Health Benefits of Having a Well-Maintained Air Conditioner

Guest Post by John Guevara

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

As the world’s climate and the weather continue to change, an air conditioner is proving to be a piece of essential equipment in our homes to deal with the rise in temperature.

As the rise might have its advantages, there are health issues that might be caused by the high temperatures and an air conditioner is crucial to reduce and prevent the negative effects.

With this in mind, let’s look at some pros to having a well-maintained air conditioner in your house.

Lets You Sleep Comfortably

Imagine being asleep but your rest is cut short by a heatwave.

This might be caused by a breakdown of your air conditioner.

Sleep is an important aspect of one’s health.

While you sleep, your brain works to replenish the energy used while you were active and replace damaged cells.

Not getting enough sleep might cause massive health issues in the long run.

Continuous maintenance of the air conditioner will prevent breakdowns in turn giving you a good rest period.

A cool area of sleep increases your comfort level hence creating a conducive environment to sleep.

Saves up Money

A well-maintained AC will generally reduce the energy used. It will cost less than using multiple fans at a go.

It, therefore, reduces the cost used for electricity.

Good maintenance reduces the buildup of issues that may lead to a purchase of a new air conditioner.

The maintenance cost is cheaper than a new purchase.

The saved up money can be used on other aspects of daily life like health checkups.

Regulates Humidity

Some humid areas might need control over the amount of moisture present in the air.

Too much moisture may cause mold issues. Air conditioning regulates the humidity as they cool.

Better Ventilation

While a good AC dehumidifies the house, it leads to better ventilation of clean air.

It leads to breathing air with no dust particles.

Clean air is good for our bodies and reduces health issues like allergies, coughs, and colds.

Clean air may reduce the frequencies of asthma attacks as all the dirt and pollutants are filtered.

Prevents Dehydration and Heat Stroke

Once we sweat, we tend to lose water from our bodies.

Most people sweat as a result of the increased heat effect on their bodies.

Sweating has a cooling effect on our bodies.

The more we sweat, the more we lose water.

Once you have a fan on, it will assist your body to cool itself hence we don’t experience dehydration.

Heatstroke is when your body starts to overheat due to a rise in temperatures.

Both of these symptoms that might cause immense health issues, can be prevented by getting an air conditioner to help regulate the temperature.

Wards Off Insects

Since an AC is mostly used to cool the house, insects that prefer warmer environments will flee in search of their ideal temperatures.

When your AC cools your home it also regulates the humidity, insects that prefer more humid places will also flee.

As it cools your body, you become undesirable to insects that might be attracted to you for your warmth.

This by a great chance might reduce mosquito and other insect bites.

5 Flower-Bearing Plants To Beautify Your Home

Guest Post by John Guevara

In many cultures, flowers have been grown to symbolize beauty and love for centuries. From little bouquets on the dinner table to brightly colored fields in full bloom, flowers can provide color and interest to almost any room. In recent years, people have begun growing plants indoors more often to bring nature into their homes or office. Below are some flower-bearing plants that can be used inside or outside the house.

1. Rose

One of the most popular flower varieties for indoor home decor is the rose.

With numerous hybrid varieties, there are different shapes, colors, and sizes to choose from.

For example:

  • You may select a bush type that looks more like a shrub and is suitable for wall hanging.
  • If you want it to climb up the walls, you can choose a climbing rose variety that will grow in a vine-like manner.

2. Marigold

Marigolds are an excellent indoor flower.

They grow best in a pot filled with organic material such as good quality soil, sand, and peat moss.

Since they produce very little growth on their own, they grow best when they are either pruned or staked.

Frequent fertilizing is also very important since marigolds need many nutrients to produce bright colors and healthy blooms.

During the summer months, you can plant marigolds outside for use later.

You can also go online and book for flower delivery to get marigolds in any quantity and ship them to you anywhere in the country.

3. Bougainvillea

The Bougainvillea is a beautiful and easy-to-grow plant that requires a lot of light and water during the summer months.

While it can grow inside the house, it needs more attention but makes a striking statement when used as an outdoor flowering vine.

