Worlds Most Unusual Door

This picture shows a Klemens Torggler Door If you think it looks odd just click on the youtube video link below to see it open and close . . . . But be careful, I could watch it for hours!…
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What Are Brick Articulation Joints?

When you are looking round your new home build you may think “What’s that gap between the window and the brickwork?” . . . . . . .or even “Why is there a vertical gap between the bricks in the…
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Throw Away The Spirit Level

A spirit level, or a builders square wouldn’t be much use in this house. . . Hardly any of the walls are vertical or the corners square! This is actually a modular building designed by Studio Daniel Libeskind (who incidentally has…
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Bushfire Reserve – Volume

I have previously talked about Bushfire reserve supplies. . . . But how much? I see various minimum water volumes put forward for bush fire reserves. For example in early 2014 the following applied. Victoria, regulations for new builds require…
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Concrete – Adding Extra Water
A ‘Dirty Secret’ of the Construction Industry is; adding of extra water to concrete mixes. The ready mix concrete suppliers carefully design mixes with appropriate water cement ratios, which are loaded onto the delivery truck by computer controlled batching systems….
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Missed The Bath – Fail

But when was this stuffed up? When the bath was selected When the tapware was selected? When the bath was installed? When the tapware was installed? It does show how carefully you need to thick about things at Selection/Pre-Start. Thanks…
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Bushfire Water Storage
If you live in an area that could be subject to wildfire having a bushfire water storage is important . . . . . . Even if you have mains water supply! Public water mains only have limited capacity. ….
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Thermal Mass for Heating
If you read up about energy efficiency you will come across the expression ‘Thermal Mass’ . . . . . . but what is it? . . . . . and how does it work? Materials with Thermal Mass The…
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Is Modern Kitchen Design Making Us Fat

When I was young (about 50 years ago) obesity wasn’t really an issue. In those days most houses had a small kitchen where a meal was cooked. We either ate in the kitchen or a small dining room. The rest…
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Front Path – Fail 2

What an imposing facade! But why is it spoiled by that letter box in the middle of the path? . . . . . Perhaps it’s because the letter box is hiding the water meter! It’s funny how those water…
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