Which Air Conditioning Units are the Most Efficient?

Guest Post by Rebecca Lee A lot of people fail to read the specs of they’re newly-purchased AC unit before buying it. It’s new, does its job, and affordable? . . . Might as well be good as sold! That…
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Room Height

Rooms with higher ceilings always seem lighter and more spacious. They can feel cooler in summer as the heat rises above your head, not so good in winter though! They are better for fitting ceiling fans, probably the cheapest form of…
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Ceiling Fans

If you have tall rooms a ceiling fan can make a real difference to your comfort without large bills. Summer While a ceiling fan does not lower the temperature it will make the room feel cooler by: The breeze improving…
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Cooling Options – Evaporative Cooling

A common standard builder’s cooling option is evaporative cooling. This is probably because they are relatively cheap to install. They also have fairly low power consumption as you are basically only running a fan. So whats the down side? Evaporative…
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Multi Head Split System Air Conditioners May Not Be Best
Reverse cycle split system air conditioners are a popular choice for cooling. They are also one of the cheapest heating systems to run. Single Head Split System These are the most common units, that you will see in most big box…
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Air Conditioners – Why The Star Rating Is More Important Than Price

I’m currently in the market for a Split System Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner. I went round a couple of the big box electrical stores last weekend and saw several models in the 3.5kw range, with prices ranging from $650 to…
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Roof Ventilation – Are Whirlybirds The Best Solution?

If you have ever been in the roof space of your house on a sunny day you will know that you very quickly start sweating! Why it gets hot Well the average roof size these days is probably around 200m2….
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Air Conditioning – Ducted, or Separate Units?

Guest post by Hubert Dwight Choosing between split systems and ducted air conditioning systems is no easy task. We understand that nagging voice in the back of your head that keeps asking “Will we go for a split systems or go for…
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Passiv Haus

What is a Passiv Haus (Passive House)? Well as you might have guessed the term originates in Germany, and relates to a method of achieving more sustainable performance (and lower Energy Bills) It’s a technique which doesn’t rely on good orientation, high thermal…
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Energy From Sun.

Have you ever wondered why it gets so HOT in the roof space on a sunny day? Well there is a lot of Energy coming from the Sun . . . .approximately 1.37 kw /m2 shines on the Earth By the…
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