They come in many different colors, but red is the most popular.

Bougainvillea is cultivated for their flowers and sweet, white to pinkish fruits.

The berry-like fruits usually contain two seeds each and are surrounded by papery capsules that split open when they are ripe, revealing their bright orange color.

4. Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis

The hibiscus plant produces some of the most beautiful blooms in various colors.

It is a tropical plant that needs a lot of sunlight and high temperatures and lots of water during the summertime.

It will grow up to three feet tall. If you decide to grow this plant, remember that you need to provide it with lots of direct sunlight to produce flowers during the short summer months.

5. Adenium

The adenium is a very large, easy-to-grow cactus native to East Africa.

It will usually reach three feet in height and when it blooms it produces gorgeous flowers that last for about five days.

For the plant to bloom, it must be potted in a mix of peat moss and sand with a good layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot.

It should be placed outside during the summer months to receive plenty of sunlight.


Plants can be a useful addition to any home decor.

You can beautify your home by adding plants to your home or office.

Studies have shown that indoor plants can remove many toxins from the air, including formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.

They can also provide an attractive focal point for the room and purify the atmosphere for you and those who spend time in your home or workspace.

How To Add Plumbing To A Shed: Essential Guide & 4 Useful Tips

Guest Post by Luther Danfil

There are so many ways you can make better use of your shed.

One excellent way to improve your shed is to have running water, and the best you can go about this project is through proper plumbing.

With running water, you can wash tools and do a variety of outdoor chores.

Should you decide to convert your shed into a guest room or an outdoor living area, for instance, you can then easily do so with a water supply.

Here’s the caveat, however:; Plumbing installation is a serious matter to get right.

One small mistake can potentially lead to more serious problems in the long run.

Defective plumbing can be problematic, and you can face costly water bills and an inefficient supply in the long run.

Then, there’s also the risk of going through regular repairs—all because the installation wasn’t done right to begin with.

If you’re planning to install plumbing to your shed, to seek expert advice from professional plumbers should be your first step. . . but while you’re negotiating with an expert for this project, here are a few things you must consider before undergoing this project:

Decide On The Water Supply Type You Need

First things first, decide on the water supply type you’ll need. This choice depends on factors like how you’re going to use your shed in the first place.

For instance, if you’re going to convert your shed into a guest house, you might first need to connect your shed to your main line.

This way, you can have hot water for the tap and for other plumbing fixtures.

Otherwise, if you don’t connect to the main line, you’ll have to connect the water line with the electrical simultaneously.

If you’re only going to use your shed for gardening, tap water will do.

You can also create a rainwater collection system and use grey water for your outdoor chores. Making this decision first can help you decide the extent of work that you need to do to get the plumbing right.

1. Go Through Thorough Zoning And Planning

Once you decided how you’ll use the water, you can now proceed with zoning and planning.

This means reviewing your local council guidelines and any zoning requirements that you need to follow regarding the planning.

The reason behind this goes back to the fact that there are several issues related to plumbing with outdoor structures like your garden shed.

You’ll want to be certain that you won’t go beyond any local building codes and regulations.

One concern covered by building codes, for example, relates with how deep you have to bury the running water line.

Depending on where you’re from, local legislation might set a certain depth you’ll have to dig first to clear your property location’s underground frost line.

2. Assess The Needed Insulation

After getting the zoning and planning process in order, now comes the need for proper insulation.

If you live where the climate is colder, like Tasmania, and can drop below freezing, you’ll have to insulate your pipes.

If not, you’ll face the problem of frozen pipes every winter and burst pipes, unles you isolate and drain the pipes.

The best way to isolate your outdoor pipes is to install a water shut-off valve on those pipes connecting the shed’s plumbing line to the main house.

This allows you to shut off the water line to the work shed and then drain them on those days when it’s particularly cold.

3, Dig The Trench, Then Lay The Pipes

The trench serves as the direction where you’re going to lay your plumbing pipes.

After settling how you’ll use the water and getting the right permits, now comes the part where you’ll need to dig your trench and lay the pipes.

Typically, digging the trench is a step you can do by yourself.

