younger age.

Raw and Organic are back:

Many of the designs that are in vogue this season in the world of kitchen design are going right back to basics.

Neutral colours make a statement, whilst also providing you with the opportunity to add your own texture through your interior styling process.

Feel free to play with an array of different materials and textures when selecting your kitchen’s furnishings.

Furnishings that are most popular in kitchen spaces include raw timber stools and tables or naturalistic stonemason benches, both of which can help your space achieve an earthy feel that’s still very much refined.

These organic and natural materials also innately give a sense of warmth and that of bringing the outside environment inside, which can greatly elevate any kitchen environment.

Open dining and living:

Want to extend the warmth of your kitchen out to your dining room? Well you’re not alone!

The forthcoming trend of embracing the flow from the heart of your home and out to your living and dining spaces, appears to be greatly influenced by the happenings of 2020, and a heightened need for cohesion and comfort in our home environments.

Create a welcoming walkway leading out from your kitchen and through to your living and dining areas to ensure that your friends and loved ones can feel closer to you when they’re visiting or enjoying a meal.

Ample storage:

Whilst innovative storage has never really gone out of style and has always been a priority when it comes to designing functional interior spaces, the want and need for proper storage will likely be at the forefront of kitchen designs in 2021.

Following 2020, the year of lockdowns, it’s safe to say that many of us have rekindled our love for elaborate home cooking, or may have even discovered it for the first time.

As a result, bigger freezers and pantries are flying back in fashion.



Remember that when you’re thinking about your next kitchen design, it’s always worth paying mind to the following aspects:

  • The selection and placement of different appliances in your kitchen
  • The tones and colours of your furnishings and fixtures
  • The storage available in both your cold and dry areas

So long as you consider all of these aspects, you’ll be likely to craft the modern kitchen of your dreams.

Good luck!

How To Choose The Right Work Boots For DIYers

Guest Post By Chelsea Harolds

When doing DIY projects, you must never compromise on your safety.

Therefore, you must always invest in the proper safety gear. . . but, having the right work boots is often overlooked by many, so you must never make a similar mistake.

With the proper work boots, you’re guaranteed great comfort and optimal safety as you go about with your DIY projects.

Therefore, it’s clear that this investment is a necessity rather than a luxury.

But, shopping for work boots can be very confusing due to the many types available to choose from in the market.

If you’re experiencing such a challenge, today’s your lucky day.

This post is an overview of the essential factors to consider when searching for the right work boots as a DIY enthusiast:

Choose A Perfect Fit 

The size of the work boots is one thing you must consider as it directly affects support and comfort.

This is vital as the last thing you want are work boots which are too big or too tight.

Work boots that are too tight aren’t comfortable to wear as they pinch your toes and feet.

The same goes for bigger work boots as they also may eventually cause injuries such as blisters.

For you to make sure you have the right work boots for the job, there are a couple of things you need to confirm, such as; 

  • Are the boots comfortable through the instep?
  • Does the heel offer you a snug fit?
  • Is there enough room for your toes without pinching?
  • Are the balls of your feet pain-free?

If you don’t know your correct size, don’t be afraid to try different work boots before making the purchase.


One of the primary reasons you’re getting work boots is to protect your feet as you go about with your DIY duties.

Therefore, it’s only logical that you should prioritize investing in work boots that offer you optimal safety while performing your duties.

This means you enjoy peace of mind as you go about with your DIY project knowing your toes and feet are protected in the event of an accident.

There are many safety features to consider when looking for heavy-duty work boots, which can end up being quite confusing.

If this is the case, you should consider the type of job you’re doing and possible dangers while doing your DIY duties.

Doing this helps you decide what style of boots you want and the desired safety ratings.

Some of the vital safety features you must consider are:

  • Steel toes are a must-have when doing construction and lumber or carpentry DIY tasks as they do a great job protecting your feet from severe injuries.  
  • Composite safety toes are usually made of plastic, fibre, Kevlar, or carbon. They’re an ideal choice if you primarily work outdoors. 

You should also consider other safety features, including the outsole grips, electrical resistance, and nail resistent soles.  

Know The Various Types Of Work Boots 

Work boots come in different types, and you must choose one that perfectly suits the type of DIY work you’re doing and your feet. The various kinds to consider include;

  • Insulated boots
  • Slip-resistant boots
  • Water-resistant boots
  • Electrical hazard boots
  • Steel-toe boots

Each of these work boots is ideal to use in specific environments or conditions.

Therefore, you need first to do an exhaustive assessment of your working conditions or environment to decide which of these boots is a great pick.


The support offered by work boots is a combination of different elements, including the puncture plate, outsole, midsole, and insole.

Without the proper support, you risk getting injured as your feet aren’t comfortably housed in the boots.

As a result, you may start to develop blisters and other injuries to your feet.

This consequently affects your focus while going about your DIY project, thereby increasing the likelihood of an accident happening.

Knowing this, the support offered by work boots then needs to be among the essential factors you always should consider.


You don’t want to be routinely buying a new pair of work boots because this, in the long run, will end up costing you a fortune.

Instead, you need to invest in a quality pair of work boots that have a sturdy build quality.

With these pair of boots, your comfort and safety as you do the DIY tasks is assured while simultaneously saving how much money you spend.

This is despite the cost compared with inferior quality boots.


If you want a work boot to use when doing your DIY duties, it’s wise to go for the right pair.

