Floor Space Ratio, or Plot Ratio
When you are buying a new house block it’s important you understand how much of the block you can build on! One way in which NSW councils prevent Over development is by prescribing a ‘Floor Space Ration’ (FSR). The same…
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Habitable Rooms
What is a Habitable Room? You see the phase in several planning and building documents with regard to things like Ceiling Height (see Room Height) and Overlooking. Well according to the Building Code of Australia (BCA) A Habitable Room is…
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Protecting Underground Pipes

One of the problems that happen all too often during a new house build is that Sewers and Drains get filled with concrete. Its normally happens on: A knock down and rebuild project where the sewer connection wasn’t sealed during…
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Buying a Block

anewhouse GUIDE – E book Aimed at making sure you consider a wide range of issues to ensure you get the right block for your new home! Posts from this Blog and Much More. In pdf format so you can read it on…
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What’s on the Nature Strip?

Don’t forget to have a look at the Footpath and Nature Strip! Often forgotten but what’s there can affect what you can do with the block, and general livability. Some of the things that can affect you are: Place of…
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Cubby House – Fail

What do you think of this Cubby House that someone built in their garden, soon after moving in? Well it looks pretty good…………………………. Solidly constructed building, nice colourful paint job, and securely bolted down to a convenient concrete slab. So why…
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When I started in the drainage business 40 years ago we called them Manholes. Since then due to political correctness we have had; Person Holes, Access Points, Inspection Pits, but now we seem to be coming back to calling them…
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When you are buying a block one of the issues that controls what you can put on a block is the Setbacks of the main structure. Setbacks vary from council to council and can also vary between neighbourhoods in a…
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Building Envelope
If you need to fit a large House onto a small block one of the issues you will have to deal with is ‘The Building Envelope”. What this means is the actual area within your title boundaries that is legally…
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Types of New House Permits
Here is some information on the several sorts of permits that are involved before you start building a house. Planning Permit Sometimes called a Development Approval (DA) if you are buying a block on an existing subdivision you should already…
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