5 Things To Consider When Choosing The Right Tile Grout

Guest Post by Chad Singson

If you’re planning to replace the tiles in your bath or kitchen, besides choosing the right tiles, you’ll also need to find the tile grout that perfectly fits the look you’re going for. (Tile grout refers to the paste that seals the gaps between the tiles)

Although choosing the tile grout may seem like an insignificant part of the process, your choice will have a significant impact on the overall aesthetic and durability of the tiling job.

Tiles and grout work hand in hand to make the design shine.

That’s why it’s important to equally pay attention to the grout for your tiling project. For excellent grout options, check out Ardex Tile Grout.

In this article, you’ll find a few essential things to consider when you’re choosing the grout.

Type of Grout

Cement and epoxy are the two most common types of grout.

Both these types come in sanded and un-sanded varieties.

Cement grout is easily available and doesn’t cost much.

Epoxy grout, on the other hand, is more expensive and difficult to install, but is more durable and is more resilient to damage caused by water or chemical cleaners.

When choosing between sanded or un-sanded grout, keep in mind that sanded grout is more resistant to cracks, which is why it’s used for grout lines that are wider than 2 mm.

When sealing grout, the breathable sealers are ideal for light-colored tiles, especially in high moisture areas, since they don’t darken due to moisture.

If you’re checking out alternate design options, opt for brass or stainless-steel metal inlays.

Choosing the Color

While choosing the color of the grout, the tile design you have in mind is a crucial consideration.

You’ll have to decide if you want the tile and grout design to be matching, complementary, or contrasting.

    • Matching Grout: Using a grout color that matches your tiles will produce a subtle overall effect, making the tiles look more pronounced. This can also make the place look more spacious. Matching grouts work well if you have beautiful tiles you want to showcase, while keeping the layout basic.
    • Neutral Grout: Grouts in neutral colors like grey or beige work well to compliment almost all tile layouts. Neutral grouts are the safest design choice, especially when you’re going for a traditional and simple tile layout.
    • Contrasting Grout: Grouts used in colors contrasting the tiles are best when you want to accentuate the overall tile pattern. Dark tiles with contrasting grout can make the area look busy and are great for geometric design patterns.

The Shade of the Grout

When choosing the right grout color, consider both the aesthetic and practical aspect of each option.

Darker grout color can conceal the stains, but it also tends to fade quickly.

On the other hand, a lighter grout color may get dirty quickly and can be high maintenance.

That’s why neutral grout colors like beige and grey are popular, as they are easier to clean and don’t get discolored easily.

Overall Appearance

While choosing the right tile grout, consider the overall appearance of the area.

This will help you visualize how the grout will look in terms of the overall design.

Consider the location where you’ll be placing the tiles.

Wall tiles are more ornate and may require complementary or neutral grouts to highlight the tiles, whereas darker grouts for floor tiles can work well to define the space.

The spacing of the grout will also play an important role in the overall tile design.

Narrow-spaced grouts can give a seamless, blended appearance, while, wider grouts can make the tile grout stand out.

Maintenance Required

Since light-colored grouts tend to stain easily, they require frequent cleaning.

If you’re choosing darker colors, keep in mind that dark color grouts can produce efflorescence that would also need cleaning.

It’s important to seal your grout with a breathable sealant so the grout doesn’t peel off.

Your sealed grout will also require regular cleaning for maintenance.


When you’re planning to tile your bathroom or kitchen, remember to also focus on getting the right tile grouts.

Tile grout is much more than just a substance that fills the space in between the tiles.

It has a significant impact on your overall design.

That’s why, it’s vital to do your research and choose the right color, material, and sealant, instead of leaving it as a last-minute purchase.

You can get a few samples and try it with your tiles before you go for the final layout, which will help you get a clear picture of how the tile grout will look in the overall design.

4 Reasons Why Using Mesh Banners Are Useful In Home Construction Sites 

Guest Post from Marketplace

Home construction involves a lot of processes before you can enjoy a brand-new house.

You have to prepare the construction site, complete the rough framing, and install the drywall and other interior fixtures.

Until you can have the final walk-through, the list goes on as home constructions are time-consuming.

During this time you are expected to keep your site secure fortunately, mesh banners can make the task easier and lighter.

As the name suggests, mesh banners are signs that come with small holes that allow winds to pass through.

Mesh banners are often used by businesses to advertise their products and services.

