Once you have paid the deposit on your new house the next big step is the Pre Start or Selection Meeting. (some builders call it the ‘Gallery Meeting’, if you are having a custom built house it may be called…
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Conditions of Use
PLAIN ENGLISH CONDITIONS I run this website as a hobby and can’t afford to be sued so the information is supplied on an ‘All Care and No Responsibility‘ basis. If you use information from this web site….. acknowledge it with…
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Do You Want A Phone Line?

A few years ago having a land line phone was a must have have………….. but is this still the case? We have always had a land line phone but both of us also have mobile phones. Really the mobile is the…
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Considering Owner Building?
Are you considering owner building to save money? Is it the only way you can afford your dream? Perhaps you want to be able to have more choice with fittings and appliances. Well I have almost 40 years in Construction…
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Why I Used Jenman System Agents To Sell

Unless your new house is the first house you own you are going to have to sell your existing house. Lots of people in Melbourne use auctions but I have never been very keen on that approach. We have now…
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Five Interior Design Improvements You Can Make
Post contributed by Emma Lamb, on behalf of Steel-line Improving the interior of a home can enhance your enjoyment of your surroundings as well as add value to the house. Whether making a small change or planning a substantial renovation,…
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Why I Don’t Have Mono-Crystalline Solar Panels

Several people have commented that my panels look different to those on other houses. Most solar PV installations use Mono-Crystalline panels, because they are smaller for the same power rating. The panels on my roof are Kaneka Thin Film Panels….
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Gas Plumbing
Most people who have mains gas available will have gas connections for hot water and central heating automatically provided by the builder. But what else do you need to think about? Meter Location You will need the meter somewhere where…
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How Much Can You Afford
So you want a new house? Before you start going around display houses the first thing you need to figure out is how much you can afford. Get this wrong as a couple and it can damage your relationship, and…
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Block Orientation
Sponsored by Coral Homes When looking at block orientation a key issue is using the sun to warm the house in winter and keeping the sun out of the rooms in the summer. Typical blocks in Australia are rectangular. About…
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