Sub-Divided Block Issues

Want to build a new house in an established suburb? One way is to look for a subdivided block, or even buy a house on a big block and sub-divide yourself. I see quite a lot of large suburban blocks…
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Beware of Blocks Below The Road

On a summers day, during a period of dry weather, I came across these recently built houses with lines of sandbags! You would think that the houses must have fronted a river! Not much chance of getting a car in…
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Covenant Removal
A previous post talked about restrictions placed on block by covenants So you have found the perfect block. . . but it has a covenant restricting the amount of buildings to 50% and your dream plan will occupy more? Removal…
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Understanding Title Plans

Title plans are quite a bit different to Survey Plans. The above is typically what you would see when looking at the title plan for a small subdivision. This is what it tells you about block No 2, which I…
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When I worked for a drainage contractor almost every month I have to tell people that they are going to have to take down their shed, dig out part of their raised garden bed, or take up part of their…
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Site Investigation

As part of the design and approval process of building your new house you will require a ‘Site Investigation Report’ sometimes referred to as a ‘Geotechnical Report’. For a typical suburban subdivision for a one or two storey house on…
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Building On Pipeline Easements (Or Close To)

Previous posts have talked about Sewer and Drain Easements but you build close to or over a pipe on an easement? Permission You must get permission from the owner of the easement to build on the easement. Some easement owners…
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Block Boundary Pegs

Your block location is defined by its boundary pegs. It all looks quite simple when you are looking to buy the block. You can go out to the site and see tall pegs with tape at every corner. A few…
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Soil Classification
Before you can build your new house you need to know what sort of foundation is needed, which is based on the ‘Soil classification’ Geotechnical Investigation A Geotechnical investigations is required to provide a report stating the soil classification. The…
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Restrictive Covenants

Don’t think because you buy a block you can do what you like on it! There are often restrictive covenants on land. . . . .That is “an agreement between land owners which may restrict how land may be used…
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