Top House

If you are wondering why I am referring to this unusual hexagonal house as a Top House. . .

. . . . it’s because it’s even more unusual than it looks

It spins (although not as fast as a real spinning top)

It is called the Everingham Rotating House and at top speed it can do one rotation every 30 minutes.h

If you want to find out more about the house, or even book a holiday in it, check out this link:


For more Unusual House Photos, Wins, and Fails, have a look at: What the………………….?


Avoid Frustration When You Move Into Your New Home

Guest post by Hubert Dwight

Moving house is one of the most stressful things that we do to ourselves.

There is the relentless searching for the right house, and the right block, the waiting, the chasing up and then finally…the move.

There are, however a few things that you can do that might make your life a tiny bit easier and potentially avoid some very frustrating situations.

Handover agreed; you are set to go. . . Hooray!

However a few weeks before the move day, you should have been thinking about a few key things.

Removal Company

Shop around for a good deal on removal company.

If you have personal recommendations from people you know, all the better.

Check if the company is a member of the Australian Furniture Removal Association.

If you have particularly precious items with an emotional value that are priceless insurance wise, then it might be betterr take them yourself.


Tell your internet/phone and other utilities providers you are moving.

They will need a few weeks to change everything over to a new property and may need to make

an engineer appointment (which will probably require you to wait in for at least half a day).

Check, whether by moving, you are entering a new contract and whether there will be any additional moving home fees.

TV Antenna

With the recent switch to digital, if you want full access to all the free television and radio that is on offer, make sure that you have the right equipment and it is all tuned in to receive everything that it can.

Now we have gone, or are going,  digital you need to be sure you have the correct TV Antenna to minimise obstruction and interference.

Get this wrong and you may not be receiving half the channels that you could be.

Australian antenna companies can give your new property a full assessment.

Cancel And/Or Redirect Any Deliveries

If you have any regular deliveries to your home such as groceries or magazine subscriptions, be sure to cancel or redirect them once you have moved to your new place.

Label Boxes

Label all boxes with which room and what is inside.

If you are dismantling furniture, put screws and bolts in labeled freezer bags and attach them to the relevant piece of furniture.

It’s no fun looking for missing screws.

Organize a baby/pet sitter or help for moving day.

Should you need to move while you have small children, or pets it is handy to hire a


It’s not fun to be constantly worried and distracted by one more thing to on a day of stress.

Home Insurance.

Shop around and get a good deal.

Make sure you are fully covered for the home, contents and mortgage.


Once you are done, unpack, enjoy and say hi to the neighbours!

Hopefully, you would have made the move stress free and reduced the amount of frustration that comes with the move.


Japanese Houses

I have certainly featured quite a few unusual japanese houses in the What The ……  section, in the time I have been writing this blog.

This has made me start to wonder why Japan seems to have so many of these unusual houses?

After a bit of research I found there are several reasons, which are somewhat interrelated:

Expensive Land

For a long time land has been very expensive compared with the cost of building.

This has encouraged people to look for ways of building on small and odd shaped blocks of land which require innovative approaches.

Rapid Depreciation

Historically houses in Japan frequently suffered earthquake damage which meant that rebuilding is frequently required.

People thus tend to think of the house as a rapidly depreciating asset that will have no value in 20 -30 years

The Cult of ‘New’

Our own culture of liking to have the latest cars or consumer goods in Japan has extended to houses.

Many Japanese want a new house and because of the high land values are quite prepared to pull down a house that may be less than 30 years old to achieve that.

Having a distinctive design emphasizes the newness of the house.

Few Rules

There is little in the way of planning controls, which also makes it hard for neighbours to object to a ‘Way Out’ design.

As there is no culture of taking civil action for poor design Architects and Designers can to try more unusual designs without commercial risk.

Lack of Mobility

Historically in Japan there is the ‘Salary Man’ culture of working for one company for life.

This together with the high land prices and rapid depreciation means many Japanese really do have one ‘Forever Home’ and they don’t build with an eye on resale value.


Would you look to see more unusual designs in Australia?


Annual Household Maintenance Guide: The Forgotten List Of Household Chores

 Guest Post by Hubert Dwight

For a long time you aspired to own your own home.

