Selection Process
Changing Builders Standard Plans

Most builders will change their standard designs to some extent. The builder of the last house we built, Metricon, was fairly flexible. Here are some of the changes that you could talk with the builder about if their standard is…
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Rooms over Garage

Will your new house have a bedroom above the garage? If so you should check what the builder specifies in the way of Insulation between the garage and the room floor. Although regulations quite often specify insulation on external walls…
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After The Deposit
If you decide that you want a house built by a builder you will normally be given a budget price and asked to pay a deposit. What happens next? These are the steps that follow in progressing to a full…
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Are You Going To Have A Washing Line?

When I was growing up all the washing lines looked like this. . . . long straight nylon ropes. Since then things have changed backyards have got smaller and some people don’t even have washing lines, everything goes in the…
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Wants and Needs – 5 Luxury Home Additions With Practical Benefits

Guest Post by Hubert Dwight There are some things in life that are needs. Things like shelter, water, food and clothing are needs. We have to have them, otherwise life just kinda doesn’t work for us. Then there are some…
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Laundries – The Latest Source Of Profit

Over the years I have seen many builders put up many reasons for making houses bigger and more expensive. . . . which means more profit for them. When they can’t think of another room then its how can they make…
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Avoiding Splitting Responsibility
I often come across people who want to exclude certain items of the work from a house building contract to save money. They may want to do the work themselves, use their own tradie (relative or friend) or use a different…
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Understanding Builders
“The Builder is ripping me off!” and ‘The Builder is overcharging for upgrades!” are two comments I hear regularly. Some of these cries may be justified, but a lot are because the customer doesn’t understand the Builder. Why A Builder…
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