Everything you need to know about damp in property

Guest Post by Aaron

Dampness within a property can be very worrying.

If left untreated, it can lead to structural issues and prolonged exposure can cause structural failings.

There are three main types of common damp problems; Condensation, Rising damp, and Penetrating damp.


This is the most common damp problem of them all, and it’s the easiest to spot.

Look out for mould, most commonly in wet areas like the bathroom and be aware of ceilings and corners close to water that do not see much sunlight.

Ventilation problems can also attack tightly fitted laminated flooring and lead to dry rot.

The solution could just be extra vents or extractor fans, but in other cases you may need more wall insulation.

Rising damp

The clue is in the name for this one, it starts below your flooring and then spreads upwards.

The damp leaves patches as it climbs up the walls.

The problem could be a faulty pipe near the bottom of the wall, or a badly draining path, which is causing water to be collected.

Penetrating damp

Tell-tale signs of penetrating damp are fungi on the walls and crumbling plaster.

All sorts of home disasters could be to blame for this type of damp, from roof tiles coming loose to windows not being fitted correctly.

If you have a cellar/ underground garage, you may need special cement sealant treatment which stops damp from making the outside to inside switch.

If you don’t have a cellar and have penetrating damp, you may need new guttering.

It all depends on how the water is entering your home.


Here are some solutions you may find useful if you have damp or want to avoid causing damp as much as possible.

If you constantly have to wipe condensation from your windows or notice wet patches at the top or bottom of your walls, you may need to improve the air quality and water structure in your home.

Short term fixes

Some short term fixes to dampness are; ensuring that any washing machine or tumble dryer in your property is ventilated properly.

From just one load of washing, two litres of water is emitted into the air.

If it is possible, try your best to dry clothes outdoors to prevent excess moisture escaping into your property.

If you have no choice but to dry clothes in the home, open doors and windows in the rooms the wet clothes are in.

If you are either cooking, boiling the kettle, taking a shower or running a bath, make sure that your kitchen or bathroom doors are kept closed to prevent the steam from going into colder rooms.

Cover your pans when cooking with a lid to reduce moisture and ensure that you have an extractor fan. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes after cooking to help clear the air.
Try not to overfill your bedroom wardrobes and kitchen cupboards.

A lack of ventilation and trapped warm air are a breeding ground for mould as the air is not able to circulate freely inside.

Also, make sure that your furniture is around 50mm away from the surrounding walls so that air can move around your property.

Long term fixes

Double glazing and loft insulation will help to reduce the amount of heat that is lost from a property.

An adequate amount of heating in your property will improve the internal temperature of surfaces in the house and reduce the likeliness of damp.

Installing insulation will help to keep the temperature of the surfaces inside your property high.

You can also install energy efficient extractor fans in your kitchen and bathroom to improve humidity levels.

Adequate ventilation is essential to allow the moisture to escape from a property before it turns into condensation or causes dampness.

The other option is to employ someone to damp proof your home.

Depending on the cause of the damp, different methods and approaches to resolve and avoid it can be taken.

The surveyors will diagnose the scale of the problem and immediate ventilation will help remove the damp although in some cases, plastering and timber removal or replacement may be necessary.

Toilet Door – Fail

Here is a photograph, from my ‘seat’, of a toilet door with no lock, on a recent shopping trip.

So what’s so unusual about a broken toilet door you may wonder? . . . . after all they aren’t that uncommon.

Well this one is at a Bunnings Store.

With all those expert handymen, and a store full of catches and locks, you would have though they could have managed to fix it!

Which is why this is a massive FAIL

For more Unusual House Photos, Wins, and Fails, have a look at: What the………………….?


Alternatives to Retaining Walls

When it comes to a change of gradient in your land most people just thing ‘Retaining wall’.

Perhaps you should think about some alternatives using a slope.

What you need to consider is how to make sure at that erosion is prevented when rainfall gets washed down the slope.

A great example is this slope has been protected by large boulders carefully placed to appear like a natural rock outcrop.

Another approach is to construct something like a drystone wall but laid back at an angle of around 45 degrees like this second example.

For more inspiration just try Google Search ‘Rockery’ for hundreds of ideas.