But you’ll need advice from an expert plumber first to be certain of the dimensions.

You should also position your pipes away from other lines for your electricity, cable, internet, and even your gas.

After digging your trench, set the bottom of the pit with builder’s sand first. This gives your pipes a smooth base.

Most importantly, the builder’s sand also allows you to cover any sharp stones that can potentially damage it.

4. Create Alternatives For Water Collection

Now that you’re starting from scratch with building a new outdoor plumbing line, you can also try an eco-friendlier strategy.

Apart from installing your main water line, you can also take this chance to go with a rainwater collection system.

When you add this system to your shed, you don’t have to worry about costly water bills.

You can use the water collected in your shed from the rain for non-drinking purposes like gardening, for instance.

You don’t have to install a highly complex system.

A pipe from the shed’s gutters connecting to a storage tank should be enough for outdoor chores.


Running water is a convenience to have in every working shed. It can add value to your shed, with the end in mind of significantly improving the functions your shed can do.

But when you don’t do this project right, it can be a serious cause of concern.

When done correctly, however, you’ll have a system that can last a lifetime.

The tips in this blog post should help you with any concerns you have with plumbing installation so you can safely move forward from whatever difficulty you’ll face with the installation.

Author Bio
Luther Danfil is a home improvement specialist. He writes blog posts and guest posts to share his knowledge and expertise in home improvement. Luther enjoys biking, rock climbing, and hiking in his free time.

Home Improvement Projects on a Budget

Guest Post by Elijah Senolos

Do you constantly want to make your home look and feel better?

Well, you are not alone.

Our homes should be as cosy and practical as we like.

But home improvement projects can be expensive.

Moreover, it can be difficult to know where to begin or prioritize one section of the home.

It is why we have compiled all the best home improvement projects into one comprehensive list.

All the home improvement projects in this list fit the budget and require only a little planning and DIY skills.

So without further ado, let’s check them out:

Repaint the Walls

A fresh coat of paint in a new color is sometimes all you need to make your home look cleaner and cosier.

If you have kids or pets at home, opt for a cheaper quality paint since you will need to repaint your home more often than those who don’t have pets or children.

You can save a lot of money by doing the painting yourself.

You can also invite some friends for help and feed them as a payment if you don’t trust your painting skills.

You can save even more money if you paint using the paint swatches and paint only a statement wall or section of a wall.

Add some Plants

Plants can instantly make any space better.

They also come in various sizes, so you can get plants as big or small as needed.

Besides making your space seem soothing and calming, plants will also improve the air quality in your home.

You will also get free flowers to put in a vase in spring.

However, opt for artificial ones if you don’t have a green thumb.

Dying plants can be miserable to look at and attract bugs inside your home.

Paint the Floorboards

Painting floorboards is cheaper than getting them carpeted, installing vinyl sheets, or replacing the wood.

It can be even cheaper than painting the walls as it doesn’t require primer.

If you are confident in your painting skills, you can get creative by creating a checkerboard design on the floorboards or making them look like mosaic tiles.

Cover the Walls with Artwork

Empty walls can look boring and make a space feel unkempt or abandoned.

But you don’t have to invest in pricey artwork to make your home look and feel better.

Instead, make covering your walls an exciting and cheap home improvement project by thrifting frames of various sizes and colors.

Follow some tutorials to create cheap artwork.

Putting up artwork will make your home feel more homely and welcoming.

If you are creating the artwork yourself, try to include different colors from the room in different artworks to achieve aesthetic cohesiveness.

If you are not a fan of too much artwork, you can also paint the frames different colors and hang them up for a unique wall.

Get New Peel and Stick Countertops

Countertops are one of the most used features in any home.

Hence, they begin looking worn out or old every few months.

Since new countertops can be expensive, you can cover them with peel and stick countertops.

You can choose any design from marble to mosaic or concrete to fit the overall look of your home and get newer and cleaner countertops.

Change the Knobs and Handles

The doors and cabinets in any home are usually not as ugly as they look with outdated knobs and handles.

Changing these around your home is a home improvement project that you can pull off on a Sunday in only a couple of hours.