But if you plan to have your home constructed soon, it’s best if you start looking for banner mesh as this can are very useful in home construction sites because of the following reasons:


A lot of things take place during home construction.

Often, you’ll have to hire different contractors who’ll take care of different things on the construction site.

The more complex your house plan is, the more people you’ll have to hire.

Providing safety to the people who’ll spend time in and around the home construction site is one of the biggest reasons why mesh banners are important.

By investing in mesh banners, you, passers-by, and the people working on-site can experience the following:

    • By blocking any loose debris, dirt, and other items from entering, or leaving, the construction site, mesh banners can effectively prevent injuries.
    • With passers-by kept away from the home construction site, it’ll be easier for contractors to focus on their safety while at work. Without distractions, contractors can properly use the necessary tools and pay attention to risks when working.


Because of the number of people working for a home construction project, expect that the site will be messy all the time.

More often than not, the home construction site will have several piles of cement, stacks of bricks, and a lot of wood.

The contractors will also use bulky equipment and acquire different vehicles in the construction site.

A mesh banner can hide all of the mess in the home construction site, making the neighborhood look cleaner and more organized.

With a mesh banner, all of the debris produced in the construction site will stay in the same place.

This will surely make your future neighbors very happy as the aesthetics of their properties aren’t ruined by your home construction project.


As mentioned, home constructions will require a lot of time.

Usually, it’ll take about five months to complete a home construction project but can last longer if the homeowner wants to install more fixtures and features.

A mesh banner is a very versatile material that you can use throughout the entire duration of your home construction.

Mesh banners are easy to put up, take down, and add more panels–you can basically adjust the coverage of your mesh banner without any help from professionals.

For instance, if your house plan started small, and you eventually decide to expand once the construction starts, mesh banners can be very useful since you can conveniently adjust it.

Provide A Glimpse Into The Future 

It’s common for passers-by to be curious whenever a construction takes place around their area.

Usually, they’ll wonder what the construction is, who manages the construction, and when the project will be completed.

Nosy individuals will even ask the contractors that are working on-site just to learn more.

For you to easily provide these individuals with a glimpse into the future, and easily answer their questions about the home construction, invest in mesh banners.

You can have your mesh banners customized to provide details about the construction, and give them an idea of what the finished project will look like.

Aside from informing the neighbors about the details of the home construction project, customized and well-designed mesh banners can also make the area more appealing.

With mesh banners, the people around the site won’t have to look at bland or boring fences.

Choose The Best 

Mesh banners are common today, so expect that you can easily find businesses that sell this product.

However, if you want to experience value for your money, make sure to buy mesh banners from trusted brands in the industry.

This will give you peace of mind knowing that you’re using high-quality mesh banners for your home construction.


Tips for Mixing and Matching Your Outdoor Furniture

Guest Post by Marketplace

When summer comes, it’s time to soak up the sun and relax in the spectacular warm weather.

The outdoor furniture that wasn’t in use throughout the winter is now ready, simply because it’s time to switch activities to outdoors–from hosting parties to dining. 

When it comes to picking your outdoor furniture, it’s all about mixing and matching.

Therefore, the furnishings, other than serving their purpose, also need to blend with the surrounding space.

In case you’re wondering how to choose the perfect outdoor pieces that suit your space while staying within the price range, it’s not as hard as it may sound.

With the help of companies, such as Dreamo, you have a range of options to help make up your mind.

Nonetheless, if you’re looking to mix and match your outdoor furniture, then read through this guide for some tips.

Incorporate Umbrellas

The use of umbrellas in not only for shade.

For instance, in beach houses, where the outdoor space faces the ocean, umbrellas regulate the amount of light.

Umbrellas come in different colours and patterns, So choose the one that presents a colour splash to the surroundings while also providing a focal point.

If the umbrella’s colour is bright, the chairs can offer contrast by being dim.

Better yet, match the umbrella’s colour to that of the chairs to create a colourful pattern.

Bring the Indoors Out

As the easiest way to elevate your outdoor space with furniture pieces with your indoor furniture, there shouldn’t be much disparity between the indoor and outdoor furnishings.

When it comes to cohesive arrangement, you may choose to go with matching sets of furniture to bring harmony.


Colour coordination is important.

Before adding a new color to the outdoors, take note of the surroundings; for example, use the house colour as a guide to give you an idea of the hues that match well.

Further, the surrounding trees and flowers should help you decide whether you want to harmonize or prefer contrast.

