What the ?
Bedroom for Exhibitionists
This cabin is located in natural surroundings in Dalsland, Sweden. In autumn 2017, five people who had stressful jobs were given the chance stop in the cabin for 3 days They felt this gave them a new perspective on life….
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Homeless Shelter
Would you like to sleep in this? This is a shelter designed for the homeless An artist and builder, Gregory Kloehn of Oakland, Calif, makes shelter like this from salvaged materials he finds in the trash, Up to now Gregory and a…
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Drunken Steps
I wonder if this house has got a Drinkers door lock? It does show you that the importance of proper foundations for steps, as well as the house. The photo comes from Ugly Belgian Houses. For more Unusual…
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Bogan Shelves
I know finances are tight when you move into a new house. Also I appreciate that smart shelves may be fairly low on your priorities. But I think this is taking saving money a couple of steps too far! This…
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Electrical Easement – Fail
It looks like someone forget to check their Title Plan when buying the block. The result an electrical substation in front of their front window. To avoid problems like this Check Your Title Plan I found this photo on the…
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Halloween House – Win
The people in this house have really gone to town for Halloween They even had grave markers and pieces of a skeleton on the front lawn together with police barrier tape! It amazes me the lengths some people go to…
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Can’t find your phone at night?
Container Homes . . . Before Containers?
With all the publicity about container homes I thought I would publish this picture. This is Habitat 67 in Montreal, Canada, and as its name suggests it was completed in 1967. That is before the ISO standards for intermodal containers…
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Carpet Fail
I was recently staying in a recently refurbished hotel in Buffalo, New York State. I couldn’t understand why they hadn’t replaced the worn carpet. Then I looked down the corridor and realised it wasn’t wear. It was the pattern of…
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Are You a Global Citizen?
Perhaps you need to live in a Global House? These are the Bolwoningen houses in the municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch situated north-west of Eindhoven in Holland. Want to find out more? check the website www.voicesofeastanglia.com For more Unusual House Photos, Wins,…
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