Get some sleek-looking ones to make your home look contemporary and modern.

If you want to save some more money, check the sale section of a local hardware store.

Polish Wooden Funiture

Make the wooden furniture around your home look cleaner and shinier by getting it polished.

You can watch tutorials on YouTube and DIY to save even more money.

If you’re bored of how the wooden furniture looks, stain the wood a different color to make it look completely new!


While it’s fun to save money and complete home improvement projects on a budget, avoid counting pennies when it comes to real home improvement projects such as installing installations or repair jobs around the house.

If you don’t have a home improvement projects fund set up or if the project is exceeding your budget, apply for City Finance payday loans.

Splurge as much as you need to enhance the quality of life and safety it offers you and your family..

5 Tips to Get the Best Results from Your Next Home Painting Project

Guest Post by Sherazi Khan

Painting your home should be a positive experience.

Whether you’re getting it prepared before you sell it, you want to give it a whole new look, or you just want to give it a quick refresh, it’s a reason to get excited.

However, that excitement can quickly dull if your project doesn’t turn out how you expect it to.

Instead of a slick new coat of paint that rejuvenates your home’s aesthetic, you can end up with a haphazardly painted mess, or just something lackluster in general.

In fact, DIY painting can be a major pain if not done correctly, but you still need your house painted.

So here are some tips to get the best results possible for your next house painting project.

1: Get High-Quality Paint

The paint you use has a lot to do with the overall result you get from your project.

If you use the cheapest paint you can find, it might not dry properly and leave streaks or visible blemishes on your home. . . and, it won’t provide the same protection as a high-quality paint.

Instead, shell out a bit more for a higher quality paint from a reputable source.

It’ll look better with less effort, and it will help protect the underlying materials of your home.

Whatever you do, try to stay away from marketing fads such as anti-bacterial paint.

2: Use Proper Technique

Painting a house isn’t the same as trying to create some abstract painting you’d find in a traveling exhibit, but there is a proper technique to use.

You can’t just flop a brush across your home sporadically and expect it to look good.

Instead, follow this base process:

    • Prep: Remove furniture if painting indoors or shrubs and other items that are against your home’s exterior when painting outside.
    • Clean: Remove dirt, mildew, and build-up from the walls and sills.
    • Scrape: Using a paint scraper, remove any loose flakey paint.
    • Prime: Applying a primer will provide extra protection and ensure your paint’s pigment shines through.
    • Paint: Using a roller or a high-quality spray apparatus makes this easier, but use broad, long, straight strokes in the same direction to avoid streaks, and paint multiple thinner layers to avoid clumping.

3: Check the Weather

Painting the exterior of your home obviously leaves it open to the elements.

That can greatly affect your paint job. If it’s raining, even just a little, the paint can be washed off, or the moving water can leave unsightly streaks on your home.

If it’s cold, it can take far longer for the paint to dry.

It’s best to paint the exterior of your home when a reliable forecast predicts at least a week of dry, warm weather.

Interior painting offers more flexibility, but you should still avoid painting during the cold season so that the paint dries quicker.

4: Always Prime

Primer is often substituted with a two-in-one paint or left out altogether, but that’s not the most ideal way to do it.

Primer adds an extra layer of protection, corrects minor defects to create a smooth painting surface, and helps with the pigment of your paint.

A high-quality combo paint might be a decent option, but it’s best to put a separate primer down whenever possible.

5: Leverage Experience

If you have never performed house painting before it is always best to seek the advice of someone who has. The most obvious solution here would be to leave it all to professional painters.

But if you are determined to follow the DIY route, just make sure to at least speak with a friend or contact who can provide some helpful tips.

Better yet, try to rope them into doing the painting with you.

This will help you resolve any unforeseen issues that may pop up during the project.

Moving House Basics:  5 Tips For Setting Up Electricity Connection

Guest Post by Alex Sanchez

Moving to a new apartment. Young couple holding cardboard boxes.

Moving to a new home and setting up your electricity connection doesn’t need to be a dreadful experience, even if it’s your first time moving houses.