Even if cushions and pillows present many colour options, you can still explore using chairs in different materials, styles, and shades.

Additionally, plastic as a material offers a wide range of colour options.

As a tip, use vibrant bright colours to bring out a happy theme, especially in the summer, where the sunlight bounces off the furniture.

Use the same colour for all the pieces to bring a matching effect, as using different colours for each piece makes the space look disjointed.

Nature of Your Space

It’s possible to have an outdoor space that’s not in nature–there are no trees or vegetation around.

The best example is the outdoor space by pool-sides.

Such a space can use a touch of wooden furniture because it contrasts well with the surrounding.

If the outdoor space is close to trees, wooden furniture won’t blend perfectly with the environment.

Instead, materials such as metal mix well with this kind of setting.

Do note to place wood, such as pine, on the grass because wood isn’t suitable for exposed areas.

The moisture coming from the ground will cause the wood to damp and rot. and can corrode some metals.


It’s always advisable to go for a material that requires little care.

For instance, the furniture material should withstand weather conditions since the furniture stays outdoors.

So, consider outdoor-friendly materials, such as aluminium, teak, and resin.

Metallic furniture is easy to blend with the rest of the space because it’ll contrast with the other materials in the outdoor space, bringing different perspectives and finishes.

To provide strong accents, you can also introduce fabric since it’ll incorporate into pillows.

However, choose comfortable cushion designs that can bring out a fresh look without changing the furniture.

Remember, the material covering your pillows should resist weather changes for them to suit outdoor usage.

Switching Shapes

Instead of using a matching dining set, add in a different chair as it helps in breaking the monotony in the space.

Matching furniture from different collections and interplaying shapes of pillows and accessories provide an exciting look; a break away from the normal setting.


Above everything, determining what furniture to buy within your budget is important.

Some options, such as aluminium and resin, offer quality furniture for less money as they’re cheaper than wood.

Also, to achieve a new look, furniture pillows are inexpensive and easy to change around.

Bottom Line

Mixing outdoor furniture involves incorporating different aspects, like shapes, colours, materials, and furniture pieces.

The essence is to break away from boring and monotonous settings because matching provides a blend.

Since there are no rules, interplay the ideas above to achieve that sweet spot between match and mix.

Ultimately, beauty lies in the beholder’s eyes, and what you opt for your furniture depends entirely on your preference.

Easy to grow vegetables for beginners 

Guest Post from Tristan

There’s no better feeling than growing your own vegetables.

It’s not only fun and healthy, its super rewarding.

When thinking of starting your own little veggie garden, sometimes getting it started can be the hardest part.

While choosing things to grow, it’s important to grow produce that is easy to grow rather than your favourite produce, save this till next year.

Growing produce that is simple, gives you the confidence to begin taking on bigger challenges, and before long your whole yards will be a little veggie garden.

Growing crops that require little maintenance and have a short harvest time is a great way to start.


Pick a part of your garden that is sheltered but sunny.

Exceptions to this rule include salad leaves and some herbs.


The quality of your soil is another important factor for your grow, chances are if things are already growing there, your produce will to.

First step is to prepare the soil, this is done by removing weeds and turning over the soil, loosening things up.

Only grow what you have space for, don’t grow plants too closely together, so follow the recommendation on the seed packets.


Potatoes are one of my favourites to grow.

Plant them in the ground or even in a box.

Wait until the first leaves begin to show, then you cover these with soil.

This helps them grow faster for the next few weeks, then its harvest time.

Depending on what time of year you plant your potatoes, between planting and harvesting is roughly 3 – 4 months.


Beetroot is another simple vegetable to grow as and can be planted by simply twisting it into the soil like a drill.

Beetroot leaves can be harvested after 6 weeks or so (leaves are great for salads) and the bulb harvested after 3 months.


Cucumber seeds are simple to sow, and are best placed roughly 2cm under the soil.

Cucumbers enjoy the sun like the rest of us, and prefer warm temperatures.

Providing they are watered regularly, and have plenty of sun, they grow like crazy.

Cucumbers crawl along the ground or you can use a trellis.

Cucumber vines grow up to 2.4m so if you have a small garden it’s important to let them grow.

When crammed they produce a smaller more bitter yield, so give them plenty of room to breathe.


Spinach is similar to growing Lettuce, something we should all be able to master.

Its best planted in well-drained soil as it encourages root growth.

