Firewood Storage

If you are serious about wood fired heating you are going to have to think about storage. How Long Do You Need To Store? Firewood should be seasoned, until it is thoroughly dried out. For freshly cut wood that typically means for…
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Bio-Ethanol Fires

Everywhere I go these days I see Bio-Ethanol Fires….. so are they a good idea for your new home? Well all the publicity says they are a renewable resource that produces a ‘living flame’. As Ethanol (we used to call…
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Wood can be the Most Expensive………..or the Cheapest heating available for your new home. It all depends on your level of commitment. Most Expensive Buy firewood at the service station and burn it in an open fire and it could…
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Fire Risk

Understandably there is a lot of talk about Bush Fires at this time of the year…….. but did you know that in a typical year there are around 13,000 domestic fires in Australia. There are also around 80 deaths a…
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Gas Plumbing
Most people who have mains gas available will have gas connections for hot water and central heating automatically provided by the builder. But what else do you need to think about? Meter Location You will need the meter somewhere where…
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