To ensure that the move will be a smooth process and that you’ll have an electricity connection right away and you’re not paying too much for it, figure out early how you’ll set up the utilities in your new home.

Do it in addition to planning how you’ll pack and transport your things.

Read on below to learn what to do to ensure that everything about your electricity connection is ready and in its optimal state in your new house before you move out of the old one.

Take A Final Meter Reading Before Moving Out

First, let your current energy supplier know that you’re moving. Ideally, do it before your move date, at least 48 hours in advance.

Note that some electricity plans have an early exit fee, so make sure to ask your current energy provider about it.

Also, don’t forget to take a final meter reading on your move-out day.

Take note of the reading, then arrange for your final bill to be sent to your new address.

Make sure to claim the money owed by the electric supplier to you if your energy account is in credit, though.

Compare Energy Plans When Switching To A New Energy Provider

Unless you’re happy with your current electricity company and decide to stay with them because they’re able to provide energy where your new home is, it’s best to compare energy plans when switching electricity companies.

Doing so will help you find a cheaper deal for your new house.

It’s also true when connecting electricity to a home that has never had an energy supply before.

After finding the best plan for you, sign up with your chosen energy provider online or over the phone.

Do it before your planned moving date.

Make sure, though, that your chosen supplier knows when you’re moving into your new place.

That way, the activation and starting point for your first bill will be your move-in date.

Comparing energy plans isn’t only helpful when switching to a new energy provider.

If you’re moving to a new house and decide to continue working with the current electricity supplier, you’ll be put on a standard variable tariff.

It’s usually the most expensive contract or plan they’re offering.

That’s why you need to compare the price for each available tariff and call the energy company of your new home as soon as possible.

Switch To A Smart Meter For Your New Home

Aside from moving from one provider to another, consider switching to a smart electricity meter for your new home, too, if you haven’t tried it yet.

It’s a significant technological upgrade from the standard electric meters – the analog ones that require manual reading – and provides greater benefits.

So, what sets the smart meter apart from standard electric meters?

It can send readings to your supplier automatically.

In addition, a smart meter also gives you, the homeowner, a deep understanding of your power utility by providing you with updated usage information.

Homeowners can use the data flow provided by a smart electric meter to identify strategies for reducing power use and controlling electricity bills.

If you’re moving to a house that already has a smart meter installed, make sure that the meter is working in ‘smart mode’ fine.

Replace A Prepayment Meter With A Credit Meter

Prepayment meters, especially the smart prepayment meters, are part of the latest generation of electricity meters.

With a prepayment meter, you’ll have to pay upfront for any electricity usage.

Replacing the prepayment meter in your new house with a normal one will be beneficial primarily because it eliminates the risk of running out of electricity if you fail to top your account up regularly.

More billing options are also available to homeowners using a credit meter instead of a prepayment one.

Those are some reasons why most households prefer the regular meters over prepayment meters, not to mention the former being the more affordable choice.

What if I’m moving to a rental property, you may ask.

Unless the house is under a communal meter, you have every right to switch to a credit meter.

Yes, you don’t need to ask permission from your landlord to do that.

Just make sure, though, that you don’t put any money on your prepayment meter before contacting the rental property’s current energy supplier.

That’s to avoid the risk of paying extra for the previous tenant’s debts.

Have A Meter Installed In Your Newly-Built Property In Advance

It will take a while to install electricity meters in houses that have never had a connection before.

That’s why you have to request an installation and connection well in advance.

That way, you can be sure that your property already has an energy supply during your move-in day.


If you keep the things discussed above in mind, moving to a new home and setting up your electricity connection won’t be as stressful as you think.

Just don’t forget to take a final reading of your electricity meter and settle any dues before moving out.

Also, don’t forget to inform your energy provider of the exact location of the house where you’ll move in to ensure that you’ll receive your final bill.

Furthermore, it will be helpful to compare electricity tariffs or plans before deciding to switch to a new electricity supplier or stick with your current provider.

However, whether you’re switching to a new energy supplier or not, consider replacing your existing meter with a smart credit meter to maximize power saving.

