Brick Fences

As I travel around the Melbourne Suburbs I see lots of brick fences……….. A problem with a large proportion is that they have obvious cracks. If you don’t believe me just walk around your neighborhood and look at a few…
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Tall Front Boundary Fences – A Good Idea?

As I walk many km’s along suburban streets every day I am surprised by how many tall front boundary fences I see. So are they a good idea?…………………… Well here are my thoughts: Security Well a 1.8m fence could keep…
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Anti Perch

Birds perching onthe top of balustrades and guardrails can be a real nuisance. At the very least you can get bird poop all over the place. If there are parrots around I have known them to start chewing the wood….
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Front Fence Failure

Generally you don’t have to go far to find a front brick fence falling over like this one. Normally they fall over in the direction of the street. So why is this failure so common? Reasons For Failure People think…
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Bamboo Fences

Sometimes I think that Australians go overboard with fences. It seems to me that fences have to be solid and large. Too often I walk down a street and can’t see the houses for the large brick fences. Well there…
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Low Cost Vertical Garden

So you have just moved in your new house, and there are a lot of blank fence panels. Perhaps a few plants in a vertical garden would break up the view. Perhaps you haven’t got much money after paying for…
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Keeping The Dog In

The last time we built we felt the new Colorbond fences would be fine to keep the dogs in. After all they had never tried to escape at the two previous houses. How wrong we were! Our Kelpie Labrador cross…
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Interesting Fence
Fence Disputes

The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) has revealed the consistent No 1 dispute has been fencing. In fact fencing counts for around one third of all of their top ten disputes. In 2013-4 there were fence 6,489 disputes, slightly above the long term…
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Tree Hugger’s Fence – Win

Love a tree but need to put up a fence? The owner of this house has gone a long way to make sure the tree hasn’t been damaged. For more Unusual House Photos, Wins, and Fails, have a…
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