It’s a plant that can grow year-round as its not deterred by the cold.

When you plant your spinach seeds, you will need to go through and thin where you planted a few weeks later.

Just be sure to remove any area where you see clusters appears.

After you have done this your spinach will be ready to harvest in 6-8 weeks.

Tristan is a writer from Sydney Gardeners, his passion for writing stemmed from his experience in the gardening industry. Writing first hand from years of practical knowledge.

 Five Great Uses for Rural Farm Sheds in Australia

Guest post by Asad Shoaib

The weather of rural Australia is quite harsh so the rural farms require proper durable sheds to be in their ideal state.

They must be strong enough to stand the test of time without causing any trouble.

Such sheds are designed and engineered by considering the severity of external elements.

There are multiple great uses for rural farm sheds in Australia that you must know.

However, five of the great uses are mentioned here to enlighten you.

Workshop or Office

If you want your dealings with your suppliers and farmers to be secured, you can take advantage of the rural farm sheds.

However, you must pick the design, color, and material of your farm sheds carefully to make sure that it caters to the needs of the farmers or visitors.

If you are using part of the shed as an office you will need to add insulation and perhaps ventilation.

You can also add personal sliding doors for easy access. 

Security for Machinery 

Farm sheds can help provide security for farm machinery.

You can build steel sheds that can serve this purpose effectively.

You can also get the roller doors installed to make your security system stronger and better.

Moreover, you can incorporate open windows in your enclosed shed design to see whats happening around the farm.


Your farm will be incomplete without animals to whom you can provide shelter by simply building sheds.

It is not enough to make a roof over the heads of animals instead, they require proper living space to be comfortable.

For instance, if you have horses on your farm, they would require some space to run and play around.

So, a storage rural farm shed would be a great choice if you want to give your animals a secure environment where they can live as they want to.

All you need to do is to hire reliable professional services that can build a particular type of shed for your farm.

Safety of Animals and Family

Since you don’t want your animals, family, and loved ones to get affected by chemicals, machinery, and equipment, you must invest some money in building a high-quality rural farm shed.

If you don’t keep the hazardous chemicals out of reach from animals, they can pose a threat to their lives.

So, you should hire the services that can provide you with a rural farm shed based on your needs, preferences, and site conditions.

Facility for Animal Feed

Animal feed must be kept in its fresh form to keep the farm animals active and healthy.

A good rural farm shed can protect the animal feed from external harmful elements and prying eyes.

Since the weather of Australia can cause huge disasters, we must take all precautionary measures we possibly can.

You can get a durable farm shed or arena that can withstand every trial for a long time. 

6 Easy Ways to Give Your Home a Quick Makeover 

Guest Post by Andrej Kovacevic

Age might take a toll on your home, or you might get tired of the same look.

Unfortunately, complete home renovations take a lot of time and can get expensive.

A home renovation in Australia can cost as much as $200,000

But what if you don’t have such a budget? . . . Don’t panic because you don’t have to dig deep into your pockets to do a quick makeover. 

Here are some inexpensive tips to give your home a fresher look. 

1. Rearrange Your Furniture

One of the easiest things you can do to give your home a new look is rearranging the furniture.

But before you start moving things around, it is a good idea to de-clutter.

This means clearing away items that are no longer in use or those that are not regularly used. These might include old electronics, books, clothes, chairs, etc.

De-cluttering creates more space, but it might also allow more light into your living space, making it appear more accommodating.

If you are open to new ideas, you might want to try out Feng shui.

This is a Chinese concept that utilizes natural elements to promote the “flow of energy.” which is said to create balance and harmony in a home.

2. Get New Flooring

Redoing your floors or wall-to-wall carpeting is bound to be costly and time-consuming. Not so with rugs. 

What’s more, you can use these to bring different colours and textures into any room.

There are great natural fibre rugs you can consider if you or a family member is prone to allergies. 

Aside from placing area rugs strategically to partition different areas of the house, you can also use different mats to create artistic floor mosaics. 

3. Get New Fixtures

Getting a few new items that blend in well with the overall décor can do wonders for any room. 

This works particularly well for the kitchen and the bathroom. 

The sink is a focal point in the kitchen.

If your sink has seen better days or is out of style, you might want to get a new one.

While there are many good materials for kitchen sinks, stainless steel is one of the most popular options because it is affordable.

If you are looking for good deals, consider buying kitchen sinks online.