Finally, when moving to a newly-built house, request an electricity meter to be installed at least a week before your move-in day.

Modernize Your Home With These 6 Lighting Ideas

 Guest Post by Andrew Clover

If you’re planning on updating the lighting in your home, consider switching to a modern vibe.

Modernizing your home’s lighting means adopting sleek and straightforward ways to light up space effectively.

An upgrade to the lighting in your home can make a significant impact that everyone will surely love.

The proper lighting plays an important role and highlights your home’s best features, from its architectural feats to the overall colour scheme.

When you want to improve the general appeal of your home while highlighting all the best features, implementing new updates would greatly help.

Here are several lighting ideas you might want to try.

Utilize A Dimmer

For a multipurpose room in your home, consider utilizing a dimmer.

If you don’t have one yet, it connects to light fixtures to lower the brightness level, allowing you to control the lighting environment and conserve energy simultaneously.

Dimmers ensure better flexibility depending on your mood, time, and event.

If you’re planning to install dimmers, it’s best to work with a licensed electrician Sydney to get the job done efficiently.

As a worthwhile investment, dimmers can minimize energy consumption and prolong the lifespan of the light bulbs in your home.

With the versatile lighting options, you can create in all the rooms in your home, having dimmers is truly a must-have.

Level Up The Design

If you feel the lighting elements in your home are out of date as new trends flood the market, you can still keep your home updated.

One approach you might want to consider is exchanging a lighting fixture or two to showcase a trend you love.

The addition of a modern and sleek floor lamp with a metal detail will effectively give a room a fresh look even if you have old furniture around.

During the selection process, make sure to go for pieces that work best with the current colour theme of your home, along with the overall design.

Remember that these brand-new lighting fixtures should blend seamlessly with your home while also imparting a new element at the same time.

Install Under-Cabinet Light Strips

A convenient way to upgrade the lighting in certain parts of your home is utilizing under-cabinet light strips, especially in the workroom or kitchen.

Generally, these lights work by shining directly on the work area and making it easier to carry out tasks.

You can easily switch these lights off when not in use.

Switch To A New Colour Palette

If you want to introduce a touch of colour to your home, you might consider incorporating light fixtures in colours you love.

To create an interesting focal point in one of the main rooms in your home, such as the dining area, consider adding a vibrant table lamp or an eye-catching pendant light right in the middle.

If you find bright colours too heavy for your tastes, go for lighting fixtures with glossy metallic finishes, ideal for imparting warmth to a space without overpowering hues.

Copper is one of the current trends these days.

You can incorporate the trend by selecting a copper pendant light to create a modern yet sophisticated look.

The addition of a new lighting fixture is a simple yet effective way to make a space stand out.

Make Use Of Modern Lighting Fixtures

Aside from pendants, there are other lighting fixtures to consider for your home, but if you want to create a modern feel, you can go for chandeliers, recessed lighting, and track lighting.

Today, you can get these lighting fixtures in a variety of designs.

Make sure you’ll check out all the available choices on the market to find the right one for your home.

These lighting fixtures are all ceiling-based which frees up space in a room and ensures an open space to create a minimalist vibe.

You can also consider adding wall sconces that will help minimize the clutter and blend seamlessly into a modern-themed home.

Make Use Of Coloured Lighting

Some houses utilize coloured lighting to add an exciting flair to the overall ambience.

You might want to add coloured lighting into a modern design to help the interiors pop.

One way to switch from various light hues is to use a smart bulb.

The interplay of coloured lighting works best if you want to feature the highlights of your home, such as massive wall art or cabinets showcasing your prized collections.

Final Thoughts

An effective way to update your home or provide it with a modern flair is through lighting.

By choosing the right lighting fixtures that seamlessly blend in with your home’s current theme while effectively highlighting the best features of your home and maintaining functionality at the same time, it’ll work wonders in all the rooms in your home.


Author Bio: Andrew Clover is a certified electrician with 12 years of residential and commercial experience in inspections, repairs and installations. He shares his expertise on electrical basics by writing blogs. During his free time, Andrew loves fishing and hiking.

