Controlling Noise

Looking at a lot of design magazines and web sites I see a lot of hard minimalist interiors. Perhaps looking like the photo here. Some of the key words seem to be ‘Industrial’, ‘Scandy’, ‘Warehouse’ or ‘Loft’ styles. The Problem…
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Reducing Noise Through Windows
General Principles The main factors in window noise reduction in order of importance are: 1. Glass Thickness Thicker glass will give a better result. (Laminated glass is slightly better than solid glass of similar thickness as the laminated layer provides additional ‘Damping’) 2….
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Would you worry if you saw this guy (from Jim’s Jihad?) mowing the lawn next door? Unlikely. . . but it does illustrate the fact that neighbours can have a big effect on your enjoyment, or otherwise, of your house. In…
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Noise Insulation – Plasterboard Options

There are a few plasterboard options when looking to improve the noise insulation. These options in increasing order of cost are: Differing Thickness On Each Face By using different and thicker plasterboards on each wall face, say 13mm and 16mm,…
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Sound Insulation Batts

Imagine the standard internal stud wall in your new house. A sheet of fairly thin material (plasterboard). An air space retained by timber walls. Another thin sheet of material. Sounds a bit like a Drum doesn’t it?……………It’s no wonder sound…
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Reducing External Noise

It’s not always possible to build in a quiet area so there are a number of techniques for reducing noise that you can use in your new home. Here is a quick review of the options: Minimising windows facing…
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