Online shopping also gives you a wider variety of sinks to choose from

4. Upholster Your Furniture

Sometimes, getting your furniture upholstered takes care of the need to replace it.

With a change in upholstery, you can introduce different colours and textures.

You can play around with the theme or style to achieve a more updated look.

5. Dress Your Walls

While plain walls might be safe, they can become tiresome to look at pretty fast.

To make things more interesting, paint one wall a different colour.

Usually, this is done on a feature wall.

Textured wallpaper is yet another way to add colour, texture, and personality into any room. 

Similarly, you can bring in paintings or mirrors with rustic frames to add an element of glamour. 

You can blow up family portraits, landscapes, and calendar art and set them in antique frames to give you personalized art to adorn your walls with.

6. Go DIY

If you are good with your hands, you can handle some tasks on your own and save up on labour costs.

You might want to repaint faded walls, recondition cabinets, fill nail holes or do some landscaping and so on.

There is a disclaimer, though -DO NOT attempt DIY on specialized tasks that involve electrical wiring or plumbing if you do not have the relevant skills. Otherwise, you might cause serious damage or put your wellbeing at risk.

It’s All About Creativity

With some creativity, you can execute impressive makeovers without denting your finances.

What’s more, is that you do not have to do everything at the same time.

Many people opt to go from room to room to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

What Separates Great Electricians From Good Electricians?

Guest Post by Pratik Dalshi

Generally, every electrician knows how to install, diagnose, and repair electrical systems, switchboards, cables, wirings, and anything that runs on electricity.

Each technician has also completed their Australian apprenticeship, gained their qualification, and holds a license to operate. 

All these factors certainly make a good electrician.

But do you want to hire a GOOD electrician to handle one of the most important systems in your home or business? . . . . Or do you want to hire a GREAT one?

Of course, to get the best results you need the best people for the job. . . .but how will you know?

Well, here’s a guide on how to determine which electricians are good and which ones are great. 

Top 4 Differences Between a Good Electrician and a Great Electrician

1. Safety

Being an electrician is a high-risk occupation.

Any error in the installation or maintenance of power systems may result in damages in your property

More importantly it could result in injury or death which is why safety is their highest concern.

Good electricians can guarantee you a properly functioning system that follows safety codes as they have the necessary knowledge about safety protocols and procedures before conducting any job.

But for great electricians, safety is not only a rule they follow but it’s part of their culture.

They make sure that they go through regular training to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest health and safety practices and standards.

They also take it up a notch and work with other organizations that can help them achieve their safety goals. 

So if you want to make sure that your property is fully protected, choose a great electrician. 

2. Experience

Since working with electricity is dangerous, you should choose someone who has practical experience in your type of work. 

This way, you can be at ease knowing that your electrician knows what he is doing

This doesn’t mean that fresh graduates can’t handle simple jobs, but choosing an experienced electrician does eliminate the risks of faulty work. 

There are many good technicians with a lot of experience.

But if you want the best, look for those with decades of experience.

This means that they have pretty much seen, repaired, and attended to every problem there is with electrical systems, so you can trust them to fix and accomplish any job that involves electricity. 

3. Scope of Skills

Good electricians are knowledgeable and skilled in the most common electrical projects.

This includes light fixtures and chandeliers, outlet, ceiling fans, electrical panels, circuit breakers, outdoor lighting, wiring, and other electrical fixtures. 

On the other hand, great electricians are experts in every field.

They can work on everything mentioned above plus more such as smart homes.  

4. Guarantee

If you’re hiring an electrician for a job, you’d want it done right and fast.

After the job, you expect everything to run smoothly with no problem.

Of course, you don’t want to pay more for issues that were not addressed.

A good electrician will provide you with a guarantee that spans for at least a year for his work so  if anything goes wrong with the electrical problem he attended to, you have this specific period to call him again to resolve issues. 

While that’s already good, this doesn’t stand a chance with what a great electrician can offer.

Usually, the best electricians, like Electrician To The Rescue, trust their workmanship so much that they give their clients a lifetime guarantee.

That’s right. If you hire a great electrician to fix any of your electrical problems, expect it to get fixed for life!

Additionally, great electricians are backed with insurance. This is important when choosing who to hire for liability reasons. So if you want to have peace of mind, make sure that you’re dealing with great professionals

Electrician To The Rescue is Sydney’s first choice when it comes to electrical services. They have over 35 years of experience and offer a 100% lifetime guarantee for our workmanship.

