Power Reduction
Lighting Levels

There are two elements when considering Lighting levels for your new house. Electrical Power (Watts) Amount of Light (Lumens) Watts In the old days with incandescent bulbs it used to be simple, bulbs came in 40, 60 and 100watts and…
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Time To Rethink Sensor Switches?

Sensor switches used to be thought of as a big power saving measure but these days I’m less sure. 30 years ago when light bulbs were typically 100watts and had short lives a sensor like this could save some serious…
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Smart Renovations to Save on Your Water and Electric Bill

Guest Post from Joel Sidaka As a property owner, it is quite common to spend around $300-$400 on utility bills every month. Sometimes, it can even go as high as $500! This can be a hard pill to swallow. Fortunately,…
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Air Conditioners – Why The Star Rating Is More Important Than Price

I’m currently in the market for a Split System Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner. I went round a couple of the big box electrical stores last weekend and saw several models in the 3.5kw range, with prices ranging from $650 to…
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‘Green’ Beer Fridge

When you move into a new home most people like to get a new fridge. Either the old fridge doesn’t fit, or just doesn’t look as smart as the rest of the kitchen. So what happens to the old fridge? If…
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Save Energy By Upgrading To An Eco-Friendly Property.

Guest post by Hubert Dwight Many people are quick to complain about how high their energy bills are, but they fail to take any real action to minimise the expenses. Inside the home, lighting, electrical appliances, hot water, heating and cooling dominate…
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Fridge Location

You may be out shopping for a new fridge to go in the new house or You may just want to check your existing fridge fits in the alcove in your new kitchen. Whichever it is . . . ….
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Light Bulb Comparison

In a previous post on Lighting Levels I talked about using lumens to plan lighting. . . . . but which type of bulb should you use? There are now 3 types of bulbs in common use Halogen (A more…
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