Retaining Wall – Sleeper Walls

Although most people refer to these as Sleeper Walls the Technical term is ‘Post’ and ‘Whaling’ * Walls. The posts can be Galvanised Steel like the example on the right. Other alternatives are timber sleepers, like the example below, or…
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Rainwater – Pump Size

One of the reasons why most rainwater systems use too much power is because because the pump is too big. For other reasons see Rainwater – Pump Issues Most pump suppliers and design charts will specify a larger pump than…
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Spot the Garage

Can you see the garage? Not just one, but two! Perhaps this second photo helps This is a device called a Cardok which I hear is coming to Australia. Its quite expensive at around $60,000 each, but probably cheaper than having…
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Contract Meeting Advice

It can seem like an age since you paid the initial deposit for your new house. You have spent ages going through everything at Selection. Surely you can just sign the contract and get started?………….That’s what the builder wants,………… but…
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Types of Fill

You will often find a reference to ‘Fill’ in your Geotechnical Report. Your site may require ‘Cut and Fill’ to level the site. Here is a bit of information about the various types of fill: Ordinary Fill Ordinary fill is…
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Hobbit Apartments

It’s not in Middle Earth, or even New Zealand, it’s in Florida. The Building, called the Dune House, is actually two apartments that were designed by William Morgan in 1975. To find our more including internal photos visit the…
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Improving Soil After A New Build

Guest post by David Limburg of Online Garden Design With most new houses, the garden is often the last aspect of the new build that is considered. Often the soil is left in a terrible state by the construction process….
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Water Hammer Cures

If you are getting water hammer in your new house it can be really annoying. As the problem is caused by fast flowing water being stopped suddenly here are some options to cure it. Slow the overall speed of flow down Pressure,…
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The Simpson House
Negative Investment

Negative Investment can be quite a problem…..but what is it. Well it’s when the house is worth less than you paid for it. This can be a real issue if you need to sell the house. There are three ways…
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