Now that you are the proud owner of your very own house and all the glorious responsibilities that go along with it, it’s time to step up to the title of ‘homeowner’ and look after the house!

After all, the home you live in is yours. . . Your asset. . . Your life savings.

Show some pride!

It all starts with diligent household maintenance.

We have compiled a list of household chores that should be completed.

Some may already be on your agenda, while others may not have even crossed your mind.

The concept of Spring cleaning has definitely latched on, and for good reason! It’s an

opportunity to pick up the slack and de-clutter your humble abode. Here is a list of

household chores to perform


✓ Clean windows and repair or replace any screens.

✓ Check your gutters to make sure there is nothing blocking them and preventing water from flowing correctly, away from your house. Clear out any leaves and other debris.

✓ Make sure your pumps is working if you have any. You need to make sure the excess water stays away from your house.

✓ Check your paving for damage. If you find any from the long winter, make sure you hire someone to  repair it before Winter hits again

✓ Check your roof for any signs of damage. Any abnormalities require a professional to assess the problem. Roof Repairs in Melbourne can be quite costly, if you allow the problem to escalate so nip it in the bud early.

✓ You’ll be using your lawn mower more frequently, so it is wise to inspect it and ensure it’s working.

Regular household maintenance is integral to maintaining the value of your home and avoiding hefty repairs down the line. Here is a list of chores to be performed as


✓ Check the decks for sign they need to be repainted or repaired. Prepare your outdoor living space for the regular social gatherings you’ll be having as the weather warms up.

✓ Clean your sliding door.

✓ Check and oil your garage door. If you have any problems with it, you may need to have a professional check it out.

✓ Ensure that your air conditioning units are working perfectly and that the filters are clean. You want to be prepared when the heat comes.


✓ Check windows and make sure they don’t leak. Caulk/Seal around the frames if necessary.

✓ Clean out gutters and drains from falling leaves. This will need to be done regularly to avoid blocked gutters.

✓ Bring in all outdoor furniture and grills.

✓ Take care of your garden tools and hoses and store them for the winter

✓ Make sure your fireplace is ready for winter use. Have wood delivered and chopped for use.

✓ Test smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace batteries when the clocks chage to ensure they will work properly.

✓ Check your roof again to make sure the summer sun didn’t cause any damages. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, you need to schedule a roof inspection. Most reputable companies will offer a free inspection and quote.


When the temperature drops consider doing the following:

✓ Vacuum the air vents so that dust and other debris doesn’t fly into the air when you turn on the heat.

✓ Check your flashlight batteries.


Household maintenance is part and parcel of home ownership.

Performing your chores throughout the year, rather than during one single Spring cleaning spree, will minimise the risk of  major repairs.

You’ll be able to nip the minor issues in the bud, and subsequently save yourself a substantial amount of money in the long run!


David In The Front Yard

I like some sort of sculptural piece in a garden . . . . but I think this might be a bit over the top.

A representation of the famous Michelangelo ‘Statue of David’ 4m tall.

I didn’t say copy because it looks like David has been doing some trunk curls to get that six pack since the original statue!

It created a bit of a stir in Caroline Springs last month, as you can see by an article in the Herald Sun.

As you might expect some of the neighbours aren’t too happy about it.

But legally there isn’t anything they can do about it.

According to the local council it doesn’t need a planning, or building permit, and it isn’t advertising anything.

For another piece of ‘Art’ that upset the neighbours see the Oxford Shark House.


For more fails and unusual houses go to What the………………….?




Identifying signs of termite infestation.

Guest Post by Hubert Dwight

photo from Wickipaedia

One of the worst nightmares for homeowners is to find that their home is being attacked by termites.

The thought of termites terrorizing your home is enough to send shivers up your spine.

If you are already aware of the damage termites can do to your home, you have every right to have a sense of fear in knowing what extent damage from their presence can do.

If not, then buckle up as we inform you of what termites can do, how they can impact your lifestyle and offer you prevention tips to overcome these issues.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure.

Before going into detail about managing termite infestations, we recommend that you take as much action as possible, such as undergoing Termite Treatments to prevent any infestations.

The cost to resolve the impact from termites can be in the thousands  depending on the extent of the damage.

Below are a few ways you can prevent your home from being infested from termites.

