Solar Citizens

Do you want to be a Solar Citizen?

Do you know who the Solar Citizens are?


Well I only found out about them a couple of weeks ago.

Basically they are a nationwide group of people that support a more sustainable future.

Amongst other things they are campaigning for are ‘Better Feed In’ rates for people with Soalr PV panels on their roof . . . . they believe a fair rate for Feed In Tariffs is between $0.10 and $0.18 rather than the $0.05 to $0.08 you might be currently getting!


To find out more follow the link below

Leaf Carpet – Win

I was walking along Toorak Road, South Yarra and glanced into a florist’s shop to see this.

Not really house related, but I just thought the floor looked stunning.

A real ‘thinking outside the box’ idea for decorating.

Not practical for everyday, but for a home autumn wedding, or party perhaps?

The shop is called Victoria Whitelaw.

Also what about that chandelier!


For more Unusual House Photos, Wins, and Fails, have a look at: What the………………….?


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