5 Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid In A New Home

Guest Post by Gordon Anderson

Moving into a new home is a dream come true.

However, once you step into your new home, you’ll have a lot of things to work on.

Aside from going through stacks of boxes and working on the interior design and other essentials in your house, the plumbing system will also require your attention.

Encountering a plumbing-related issue will surely be an inconvenience.

In addition, dealing with it incorrectly might cause further damage, which could result in an unpleasant experience in your new home.

Before you decide to tinker with the plumbing system in your new house, here are some of the plumbing mistakes to avoid to prevent water damages, such as burst water pipes.  

Delaying Minor Plumbing Repairs 

Since there’s a lot to do upon moving in, most homeowners are likely to overlook minor plumbing problems.

In some cases, some will even delay repairing a minor plumbing issue, such as a small leak or a sink that frequently clogs up.

However, if you leave these plumbing issues unattended, they’re likely to get worse over time.

Ignoring a leak, even a small one, wastes a lot of water in the long run.

If you fail to perform the appropriate repairs, you might end up with a skyrocketing utility bill.

In addition, a sink that seems to clog most of the time isn’t always a reason for concern, but it might be the onset of a partial or total blockage in the pipes.

Always remember that any minor issues with your plumbing system require immediate attention.

Timely action can save you the hassle and costly repairs or replacements.

If you’re facing a problem that seems beyond your skills, consider hiring a professional.

Looking for a reliable plumbing services provider like Plumber Sydney and other similar companies would be a good starting point to ensure the plumbing in your new home is in good shape and functional.

Using The Inappropriate Tools Or Parts

One of the challenges when moving into a new home is that you’re still unfamiliar with the plumbing system even if you have a decent level of skill and tools.

Thus, if you’re planning to replace a plumbing component, tighten a pipe, or work on any task involving a tool, you should take the necessary precautions on the tools or parts you’ll use.

Various appliances have specific sizes and would require particular tools or unique parts to work correctly.

If you’re going to replace a part such as a faucet, toilet seat, or showerhead in your new home, you should get the correct measurements first.

Also, don’t forget to determine the brand of the component you want to replace or fix, as various brands often need specific components or repair techniques.

Leaving The Water On During Repairs Or Replacements 

Due to the excitement of getting things ready in your new home, you might forget to turn off the water when attempting to replace old fixtures such as a faucet or showerhead or repair a broken water heater.

However, you should remember to turn off your water when doing repairs to avoid structural issues in your plumbing system.

One way to avoid this mistake is to turn off the water supply before starting any plumbing project.

You may turn off the water valve or your water meter.

If you fail to do so, you’re putting your new home at risk for possible water damage.

Tightening The Plumbing Connections 

Some new homeowners take extra precautions to keep everything secure, even the plumbing system.

Thus, some are likely to overtighten the plumbing connections, which isn’t the right move to make.

When you over tighten a pipe, coupling, or elbow, you’re likely to crack the fitting.

In worst-case scenarios, you might not be aware of the damage until the fitting breaks and causes significant flooding in your new home.  

If you want to make sure the pipe connections in your home are in good shape, you can secure the connections.

However, once you sense it feels tight without any movement anymore, avoid tightening it further.

Excessive Use Of Drain Cleaner 

Any homeowner wants their new home to be clean.

Usually, homeowners use a commercial drain cleaner to ensure all the drains in their new home are free of blockages.

However, using too much drain cleaner can do more harm than good.

Most commercial drain cleaners include strong chemicals to break up clogs.

If you overuse the product, it’ll start eating away into the walls of the plumbing system, eroding both metal and PVC pipes.

Thus, make sure you know how to use the cleaning products properly to avoid damaging your drains or pipes.

The ideal approach is to watch what goes down the drain and avoid throwing food waste into your sink.

If you want to ensure the drains are free of clogs, try using a natural method such as a solution of baking soda and vinegar to loosen any blockages and follow up with a plunger to open up the drain. 

Final Thoughts 

Moving into your new home can be an exciting experience.

To settle down completely, you also need to ensure your plumbing system works well.

If you want to make the transition in your new home a smooth one, take the appropriate precautions to avoid these plumbing mistakes to avoid plumbing problems in your new home.

In addition, be prepared with the proper solution in case an issue arises. 


Author Bio: 
Gordon Anderson is a licensed plumber. He has been in the industry for more than 11 years with experience in handling plumbing in residential and commercial buildings. During his free time, Gordon enjoys hiking, fishing, and reading a good book.