Safe As Houses

5 Tips For Building Your Ideal Home

Guest Post by Natalie lge

Photo: Tom Fisk/Pexels

Whether you’re building a house in Darwin or searching for the best Bellarine Peninsula builders to construct your dream holiday home, there are some common factors that go into residential construction in Australia that all prospective homeowners need to understand.

For a smooth, error-free construction process with an ideal end-result, keep the following six tips in mind:

1. Have a general plan for your future

It may seem strange to ask you to have a plan for your future when you’re focused on building a house. . . However, this is highly relevant as it can help guide you in the many decisions you will face throughout the construction process.

If you haven’t planned out your future, you might think the cheaper three-bedroom display home will be suitable.

If you sit down and think about children, family visits, and other factors, you may decide to invest in a larger house and land package, with more rooms, a bigger backyard, and space to build a granny flat down the line.

Those who don’t want kids may even opt to go smaller!

The point is that if you want to build your dream home, you need to think about all the different stages of your life.

Things may not go to plan, of course, however, any dream home should be planned around the fulfillment of your dreams in life.

2. Take advantage of display homes

Display homes are there to give you a feel for what the plans will look like in real life.

Even the best 3D model can’t capture the feeling of standing inside a home and seeing how furniture and appliances fit.

So, take plenty of time to explore various display homes before committing to a builder and a plan.

Take note of what you like and don’t like about each one, and you’ll soon have a clear picture of what your dream home looks like.

3. Be careful in choosing a builder

Even before the pandemic, there were problematic builders in Australia.

However, over the last two years, many have folded due to unsustainable business practices.

When a builder goes out of business, prospective homeowners are rarely fully reimbursed, even if the work is substandard and/or hasn’t been completed.

This is just one of many potential problems you can face with a builder, and the consequences can be devastating, so, it’s essential to do your due diligence and ensure you sign up with a reputable company.

4. Budget for extra expenses

If your budget barely covers the initial quoted cost of the home, you’ll have no room for unexpected expenses that may arise.

Perhaps you want to go off-plan and have a more spacious loungeroom or wider front door.

There are many reasons why your plans may change, so make sure you budget appropriately.

5. Finish with a thorough inspection

When you get word that your house has been completed, it’s tempting to sign off on it so you can move in right away.

However, doing so can leave you stuck with all sorts of problems and no avenue to remedy them (apart from paying to fix them yourself).

You need to be thorough when doing a Practical Completion Inspection (PCI)

If you aren’t confident book an an expert to look over your new home will give you confidence that you can move in without a care in the world.


Building a house is challenging, but if you go in prepared, it can be one of the most rewarding journeys of your life.

Start with the tips above, do your due diligence, and that dream home will soon be yours.

5 Ways to Save on Your Energy & Internet Bills

Guest Post by Rahi Mam

As the head of your household’s finances, you may be looking to save on expenses wherever you can.

This helps protect you from unnecessary spending, and can even help free up some money for your family to spend elsewhere.

One of the ways you can save money is to regularly assess how much you spend on electricity and the internet and see if there are any better prices available.

To help get you started on this process, here are five ways to compare your energy and internet plan options.

1. Bundle Up

Many utility providers offer bundled plans, where you can get a variety of services all on one bill.

This bundling often comes with discounts on each service, as it benefits the provider to have more steady users.

Start by contacting your current service provider to see if you can combine electricity & internet through them. If they don’t offer such a bundle, you may want to contact other providers and inquire about their bundles and rates.

Then, choose the option that best fits your budget.

2. Explore Alternative Sources

The next tip is specifically for energy plans.

More and more providers are switching to cleaner and cheaper energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydro. In addition to being better for the environment, these sources can also be more reliable than traditional coal power.

This saves the utility company time and money in a variety of ways.

Most will pass those savings onto their customers, letting you reap the benefits as well.

Contact your energy provider to see if getting your energy from an alternate source is possible and how much it can save you each billing period.

3. Take Advantage of Specials

Both energy and internet providers may offer specials for new customers, especially those who are interested in bundling multiple services.

It’s well worth doing some research to determine what specials are on for the providers in your area.

