Bell Push – Fail

Over a week I would probably visit between 150 – 200 homes.

That’s a lot of door bells pushed……..and if the bell doesn’t work it can be a lot of sore knuckles knocking.

The bell push in the picture above, seems to me, to be most often found at houses where the doorbell doesn’t work.

If you are looking for a doorbell push I couldn’t honestly recommend this one!

On a lighter note here is a different sort of door bell, that worked first time.


For more Unusual Houses and Fails see What the………………….?

Bell Trap – Win

See what I have to deal with when calling on people to organise sewer inspections……a bell push set in a rabbit trap!

Do you think the house owner has had too many people calling to ‘Save Their Souls’.

Or they just don’t like their relatives?

With some trepidation I did press the button, to hear a sound rather like Lurch (from the Adams  Family) opening a creaky door.

A great idea, well executed! It kept me smiling for the rest of the day.

For more Unusual Houses and Fails see What the………………….?



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