The Seasonal Swap

Guest post from Hubert Dwight

6 Ways to Reinvent Your Outdoor Setup For Year Round Comfort

Enjoying sunlight, fresh air and are a gentle breeze are some of the simplest, yet most enjoyable things in life.

It’s little wonder that we desire an outdoor living area as a part of our home.

We are able to combine the best of both worlds – all the creature comforts of being indoors with all the sights, sounds and smells of natural surroundings.

Whether your outdoor living space is a balcony, a patio, a deck or some other set up, it needn’t matter the season – you can enjoy your little slice of heaven whatever the weather, all year round.

Don’t quite believe that’s possible? Well, just take a look at these handy tips and you’ll be ‘living it up’ in your outdoor area – even in the dead of winter!

1. Adequate heating

Being able to enjoy an outdoor living space all year round is all about keeping cosy no matter the season.

To achieve this, you first must think about sourcing adequate heating options.

These need to be safe and functional.

Ideally, the should also be cost effective.

The most efficient outdoor heaters are electric.

Not only are they energy efficient, they are great for the environment – and, your pocket too.

2. An enclosed, or partially enclosed outdoor area

There are a few methods that you can consider in order to make your patio, pergola or other form of outdoor living area ‘transeasonal’.

This means that you can use it whatever the temperature or weather.

You could consider installing a roof and/or enclosing the space with screens or shutters to turn it into something akin to a sunroom when the weather is colder and/or blusterier.

You could also look at some kind of temporary roof cover.

Another option is to install insulation in a pre-existing structure.

This will make the area considerably warmer.

Using weather proof materials will ensure your space is usable – rain, hail or shine.

Homeadvisor is a great place to start when looking into options on this front as the site offers some very useful information on the most common solutions in outdoor enclosures – and, just what they are likely to cost you.

3. An outdoor kitchen

Yes, you heard right – creating an outdoor kitchen is the perfect way to generate warmth in your living space.

It might be a simple as a BBQ, a wood fire oven – or, you could even consider a fire pit or a built-in fireplace (always keep safety in mind) to make your outdoor space viable for entertaining guests – whatever the season.

An outdoor kitchen is also a great way to enjoy those yummy, wafting aromas of whatever it is that you might be grilling/roasting or toasting.

Marshmallows anyone?

Ikea is the master of innovation when it comes to maximising the utility of any given living space, and that holds true when it comes to outdoor kitchen products, designs and inspiration.

4. Weather resistant furnishings

Choosing the right furnishings for your transeasonal living space is really about thinking about what materials will go the distance.

It’s about investment.

Look for furnishings that offer both form and function and are made using materials that can weather a harsh summer sun (resistant to fading and chipping) but, will also be mould-resistant and retain warmth during periods of rain and/or during the colder months.

Wicker and aluminium framing seem to be the firm winners when it comes to popular and versatile materials.

Check out what lifestyle blog The Spruce considers to be the best outdoor furniture brands currently on the market – especially in terms of
weather resistance.

5. The right accessories

Don’t underestimate the ability of the right accessories in transforming your outdoor living space.

Adding your personalised touch via such elements as stylish scatter-cushions, plush throws and textured outdoor rugs can really up the ante, turning your living area into your very own ultra-luxe ‘at-home mecca’.

Select sensual fabrics (like faux fur and chenille) to bring a touch of opulence.

For an outdoor space that you’ll want to cosy up in right this minute, consider home accessories in soft, earthy hues and finely weaved textures.

Need further styling inspiration?

These beautiful examples from HouseBeautiful are sure to get you in the mood for decorating.

6. Bringing it all together

It’s all about making your outdoor living space as inviting as possible.

The additions of some lanterns – or, perhaps even some fairy lights and an ornamental statue or two – can really tie it all together.

Include lots of options for lounging, and don’t forget your four-legged friends.

If you have pets then why not bring a dog or cat bed into the equation?

If you don’t have animals, maybe a bird bath will bring extra joy?

Fill your outdoor area with jovial frivolity and the spirit of togetherness.

That’s the ultimate way to create an extra layer of warmth.

There you have it – 6 ways to make your outdoor living area a space for all seasons.

For you, it might be all about entertaining. . . or, it might just be about having a cosy nook to relax.

Whatever the case, it’s all about whatever makes you and your family/friends happiest in your home environment – all year round.

