Onsite Stormwater Dention – Why

If you want to redevelop or subdivide an existing urban house block, you might find that a planning condition is that you will need to provide On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD). You may also find it is a condition on individual…
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Types of Floor Joists

Build a single storey house on a slab and you don’t need joists . . . . but if you have a suspended floor, or you have a two storey house, your structure will need joists. When I first started…
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Forever Home

I often hear people talking about ‘Our Forever Home’ . . . . . . . well this is a $2,000,000 Forever Home. Some of the features include: Located in extensive ‘Gated Community’. Very quiet neighbours. Marble lined walls. Air…
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DIY Painting, Is It Worth It?

Painting doesn’t seem so hard to do. Some people say “Why not paint our new house ourselves rather than pay the builder and save money?” Well I have done plenty of painting of individual rooms over the years but I wouldn’t attempt…
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Beware of Escalation Clauses

What Are Escalation Clauses These are a way of allowing for inflation. Basically it provides a way for the builder to increase his costs in line with inflation. The Clause will quote an inflation index which can be used to…
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Risks of DIY Remodeling

One of my favourite ‘Waste of Time’ activities is reading the Not Always Right website. Below is a recent post which indicates the problems of DIY house remodeling! Going Totally Off The Wall (I work for a company that builds homes…
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Did you know Australia has around 15 species of termite which can damage the timbers in your new house. Although some species of timber are resistant to termites none are termite-proof. In practice any structure containing wood can be attacked, unless protective measures are taken. Even…
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Build A Sustainable House & Save Money

When the stricter energy standards came in the big builders all complained that it would make houses more expensive. Well a recent CSIRO report ‘The Evaluation of the 5-Star Energy Efficiency Standard for Residential Buildings‘ has found it can actually be…
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Seaweed House

What do you think of this house? Roof look a little unusual? Well the roof, and the walls, are built using seeweed! The seeweed provides a long lasting external surface, which as well as being a natural renewable resource, has…
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Stormwater – Kerb Discharge

If you are going to build on an existing house block you will probably have a planning permit condition that storm water must discharge to an approved point. If there is no surface water system one option can be to…
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