Building Design

The way the building is designed can reduce the risk of infestation to the home. This includes:

  • Reducing the amount of timber that is used in buildings.
  • Using properly designed concrete slabs with edges exposed.
  • Installing a reticulated system under the concrete slab that allows chemical barriers to be applied and reapplied when necessary.
  • The use of physical barriers – Such as metal shields, stainless steel mesh or granite chip barriers can all be used to stop termites getting into buildings.
  • The use of chemical barriers (termiticides) can kill and remove termites through treated layers of soil under and around concrete slabs and pipes. These termiticides can kill or repel termites and even eliminate the entire colony should the termites take the termiticide back to the nest.

Detecting Termite Infestation.

Detecting a termite colony in or around your home indicates your house is at a serious risk.

The average size of a termite colony will range from 300,000 to over a million termites made up of swarmers, workers, and soldiers that can cause serious damage to your home.

While having thousands or millions of these little critters around your home is dangerous, the termite queen poses an even greater risk as she has the power to multiply the colony substantially as she can lay over one thousand eggs in a day.

These termite eggs don’t just go away after a short amount of time neither as they can survive for up to 50 years.

So even if you take actions to remove nests and infested areas, the queen still has the ability to repopulate the colony to its previous levels if the termite infestation isn’t completely dealt with.

Where Are Common Breeding Grounds For Termites?

Termites often breed in the ground and create tunnel systems in the soil.

The mud tubes that they make connect their colonies underground to food sources such as wood materials from your home.

Some termites also live in water sources such as damp areas or leaky faucets produced by rain.

They prefer to dwell in a place with moisture so they will be able to survive and populate.

Having termites in the house can be quite stressful. They can lead to increased safety and fire hazards within the home.

If things get really bad, they may even force you out of your home as they make their way through your dwelling, room after room, growing into a plague of biblical proportions and it can become a living hell for those people that have to live in it.

You must commit to taking action before it is too late.

You have learned that the way termites are, they keep coming and coming and coming, even if you have removed nests or done some baiting yourself, if the queen still lives or if there is a colonization that hasn’t been found, they can repopulate their lost colonization.

Avoid devastation and take action to identify and combat termite infestations as quickly as possible.


Channelling the ‘Retro Vibe’ In Your Humble Abode

Guest Post by Hubert Dwight

It’s always an exciting time when you decide to do some decorating a home.

Whether you’re looking to give your existing home a bit of a facelift or if you’ve moved in to a new place and want to impart your own personal touch on to the place you call home, it’s fun and rewarding to decorate.

The aesthetic that accompanies the places that we call home can vary wildly from person to person, depending on one’s personal style, taste or design skills.

You’ll see a huge range of variation between different people and their homes, and the furnishings, decorations and artwork are going to vary a great deal from home to home.

After all, we’re all different so why shouldn’t our homes be?

There is a wide range of home decor styles that you can draw on when you’re seeking inspiration.

You will see a huge range of styles reflected in various furniture stores and home furnishing stores.

Regardless of where you look, a design style that has managed to stand the test of time is the style of Retro Furniture.

No matter what design magazine or home stylist you turn to, you’ll find the elements of retro furniture seeping in somewhere.

The beauty of retro furniture is that it manages to tie in a kitsch and slightly off-beat vibe with the unmistakable hallmarks of comfort and relaxation.

Retro furniture is designed to be used and loved, so take a look at how you can channel that beatnik vibe in your home.

Step One

Draw your inspiration from old movies and books from the 60s and 70s.

If you could picture James Bond and Pussy Galore circa 1978 sitting back and sipping a martini on the lounge you’re eyeing up, then chances are you’ve got yourself a plum piece of retro styling!

Make sure that you always plump for quality over the aesthetic if your budget allows.

As an added tip, find out the names of some designers who were operating and manufacturing goods in the retro furnishings arena during the 60’s and 70s for some more inspiration.

Step Two

Hit the op-shops and thrift stores to get a great deal on some absolute gems.

If you spend enough time wandering around the thrift shops, you’re going to be bound to find some awesome pieces.

Enlist a buddy or a willing helper to give you an extra set of eyes (and it will also give you someone to help

you carry your incredible finds to the car!).

