Is Grey Water Re-Use Worthwhile?

What is Grey Water? Grey Water includes all the waste water from the house with the exception of toilet waste. (Black Water) It can includes water from; Washing Machine, Dishwasher, Sink, Wash Basin, and Shower. A basic grey water reuse scheme…
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Overflow Relief Gulley

Have you ever wondered what this is in your garden? Perhaps you have seen ‘ORG’ on a drawing. Well the answer is it’s called an Overflow Relief Gully. It needs to between the house and the connection to the main…
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Rattling or Thumping Pipes – Cures
These cures relate to general rattling or banging when you turn the tap on. The various reasons for these noises, and their cures are: Air in Pipes Typically occurs in new systems, or after some plumbing alterations. You need to…
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Rainwater – Pump Size

One of the reasons why most rainwater systems use too much power is because because the pump is too big. For other reasons see Rainwater – Pump Issues Most pump suppliers and design charts will specify a larger pump than…
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Water Hammer Cures

If you are getting water hammer in your new house it can be really annoying. As the problem is caused by fast flowing water being stopped suddenly here are some options to cure it. Slow the overall speed of flow down Pressure,…
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Rainwater – Pump Issues

This photo shows a fairly typical pump installation. An electric pump with pressure sensor control. It’s even got a fairly large diameter flexible suction hose between the tank and the pump. So…..What are the issues? Well water is an…
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West Facing Solar Hot Water System?

If you are committed to sustainability then space on the North facing roof is at premium. One option may be to look at putting the solar hot water system on a West facing roof. This will mean you can maximise…
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Solar Hot Water

With the current emphasis on building efficiency solar hot water systems are pretty much a standard option if not automatically included. These systems incorporate either gas or electricity boosting for cloudy days. Here are a few thoughts on the options…
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Gas Plumbing
Most people who have mains gas available will have gas connections for hot water and central heating automatically provided by the builder. But what else do you need to think about? Meter Location You will need the meter somewhere where…
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