You will have a much enjoyable time doing your projects, thanks to the comfort your boots offer and without worry about your safety in case of an accident.

This guide has highlighted every essential factor to consider in your decision-making process to help you choose which pair of work boots is the most suitable pick.


Chelsea Harolds

Chelsea Harolds is a work boots designer for a footwear company.

She has experience in various shoe designs and shares her expertise through her online presence.

Chelsea also loves designing bags, clothes, and accessories.


How to Keep Your Home Warm & Welcoming During the Colder Months

Guest Post by Natalie lge

While there is no easy way to bid farewell to the regal stretches of strikingly shaded autumnal leaves, we cannot do away with the fact that winter is fast approaching.

Aside from checking your heating system, cleaning your gutters, and inspecting the roof and exposed pipes, your home’s interiors should also exude a winter-ready vibe, without succumbing to a gloomy palette.

One example of a design idea that you should watch out for is the Scandinavian look featuring hygge.

The concept of “hygge” is such a hit especially during the wintertime for the reason that it reminds us to take on a slow pace, be at the present, and embrace warmth and comfort into our lives.

This Danish notion capitalises on the use of candle arrangements, macrame plant hangers, textured decors and rugs, and piled up fluffy throws to build the ultimate Zen den.

In this post, we will walk you through the four cold-busting ways that will help you in radiating a toasty hygge-like atmosphere within your home.

1. Install Energy-Efficient Window Coverings

In the field of designing, blinds, shades, and curtains can make or break the overall look.

Aside from sealing air leaks with rope caulk, draft snake, and plastic sheets, your choice of window treatments can significantly help in giving you full control in terms of light and privacy while offering amazing insulation to your windows.

Cellular shades, curtains with thermal lining, and insulated draperies are the most recommended types as these are discovered to dramatically reduce heating cost and guarantee that the heat from the inside is not lost through the windows.

Aside from its functional and practical purposes, installing one adds character and elevates the space’s feel making it look chic and inviting. Instead of using bold black or deep-toned shades, consider outfitting your room with fresh lighter hues, earthly tones, or winter blues and creams to emulate the colour of the season.

If you plan to mainly use curtains, you can even take a step further by covering not just windows but also walls to introduce more texture and warmth to drab-looking parts of the home.

2. Play with Ambient Light

Have you ever wondered what makes spas and hotels look comforting?

Aside from the interior design, one key element that they utilize is visual effects through ambient light.

The concept of lighting is truly interesting for the reason that it has psychological and biological effects, causing us to process the environment on a different level. Instead of just seeing an open layout, the combination of light sources, direction, and intensity can help draw attention to decors, improve the depth of room while evoking certain emotions.

With this being said, you can make your home extra cosy and welcoming when you add warm-coloured tones with non-uniform light distribution to create a relaxing and intimate look.

Your illumination plan should include fairy lights, energy-saving table and floor lamps, dimmable overhead lights for high-traffic parts of the house, DIY lanterns and candles for an elegant kinder glow.

To turn a space into a real haven without spending much, you may also light up candles with seasonal fragrances like spicy cinnamon or cedarwood to bring a cosseting atmosphere.

3. Bring Nature into Your Space

Since Australians share a love for nature, you must bring organic and natural elements into your home to create a soothing sanctuary.

This change can be in the form of adding authentic piles of rocks, wooden pieces, and low-maintenance indoor plants.

Instead of purchasing expensive seasonal decors, you might want to get your hands on reclaimed resources which can be repurposed into a whole new item for a show-stopping rustic look.

For the living room, a minimalist and clutter-free scheme is recommended.

You can make use of old crates or pallets and turn them into side tables or storage space for your blankets.

Depending on the size, you can also refine a tree stump into a coffee table and perhaps add a candle arrangement, potted firs, or burlap-wrapped succulents for a unique statement.

If you would like to go all out and purchase furniture for lounging, you can never go wrong with organic materials such as rattan chairs, wooden benches, or simple leather couches.

For bedrooms, the hygge principle calls for the use of linen or wool sheets to make the bed more comforting and ready for snuggle season.

These materials are game changers due to their natural insulation properties allowing them to retain the warmth from your body.

For a dreamier slumber, you can also add extra layers of fabrics or a chunky knit blanket to snuggle with.

4.  Add A Dash of Texture

In the field of interior design, texture plays an integral role in the sense that it adds dimension and breaks a plain cold look.

Aside from incorporating natural materials into your home, it is essential that you add bold textures to add balance and make the room pop.

Accent pieces like a jute area rug, animal skin, pillows, and cosy layered textiles can automatically channel a Hygge vibe.

You can also put up DIY art involving wood, crafting twine, or even dream catchers to add personality to your walls.

Since the goal is to make the room look comfortable, you do not have to lay out all the pieces together as it will create too much visual noise.

To play with texture, you should consider balancing it out by sticking only to a maximum of three distinct textures in a particular space.

For instance, you should always check if the rugs you are using for a single area complement each other in terms of colour, shape, pattern, and texture to boost harmony.


The winter is truly the most magical time of the year and it is the perfect reason to transform your home into a healthier and serene space.

Instead of completely doing an overhaul, you do not have to spend much to create your piece of heaven as you can simply upcycle stuff and consider DIY approaches.

After all, the hygge lifestyle is about contentment and making most of what you already have to create a truly cosy space for you and your family.

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