Walking House

I hope you like this video of a ‘Walking House’, complete with ‘Roof Garden’.

Apparently the ‘House’ was built to explore the concept of nomadic living.

I can’t help thinking it would have been easier to buy a campervan!


For more Unusual House Photos, Wins, and Fails, have a look at: What the………………….?


The Cleanliness Keeper

Guest post by Hubert Dwight

6 Tips For Keeping Your House Spotless For Longer

Whether you work full time, part time, or are a stay at home parent – no-one enjoys the challenge of keeping the house clean. . . No-one.

Whether it’s everyday or every weekend, cleaning the house is never high on anyone’s to do list.

Instead of spending time tidying up daily, follow these six tips for keeping the house spotless for longer.

1. Furnishings which stand the test

For those people with children, or pets for that matter, keeping your house clean can be a challenge.

Shedding fur, toilet accidents or lunch time catastrophes can mess your house up in an instant.

Avoid those messy situations by making sure your furnishings can stand up to the test.

Leather lounges are a great option when you have any potential mess makers in the house.

Durable and comfortable, a leather lounge is easier to clean and won’t absorb those particular odours a fabric lounge will.

2. Steam clean it all

We’ve all seen those advertisements which talk about the hidden germs.

Instead of mopping, try a steam clean instead.

Working at a greater heat and allowing for a more even coverage, steam cleaners are a great way to keep those floors cleaner for longer.

As well as ensuring a deeper clean, most steam cleaners come with some great add-on’s.

These can include window or mirror cleaners and hoses to get into those tight spots which may not get that much attention normally.

3. Storage is everything

As your mother used to say, “if everything has a place then there is no reason for something to not be in place”.

Storage is one the best ways to ensure mess is avoided and your house remains spotless for longer.

Ensure you have adequate storage options for excess clothes, children’s toys and even furniture.

In Summer, use vacuum sealed bags for those bulky winter clothes.

Try out a wardrobe organiser for the online shopping which never seems to stop.

Storage is a practical way avoid unnecessary mess, and makes cleaning quicker.

4. Robots are the future

Many people will likely put vacuuming at the top of that list of jobs most hated.

Time consuming and labour intensive – it’s no wonder why it gets put off to the next weekend, every weekend.

Instead of spending time every week vacuuming the house, invest in a robotic vacuum cleaner.

With developments in technology all you have to do is set the programming and watch the little miracle worker target a different area of the house each day.

5. Fabric is a key choice

When looking for a rug it’s all about the look, right? . . Wrong!

Next time you are considering your new rug, think about feel.

Ensuring that your house stays cleaner for longer can be as simple as throwing the curtains and rugs in the washing machine.

This will keep the space cleaner for longer, and won’t take up too much of your precious weekend time.

6. Have a bit of goodwill

Let’s be honest, it’s not all mess, but just stuff we don’t use and haven’t yet got rid of yet.

Our wardrobes spill out because we keep clothes we don’t wear.

That couch in the spare room probably doesn’t serve a purpose anymore.

Instead of hoarding things you no longer need, take the time to purge some belongings and do a good deed at the same time.

Take half a day and give those unwanted items to goodwill or charity bins in your local area.

Keeping the house tidy for longer can be a challenge for even the best of us.

Trying to fit everything into an already cramped week is hard.

Follow these six tips and watch your home transform into a clean haven for a long time to come.

Image from www.sciencenews.org

Solar Power Revisited – We Are Carbon Positive

At the start of this year I decided to install solar panels on my roof.

I posted about how I arrived at the decision HERE

Now I have around 6 months data, and the Feed In Rate (FIR) has increased I thought I would check on how well the investment is going.

Power Use

Currently we use electricity for lighting, space heating, cooling, some cooking and general domestic use.

Between our 3.3kw of panels being switched on in late January and the 15th July the following data has been recorded.

  • Power generated by panels:   1,801 kwhrs
  • Power fed into grid:  1,389 kwhrs
  • Power from grid:  1,158 kwhrs

As you can see I have actually put 231 kw hrs more into the grid than I have taken out.

In a full year I should be putting around 460kw hrs more into the grid than I take out, so we are now ‘Carbon Positive’ in relation to electricity use.

