Costs for Variations Compared with Retail Price

One area of annoyance for home buyers is when they want to vary something and the variation price is much more than the difference between retail prices. For Example An example is the builders standard oven may be $700 at…
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The Entertainer

“Just the thing for Entertainment” or something similar is a common theme in house builder’s brochures and estate agent descriptions. It’s really a way of trying to upsize you into a bigger (more expensive) house. Before you get sucked in…
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Is Australian Housing Expensive?…. or Just Big?

You frequently see articles saying how expensive Australia housing is compared with other countries ……….But is this really true? UK Houses The last time I was in England I had a look at some estate agents prices in my home…
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How Much House?
Do you know that in spite of the standard block getting smaller over the past 20 years the actual size of the houses has been getting bigger. The builders are doing a good job of selling us on the idea…
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Half Houses

Can’t afford the price of a new house? How about half a new house? This is a radical idea to help affordability of new homes by Chilean architecture company ‘Elemental’. Basically they provide half a house fitted out; with the…
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Can You Afford the Display Home?

When you visit a Builders Display you will probably be given a price list which quotes the ‘Basic Price’ for the house you are looking at. Don’t be fooled!………the features you see in the Display Home will add much more…
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The Housebuyer’s Handbook- A How-to for Home Hunters
Guest Post by Hubert Dwight If you are looking to buy your first home or even taking another step on the property ladder, the whole process can seem daunting and not a little terrifying. The key to making the process…
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Extra Rooms
Over the years I have seen many builders put up many reasons for making houses bigger and more expensive. Here are some of the additions that you wouldn’t have found in many houses 30-40 years ago. En-Suite Walk in Robe Rumpus…
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Low Bank Valuations
People building a new home are often shocked when their bank valuation is less than the cost of the land plus the build cost. Problems With Low Valuation The two issue are Unless your deposit is larger than the difference between the Final…
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Do You Need A Home Theatre?
I keep reading articles about issues with the affordability of Australian houses. . . . . but then find lot’s of you want a ‘Media Room’ in your new houses! So how much is a basic Home Theatre going to add to the cost of…
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