Don’t Over Develop

I’ve heard people say that they have got the best house on the street……………………..but when you see it, its got the smallest garden, or sometimes no garden at all. If that is the case they have probably overdeveloped and spent…
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Large or Small

While new houses are getting bigger apartments are getting smaller . . . so how much room to we really need? Reasons We Need Less Space Flat screen televisions can now be mounted flat on the wall. Saving your music…
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The Entertainer

“Just the thing for Entertainment” or something similar is a common theme in house builder’s brochures and estate agent descriptions. It’s really a way of trying to upsize you into a bigger (more expensive) house. Before you get sucked in…
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How Big or Small Does a Home Need To Be?

Our first house was around 6 squares (approx 56m2). Two rooms downstairs and two rooms with a bathroom upstairs, and a single garage in the back garden. We lived happily in the house for 6 years including after my daughter…
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Comparing House Sizes

Since 1988 SI, or metric units, have been the sole legal units of measurement in Australia. However many builders and real estate agents still quote property in squares, which is an Imperial measurement. Are they trying to confuse you or…
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How Much Garage Do You Need

The trend these days seems to be for double garages……… but how many of them have two cars in them. . . . My guess would be about 10% and quite a few never have a car in them at…
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How Much House?
Do you know that in spite of the standard block getting smaller over the past 20 years the actual size of the houses has been getting bigger. The builders are doing a good job of selling us on the idea…
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Builder’s Al Fresco? or Build After Handover?

These days I see a lot of Display Homes that feature a built in al-fresco area. . . . . It might seem a good idea when you are choosing a plan, but is it going to be the best…
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Thinking About Bedroom Size

Guest Post by Cathy Reyes One of the things that I notice when looking at new display homes is the size of the bedrooms. My first house had a master bedroom with a floor areas of approximately 15 square metres….
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Forever House, or For Now House?

One of the phrases I frequently hear is this is our “Forever House”, but how realistic is this? We have been married for 38 years. . . and the longest we have lived in any house is 10 years. (and…
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