Cost Benefit

To calculate typical ongoing annual savings I have based all rates on the latest rates from our supplier Powershop (From 1st July)

  • Grid Power cost   $0.271
  • Feed In Tariff   $0.118

Annual Grid Power Costs Saving = (1,801 – 1,389) x 2 x $0.271  = $223.30

Annual income from FIT = 1,389 x 2 x 0.118 = $327.80

Total Annual Benefit  = $223 + $327 = $550

Annual Return on our $4,450 system = 12%     (Around 4 times better than we could get at the bank)


After a years operation I find that the actual amount generated has been 4,310kwhrs an additional 509kwhrs over my original estimated annual output.

As we were overseas for the three months of winter I don’t have a realistic figure for what a typical usage would be so I am assuming that the all the additional power would go to Feed in Tariff (FIT)

This would make the revised calculations:

Annual Grid Power Costs Saving = (1,801 – 1,389) x 2 x $0.271  = $223.30

Annual income from FIT = 3486 x 0.118 = $411.34

Total Annual Benefit  = $223 + $411 = $634

Annual Return on our $4,450 system = 14%     (More than 4 times better than we could get at the bank)


How to Renovate a Property in Australia for Profit

Guest post by Andre Smith

If you’re trying to renovate a property in Australia for profits, you can easily accomplish this task by considering a few things throughout the process.

These strategies are effective and appeal to families and entrepreneurs after practical steps have been taken to compare real estate agents.

Pick the Property Strategically

Because there are many properties for sell in Australia, the process of picking an ideal option that suits specific needs can be somewhat challenging.

In order to make the scouting phase easier, you should always make tactical choices based on value.

If you need help along the way, consider working with a property investor.

Highly trained investors who fully understand trends in local neighborhoods are very strategic and usually pick beneficial properties that are 20 percent below the tradition market price.

Properties that are priced this way are usually distressed; however, key renovation procedures can be implemented to make a distressed property more valuable.

Gather Information About the Location

All suburbs in Australia have unique pros and cons that must be considered before making an investment.

In order to boost profits during a selling situation, gather accurate information about the population demographics and migration trends in the neighbourhood where potential properties are found.

If a neighbourhood has many strategic buyers, you’ll need median price trend reports as well so that you can effectively market the property in a way that appeals to potential prospects.

Consider Your Financial and Renovation Goals

When you have your ideal property, you should set a budget in order to cover the renovation costs.

While structuring your budget, carefully calculate every fees for services that may be needed along the way, such as pest management and inspections.

If the renovation costs outweigh your budget, the process of making a profit will be challenging.

Determine the Target Market

The easiest way to complete renovations successfully is by figuring out the target market before tackling any design tasks.

If this step is skipped, you may renovate the property improperly without including key elements that appeal to the prospects who will possibly make offers.

When advanced renovation steps need to taken in order to produce professional results, always work with a professional contractor.

If you try to tackle complicated renovation routines without professional help, you may not have many opportunities to sell the property because the most challenging phases of the renovation process will lead to costly delays.

Market the Property Properly

Depending on the scope of a project, some renovation tasks may require many steps in order to achieve ideal results.

Whenever lengthy renovations can’t be completed on time, a property shouldn’t be marketed because the process of getting reasonable offers will be tough.

Buyers are very wise and will always avoid making practical offers for houses that aren’t completely renovated.

Implement Tactical Selling Procedures

Whenever a home is renovated dramatically, specific steps may have to be taken in order to successfully market the property.

For example, if you build a porch on a home in a community that consists of houses that lack porches, you might have to advertise the property in a different market.

In this situation, you can use social media in order to pinpoint prospects who need a property that has efficient outdoor features.

Consider Taxes

Taxes should always be considered during all phases of the renovation and marketing process.

By working with a tax expert, you may be able to boost your finances by taking advantage of deductions for repairs.

Endangered Species?

For all the three new houses that I have built a key consideration was the TV aerial.

Even though all the builders wouldn’t actually install the aerial I got them to install the wiring to various points around the house with an amplifier in the roof. (If this is what you plan make sure there is a double power point in the roof space)

With my current unit there is no aerial as everything comes through cable, or the internet.

Talking with my friends I find some of them don’t watch free to air stations at all, and many only watch them through Foxtel.

Will you need an aerial on your new house?

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