You can do this by calling around or by looking on their websites.

If you’d rather not leave your current provider, you can contact them and see if they have any specials that you qualify for.

Some may have deals for long-time customers who renew or upgrade their service that can save you some money without having to switch.

4. Consider a Contract

A fourth option for getting lower prices on electricity and internet plans is to look for plans with a fixed contract length, as opposed to month-to-month options.

Service providers benefit from having repeat and reliable customers.

As a result, many are willing to offer a special price on services for customers who agree to a locked-in contract.

If you feel that your energy and internet usages are pretty steady, or if you believe that the provider can meet your needs for the length of the contract, then this may be an excellent option for you.

5. Ask Around

One final way to help you compare energy and internet plans is to talk to customers of other providers.

You could do this by asking neighbors who they use and what their costs are like.

You could also reach out to friends and family members that you may have in the surrounding area and ask them.

You may find out that you’ve got the best plan on the block, or you may find out a hidden gem of a provider.

Bottom Line

Comparing energy and internet plans is a smart way to make sure you’re paying a fair price.

Don’t be afraid to shop around a bit to see what other deals are out there.

Talk to customers of other providers, or to the providers themselves, and ask about plans and prices.

Your budget’s bottom line will thank you for your diligence.

Top 3 Luxury Bathroom Features to Consider During Your Next Upgrade

Guest Post by Sherazi Khan

A bathroom renovation can add a lot of value to a home, and even if you have no intention of selling your house in the foreseeable future, a fresh, upgraded bathroom experience can make a world of difference in your day-to-day life.

However, planning a bathroom upgrade isn’t exactly easy. You have a lot of options to choose from, and some features may be more worthwhile than others depending on your budget.

Let’s go over our top 3 luxury bathroom features to help you get the most out of your next bathroom upgrade.

Heated Flooring

Have you ever gotten out of the shower on a cold winter evening, felt amazing from the hot water on your body, and then promptly had that sensation ruined by ice-cold tiles on your feet? Well, there’s a solution to that: Heated floors.

Heated bathroom floors help raise your home’s value, provide you with a better bathroom experience, and add a luxurious flair to your bathroom overall.

Even better, a heated floor can save you money in the long run since it can effectively lower your heating and cooling costs. So, it’s a luxury investment that pays off.

This doesn’t have to be a major investment, either. There are floor heating options in several price ranges, and if your budget is reasonable to begin with, you can likely afford at least this one luxury feature.

Green-Themed Features

Nowadays, “going green” is all the rage, and there are some good reasons behind that.

Things such as low-energy lights, water-saving showerheads and faucets, low water consumption toilets, and automatic shutoff lights can help you reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment in fairly dramatic ways.

However, the benefits aren’t just one-sided. Lower resource consumption means your bills will be lower each month. Plus, several technological advancements have made such “green” bathroom features not only more luxurious but far more practical than what you may have heard about them in the past.

Now, they can perform just as well as their traditional counterpart, integrate modern design elements into their aesthetics and features, and are overall much more than simply “green” alternatives.

More importantly, with the popularity of the “green” movement, homebuyers are looking for these features to be pre-installed. So, making this investment can help you sell your home more easily in the future.

Professional Design Theme

When you walk into the average bathroom, the walls tend to be bare and plain, or they’re layered with wallpaper that looks like it’s from the 1950s.

That’s okay if you like that style. However, that’s not going to cut it if you’re trying to gain a more luxurious washroom experience or increase your home’s value.

Instead, it’s a worthwhile choice to pay for a professional bathroom renovation service, especially one with an artistic design team, who create something truly unique.

While you’re focusing on luxury features such as a high-end spa bath, heated floors, and other functional parts of the room, a creative designer can bring your wildest dreams to life and make your bathroom embody the luxurious feeling you’re going for.

Choose What’s Best for You

Obviously, there are more choices than just these three. From various high-end tile options to fixtures made from precious metals, and vanities that look like they belong in a museum, the list goes on and on.

It’s important to choose the features that match your sense of style and try to consider the impact they’ll have on your monthly bills or your home value.

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