Tag Archive: Fences
Brick Fences

As I travel around the Melbourne Suburbs I see lots of brick fences……….. A problem with a large proportion is that they have obvious cracks. If you don’t believe me just walk around your neighborhood and look at a few…
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Tall Front Boundary Fences – A Good Idea?

As I walk many km’s along suburban streets every day I am surprised by how many tall front boundary fences I see. So are they a good idea?…………………… Well here are my thoughts: Security Well a 1.8m fence could keep…
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Protect Your Block From Dumping

A regular problem with vacant new house blocks is they are used as a convenient dumping ground for other builders. It’s much cheaper to dump on a nearby site than haul the material to a tip and pay tip fees. If…
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Front Fence Win

What do you think about this front fence? Ever seen one like this before? As well as looking different I think it looks attractive, and does the job of separating the front yard from the street. For me this…
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