Design – Controlling Costs

When you are planning a custom home costs can quickly run away with the initial budget! Just watch a few episodes of ‘Grand Designs’ and you will see people with costs out of control! If you are planning a custom…
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Understanding Display Homes

I have compared the Cost of a Display Home with the price for the advertised price of the standard house, so here are what the differences are: What you won’t get in the Basic House (unless there is a ‘Special Offer‘) Premium…
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Control of costs is really important if you don’t want to run over budget on your new home. One of the key areas in controlling costs is understanding the specification of the house. One of the traps that many people…
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Ghost House 2

Here is another Ghost House where nothing seems to have moved for a long time. As you can see it was going to be a big house. After being exposed to the elements for years it’s probably only fit for…
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Bridging Finance Basics
Guest post by Callum Scott of Scott Finance Buying Your Next Home . . . . but haven’t sold your current house? You can put your home on the market, sell it, settle and then rent while waiting for your new home…
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Love the Display Home
BUT CAN YOU AFFORD IT? When you visit a Builders Display home you will probably be given a price list which quotes the Basic Price for the house you are looking at. Don’t be fooled!……… The feature you see in…
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Negative Investment

Negative Investment can be quite a problem…..but what is it. Well it’s when the house is worth less than you paid for it. This can be a real issue if you need to sell the house. There are three ways…
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Restricted Site, Costs

People are astonished at how the builders costs soar when building on a restricted site! A restricted site is generally when a the building takes up most of the block. Generally this means that there is little room to store…
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Final Cost – When Do You Find Out?
Some people think that when they pay an initial deposit, and leave the Builders Sales Office they know how much their house will cost…………..If you are unlucky, and/or don’t know how the system works you could be hit for unexpected…
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Living While you Build – Cost
Living costs during the time your new house build can be much more expensive than after you have moved in. Its well worth planning for the additional expense. Why is it expensive? Well you will have either a mortgage or…
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