Hiring a Dingo Loader

Spreading a lot of topsoil or levelling a large garden yourself? One of the best tools is a ‘Dingo’ or ‘Kanga’ loader. These can usually be hired locally at very reasonable rates. Can be a bit scary driving the dingo…
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5 Power Tools You Need For Your Next Renovation

Guest Post by Rebecca Lee Embarking on a home renovation project is always an exciting proposition. Whether you’re planning a minor makeover or a major overhaul, having the right power tools can make a world of difference to its success…
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Choosing a Spade

A spade is probably the most important tool in gardening so its worth getting a good one. Few tools are more crucial to gardening than a durable, sturdy garden spade. You don’t want to get something that looks OK but…
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Garage – Planning a Workshop

I was walking home the other day and saw this amazingly equipped workshop which made me feel quite jealous! We can’t all have separate workshops so here are some thoughts about planning a workshop in your new house garage. Solid…
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Unless you have enough money to pay someone to do the gardening I would recommend that you think about buying a wheel barrow. You will have top soil, compost and plants to move. You might even be moving concrete if…
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Storage Hacks Using Pipes

When you are setting up a new workshop you need to store your tools. You can put them in a toolbox, but its easier if you can store them so you can just pick them up without sorting through a…
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Electric Drill

One of the most useful tools for the new homeowner is an electric drill. There are always lots of hooks that need to be put up, the odd shelf, house numbers to fix, etc, etc. My old drill gave up…
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5 Forgotten ‘Tools’ for Home Improvement

Guest Post by Hubert Dwight Every household needs a home improvement kit. You never know when you’re going to need to perform an odd job or task. After all, while a good house will last a lifetime there is still…
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I think a Shovel, as well as a Spade, is a worthwhile addition to your tool collection for your new home. You should be able to buy a ‘Concreters’ Shovel like this for $25 dollars, or less, so it shouldn’t…
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