You can enjoy reliable and prompt services that are available  24/7. 

A beginner’s guide to financial fitness

Guest Post by Emily Taylor 

If you are going to be looking for a mortgage for your new house you will need to be financially fit

Becoming financially fit is a marathon, not a sprint.

You need to train yourself to know what is wise to spend money on and what isn’t.

If you start too quickly you’ll burn out. Being financially fit means feeling confident with your finances and managing your money for the long term.

It means knowing when to say yes and when to say no.

While starting to train for a marathon requires a basic level of fitness, anyone can become financially fit if you’re willing to learn, act and restrain from old habits, financial fitness is totally attainable.

Here’s the beginner’s guide to financial fitness.

Set goals

The first step in becoming financially fit is to set goals for saving.

How can you save if you don’t know what you’re saving for?

So, determine how much you need and work out how long it will take to get there.

You’ll be more determined if you have a rough idea of how long it will take.

Be thrifty 

Being financially fit means finding out how to get the most from your money.

This might not necessarily mean buying what’s cheapest if it’s not the best quality.

So, do your research and consider what you’re spending your money on.

Some of the places to save money might surprise you. For example, you can save money if you find the best providers for international money transfers


Budgeting means understanding where your money is going and keeping track of everything you spend.

It’s best to do so on a month-on-month basis.

So, establish your income, your necessary spending and any luxuries.

Keep an eye on your spending and make sure it stays on track with the budget or, you’ll need to make some changes.


Being financially fit means thinking about the future. It’s no good being great with money now and not thinking ahead.

Investing means that your money is in something concrete and won’t be affected by inflation.

Plus, it can significantly reduce tax.

So, consider investing in a property to prepare for the future.

Whether it’s somewhere you’ll be living or you’re renting it to tenants, it will massively improve your financial fitness.

Be automatic

You probably already know that online banking is the way forward.

Having access to a banking app helps to keep track of your finances and move money quickly.

However, go one step further by being automatic, and set up payments that go out without you physically having to move them each month.

This means that you can’t forget to make the relevant payments or accidentally spend the money elsewhere.


Being financially fit means applying new practices and maintaining them.

Anyone can be good with money for a month or two.

But being financially fit means continuing good practices and sticking to them in the long run.

So, once you’ve established a good routine, make sure you don’t lapse.

Like training for a marathon, taking a couple of months off could do a lot of damage.

Six Bathroom Renovation Rip-Offs and How to Avoid Them

  Guest Post by Asad Shoaib

A bathroom renovation can add more value to your home if you carry out the entire process successfully.

However, it can also turn into a nightmare if you don’t pay heed to little details.

The more aspects you take into account, the more easily you can avoid mistakes and disasters at the end of the day.

Here are six bathroom renovation rip-offs mentioned which you should learn to avoid.


The amount of money you spend on your bathroom renovation project must neither be too large nor too small.

A lot of people don’t take their budget requirements seriously so they end up facing financial crises or significant losses.

So, you must have a clear idea about the exact amount of money that your bathroom renovation requires.

To be more precise, you must plan everything from the designing of the bathroom to the layout. You can also get multiple quotes to have a better cost estimate.


Some homeowners prefer to try their skills to be able to save a few dollars when it comes to renovating the bathroom.

However, the bathroom is one of the most important parts of your home so you would never want to regret later if anything goes wrong.

Basic DIY such as replacing tap washers is one thing.

For a complete bathroom renovation, it is better to call a professional whenever you feel the need.

It might require investing more money but it can save you from facing critical damages.

Big Changes

Sometimes your bathroom needs to undergo a little change to look fresh as a new one.

So, you can avoid big changes by replacing the vanity, replacing old tapware, and installing new wall tiles to make your bathroom modern and updated.

It would help save a significant amount of time and money that you can spend on any other area of your home that is not structurally sound.

However, if you still intend a proper renovation, you must take help from a professional.


Trends come and go so you must not let yourself get obsessed with them.

Instead, you should prefer functionality over trends to make your renovation last longer.

It is also advised to choose simple and classical designs that never get outdated.

The style of your bathroom must match with the rest of your home.

It must look like a part of your home if you don’t want to kill the vibe.


You must pay attention to proper spacing to make your bathroom comfortable for everyday use.

It is better to leave the decorating and looks for later.

