Can $21,000,000 Buy An Attractive House?

Well what do you think? . . . . . . . . Looks like a fire station to me! Here is what the Agent says: ” Reflecting the iconic modernism of architect Charles Gwathmey, this exquisite 8000+/- sq. ft. 7…
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Levels of Bushfire Attack
A Bushfire Assessment of your new house will put it in one of the following 6 levels: Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Description of Predicted Bushfire Attack and Levels of Exposure BAL – Low There is insufficient risk to warrant specific…
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Submersible Pumps

As well as the more common pressure pumps you will frequently see submersible pumps at your local supplier . . . . . So what’s the difference? Characteristics of Submersible Pumps: Most domestic submersible pumps come with an attached…
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Disney World in Melbourne?

This is a house I drive past every couple of weeks. Each time it reminds me of the Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland. All those octagonal rooms and roofs, it must have cost a fortune to build. Have you ever…
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What is the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL)

The BAL is a number that indicates how severely a bush fire is likely to affect your new house. It comes from the Australian Standard AS3959 – 2009. The number is calculated by considering the following factors: The Fire Danger…
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Roof Trusses

Although roof trusses only started being used in Australia in the 1960’s they now have around 80% of the total ‘Pitched Roof’ market. They are all designed using well proven computer programs and manufactured in factory conditions. (the whole process…
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Where Is The Other House?

I saw this curious looking house one rainy day. It looks like it’s one house short of a semi-detached pair. I can only assume the owner saw an example of the house and liked the layout so much they thought…
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Protecting Underground Pipes

One of the problems that happen all too often during a new house build is that Sewers and Drains get filled with concrete. Its normally happens on: A knock down and rebuild project where the sewer connection wasn’t sealed during…
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Construction Loans
Guest post by Callum Scott of Scott Finance Before looking at the difference between a construction loan and a standard mortgage, it is important to realise that the criteria for obtaining a construction loan are pretty much the same as those…
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Extension Fail

I saw this extended house the other day and couldn’t resist sharing it. A fairly standard 60’s house with a pitched roof but someone has dropped a square box on top….So much for sensitive design. Not only that but the…
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