Is It Just Me?

I fail to see the point of this wash basin for a home.

I sort of understand it in a public washroom where most people just put some liquid soap on their hands and rinse it off.

How do you put a plug in ?

For a private house you want it to hold water, for those of us who have wet shaves, or even just give our face a proper wash.


For more unusual photos, and Fails, check out What the………………….?





Weird Planting

Last week I was walking down a street in a South East Melbourne suburb and saw this wall with succulents planted in the brick core holes.

What a strange idea.

  • Minimal soil to keep the plants alive.
  • Likelihood of roots attacking the mortar.
  • Moisture getting into the wall.

For more unusual photos, and Fails, check out What the………………….?


Bad Real Estate Photo

Some of you might think this photo was set up . . . . but I’m not so sure.

Over the years I have been to some truly awful open for inspections.

We went to one when we were considering buying a Melbourne Apartment and there was someone asleep in the bedroom.

Every counter top in the kitchen was 150mm deep in old pizza boxes and dirty dishes.

Every window blind was damaged,

The whole place smelt like a sweaty changing room.

The agent later phoned me up to ask if I was interested and was surprised when I said the owner would need to evict the tenants and spend some money on presentation before I was going to show any interest,


For more unusual photos, and Fails, check out What the………………….?



Colorbond Win

I saw this Land Rover in Knox earlier this week.

I know its a picture of a vehicle rather than a house, that would usually feature here,. . . . . . but what really impressed me was the use of something that’s normally on the roof of a house to make this Land Rover canopy.

Yes the whole canopy is made from roofing iron, and a very tidy job too.

The owner must really like the sound of rain on a tin roof.

For more unusual photos, and Fails, check out What the………………….?




ReActor House

A house as ‘Performance Architecture’.

This, is an approximatly 13m x 2.5m rotating home that balances on a single 14-foot tall concrete column. Movements inside the dwelling, as well as outside forces like gusts of wind, cause the structure to gently tilt and rotate.

In 2016 Schweder and Shelley  the two ‘artist/architects’ lived in home for five days, and every movements or breeze caused the building to move.

Find out more at

For more unusual photos, and Fails, check out What the………………….?


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