Step Three

Think lamps, low lighting and soft furnishings.

The retro style is all about mixed mediums so combine some vinyl or some polished wooden furniture with soft shag pile rugs or throws.

Throw a lava lamp or a soft down lamp into the mix, and you’re well on your way to having the retro lounge room or bedroom of your dreams.

Step Four

Enlist the help of a YouTube tutorial to find out how to DIY some cushions or curtains that are going to add some extra style to your home.

Whether you’re looking to customise things or are just looking to save a couple of dollars where you can, making things yourself is a great way to do both.

Step Five

Invest in some music or movies that add to your retro style and overall aesthetic.

Think about getting a record player or something that is going to add a special touch to your space.

When you’re hanging out in a retro space, the last thing you want to do is pop a song on via iTunes or through your iPod and speakers – you want a record player with some real vinyl, man!

Pump up the retro feel wherever you can and reap the rewards.

In summary, channel the laid back vibes of the 60s and 70s to great effect in your home with retro

stylings and furnishing for a great chilled out look in your life.


Bottled Gas – Cooking

Photo from wickipedia

Many people building a new house like cooking on gas, but may find that their area doesn’t have a mains supply.

The question then becomes “Should you go for bottled gas, or go all electric?”

Energy Cost

To compare energy costs you first need to understand how much energy there is in bottled gas.

  • 45kg bottle of gas holds the equivalent of 611 kw hours
  • 9kg bottle of gas holds the equivalent of 115 kw hours


Current prices Victoria July 2015 are:

  • 45kg is $114.00 – Equivalent to $0.18 per kw hour
  • 9kg (Swap and Go)  is $23.00 – Equivalent to $0.20 per kw hour

For the 45 kg bottles you would need to add rental for 2 bottles at around $40 each/year

With the 9kg bottles you need to consider the purchase price for  the initial bottle, plus a couple of dollars for fuel every couple of months to  swap bottles.


There is no star rating for cooktops, but I did find the following, typical, comparison figures on the Consumer Energy Center Website:

  • Standard Gas Burner – 55%
  • Standard Electric Hotplate – 65%
  • Induction Element – 90%

The reason for the difference is that the standard cook tops radiate a sizable amount of heat into the air; while the induction element makes the bottom of the pan the heating element, putting more heat into the food.


I much prefer cooking on gas to using a standard electric hotplate. (In case you are wondering I probably cook 75% of family meals and we rarely get takeaway food) . . .However people do tell me that induction element are pretty close to the  ease of gas.

One issue with induction elements is they don’t work with aluminium or copper pans, just Stainless Steel and Cast Iron, so it might be time for some new pans!


If I was building in an area without mains gas I think I would go for an Induction Cooktop for the following reasons:

  • Cost – When the  additional costs are added to the base cost and with the lower efficiency the final cost is around around $0.35-$0.40.  Electricity is going to be cheaper especially if you have got solar power.
  • Simplicity – One bill for all fuel use and no need to bother about changing bottles.


Concrete – Importance of Vibration

Have you ever seen concrete that looks like this on a vertical face?

Its called ‘Honey combed’

Sometimes its in large areas like this, sometimes in smaller patches.

This concrete is obviously weaker and more porous than dense concrete.

The odd small hole isn’t a problem but when it gets like this it is a sign of poor laying practices.

What Went Wrong

As concrete comes out of the mixing truck/pump it traps bubbles of air within it.

Similarly as the concrete is placed against vertical forms air is trapped between the form and the wet concrete.

This trapped air prevents the cement paste flowing completly around the aggregate in the mix

Some dodgy concretors will add water to the concrete to make it easier to lay and finish without vibration, but that will make the risk of ‘honey combing’ greater.


US Naval Mobile Construction Unit 4

To get a strong dense mix it is necessary to get the air out of the mix and allow the cement paste to fill the voids between the stone.

On site the normal method is to use a vibrating poker as in this photograph.

This should be slowly lowered into the concrete and then lifted out.

Each insertion is typically around 300 – 400mm apart.

Extra care is needed against forms with one method being to hold the vibrating poker against the outside of the form.



If you are having some concreting done make sure that you tell the concretor you will expect to see proper poker vibration of the concrete to full depth.



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