However, if you don’t care about the placement of plumbing fixtures beforehand, you might get into huge trouble.


The material you choose for your bathroom renovation can make or break your experience.

If you don’t want to get stressed out, you must consider the quality of the material you buy for floors, walls, top, vanity, and other major parts.

Since you invest a huge amount of money in bathroom renovation, you must make sure that the material can stand the test of time.

DIY Blinds And Window Decorations You Can Do At Home

Guest Post

Windows provides an overall vibe within a home.

Putting some decoration like blinds or shade can change your home ambience extensively.

Manufactured blinds and other window decors may cost you a heavy amount of money.

But do not fret, because there are many DIY window décor projects you can easily do at home.

So to help you decide which one of these projects will suit your taste, below are some ideas and materials you may be needing for your DIY project.

Types of Window Shades and Blinds

The window shade and blinds are the most common decorations to dress up your naked window.

The main difference between these two is how to control the light from outside.

Made up with a solid piece of fabric, window shades have open and close function while blinds have adjusted light control because they can be tilted as they are made with multiple slats.

Here are some types of window shades and blinds where you can get an idea for your DIY project:

  1. Roman shades have a unique horizontal fold that shows its style when raised up. It is one of the most popular shades.
  2. Solar shades act like sunglasses as this shade provides light control while you still have an outside view of your home.
  3. Woven wood shades are commonly made with bamboo, reeds and grass. The natural vibe it brings suits almost any house design.
  4. Cellular shades are sometimes called smart windows. Although there are no electronics or electrical tinkering involved, the unique honeycomb cell design provides decent temperature control both in winter and summer.
  5. Roller shades are equipped with blackout and filter light features that come at an affordable price.
  6. Pleated shades have a slat-like design that made it look neater when raised up. The design will stack up nicely when folded.
  7. Wood blinds provide a warm and cozy vibe for your home. The natural style also fits in almost every household because it is made from real wood.
  8. Faux wood blinds have lower price than wood blinds since they are made of polymers or wood composite. They are moisture resistant making them more tough from wear and tear factors.
  9. Panel track blinds have vertical design suitable for extended glass windows and doors. They are made of slats of fabric that can slide freely in a curtain bar.

Other Materials for Window Decors

While the staple of window decors are polymers, fabric and wood, there are alternative materials that you can work with.

Here are some materials you can use for your do-it-yourself blinds and shades project:

  • Faux Wood If you want to maintain the natural style with polymer-like features, faux wood may be the best choice. It is moisture resistant, making it suitable for your kitchen and bathroom. Unlike wood, it will not warp or break in high moisture areas around your home.
  • Aluminum With its rust resistant feature, aluminum may sit around in any part of your house. It is also sturdy, cheap and low maintenance which is perfect when you have a limited budget. The design process is also pretty easy since you can finish it off with any color you like.
  • Bamboo A cheap and renewable source. Bamboo provides a vibe from the tropics.It is durable and nature-friendly making it suitable for diy projects.

Creative Ways to Hype Up Your Windows

    1. Mix some colors or fabric: Adding additional color or fabric to your existing curtains will provide a refreshing vibe. Start with mixing and matching your favorite colors and patterns. Eventually, you will have unlimited options.
    2.  Indoor shutters: Shutters are commonly found outside the windows. Putting them inside will give you a different experience when opening them to get a view of the outside surroundings. It will also provide a classic and elegant look.
    3.   Bamboo shades: Tired of fabrics? Add a little twist to the usual material used to make window shade. Bamboo is  available almost everywhere and is much more affordable than other alternative materials. You can mix different styles like roman and woven wood shade to add more style.
    4. Ruffles and more ruffles: Ruffles fit almost any fabric you can imagine. The style and elegance will hype up by adding these on the edges, sides or body of your current curtains.
    5.  Contrast of colors: If you want to emphasize your windows, painting the window frames with contrasting colors to your wall paint may be the greatest way. Naked windows will be much better to look at for an affordable price and less labor.
    6. Add cornices: Another great element to add on your windows are cornices. Located above the frame of your window, you can go plain or design it with your most favorite pattern. All you will be needing is paint, wood and creativity.


Taking your window decors to the next level does not need to be expensive.

Now that you are knowledgeable of the types, materials and ideas, you can easily make your dream window décor.

When you are going to do unusual designs, keep in mind the safety of children.

It’s time to make the dream window décor of yours!


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