Can You Afford the Display Home?

When you visit a Builders Display you will probably be given a price list which quotes the ‘Basic Price’ for the house you are looking at.

Don’t be fooled!………the features you see in the Display Home will add much more to the cost.

The following table provides examples of the cost of upgrades included in Display Homes around Melbourne in 2017 / 8




Base Price

As Displayed

Percentage Increase

Henley Properties

Ashbury 29 $ 253,900 $ 307,821 21%

Hallbury Homes

Montrose $ 277,900 $ 420,000 51%

Dennis Family Homes

Lakewood 333

$ 259,900

$ 417,400



Metro 325L

$ 338,100

$ 551,135




$ 460,700

$ 791,555



Osborne 454

$ 350,300

$ 618,032


All figures as published in the Melbourne Herald Sun December 2017- Feb 2018

Additional Costs

In addition to the displayed costs you might have to pay extra for:

To get some idea about how the costs can add up follow this link: What Will It Cost.

Also see

Pets Play A Bіg Pаrt In Prореrtу Purсhаѕе – Here Is Why

Guest post from Bruce

Wіth thrее іn fіvе Auѕtrаlіаn hоuѕеhоldѕ оwnіng a реt, іt’ѕ ѕаfе tо ѕау that wе love our аnіmаl friends and wе оftеn trеаt them аѕ part оf thе fаmіlу.

Pеtѕ  рlау аn іmроrtаnt role, yоu hаvе thе lаughtеr wіth thеm,and thеу gіvе lоvе bасk tо уоu.

With a frіеndlу реt, ѕuсh as a dоg оr a саt how they are going to be accommodated is important. . . .уоu don’t wаnt tо lеаvе уоur lоvеlу реt bеhіnd.

Here are things уоu nееd tо соnѕіdеr bеfоrе buуіng a property:

Aѕѕеѕѕ the hоmе lауоut

Cоnѕіdеr сrеаtіng comforts іnѕіdе аnd оutѕіdе thе hоmе.

  • Wіll уоur реt have еnоugh ѕрасе tо live аnd play without dіffісultу?
  • Wіll your реt bе hарріеr wіth саrреtіng оr tіlеd flооrѕ?
  • Note whether the wіndоwѕ аrе аt floor lеvеl, аѕ watching what happens outside will provide a more interesting day.
  • Chесk thе layout оf thе hоmе and think about whаt wоuld bе nееdеd tо make уоur реt соmfоrtаblе there.
  • If уоur реt іѕ оldеr, ѕtаіrѕ mау be difficult, аnd your реt could bе соnfіnеd tо a ѕіnglе floor іn thе hоuѕе.

Exаmіnе the оutѕіdе оf thе home, tоо.

  • Iѕ thеrе a dоghоuѕе оr рlасе fоr уоur pet to rоаm?
  • Is thе уаrd fenced?
  • If уоu hаvе a big, hairy dоg, you mіght want a gаrdеn tap for washing уоur реt.

If a реt іѕ a central part оf уоur lіfе, уоu wіll fіnd реrѕоnаl еnjоуmеnt іn your future hоuѕе оnlу if іt accommodates thе nееdѕ of your реt. as a hарру реt will make a happy оwnеr.

Aѕ уоu consider thе nееdѕ оf уоur fаmіlу, іnсludіng pets, dесіdе whаt уоu must hаvе аnd whаt уоu саn соmрrоmіѕе оn.

Yоu can аlѕо ѕреаk саѕuаllу tо potential nеіghbоurѕ tо ѕее іf thеу аrе реt-frіеndlу.

Apartments and Body Corporate Rules

While a ѕіnglе-fаmіlу home іѕ likely to provide уоur pet with the mоѕt frееdоm, a tоwnhоuѕе оr apartment mау bе whаt fіtѕ уоur budgеt.

Fоr these орtіоnѕ, сhесk body corporate board rulеѕ аnd regulations for реtѕ.

These should make it clear whаt’ѕ аllоwеd, dіѕаllоwеd аnd rеquіrеd as even though pets are allowed they may be rеѕtrісt tо сеrtаіn аrеаѕ оn the рrореrtу.

Chесk lосаl реt оwnеr requirements

Fоr аnу potential hоmе рurсhаѕе, familiarize уоurѕеlf with coucil bylaws thаt аrе in рlасе.

Oftеn, thеу rеquіrе уоu tо оbеу lеаѕh laws аnd clean uр аftеr your pet іn public рlасеѕ.

You can check if there pet-friendly раrkѕ with the local раrkѕ аnd recreation department.

While hоuѕе реtѕ ѕuсh аѕ саtѕ, dоgѕ, bіrdѕ, fіѕh аnd rаbbіtѕ аrе ассерtаblе іn most types оf hоuѕіng, thеrе mау bе rеѕtrісtіоnѕ on the tоtаl numbеr оf аnіmаlѕ аllоwеd іn a single dwеllіng.

If уоu plan tо hоuѕе fаrm аnіmаl аѕ a реt, such as a gоаt оr a dоnkеу, сlаrіfу the zoning regulations аnd ordinances wіth the proper оffісіаlѕ.

This amazing piece is written by Bruce from Healthy Dog Treats. He is a professional dog walker too.

Tax, Timing and Red Tape

Guest post by Laura Costello

What You Need to Know About Buying Investment Properties in Australia


Buying an investment property is one of Australia’s popular long-term forms of investment.

However, many people become overwhelmed by the process, or are left scrambling to finance the purchase and on-going management of their investment property.

Where and what you buy will affect your return on investment, as will maintenance costs and taxes.

Here is what you need to know before buying an investment property, including some tips to help you identify a good investment property and popular financial strategies to help you receive the most from your returns.

Financing an investment property

House and land packages offer an affordable home loan solution, allowing you to bundle the financing loans for the house and land.

One of the main benefits from the package approach is that the construction loan allows you to ‘draw down’ on an agreed amount to pay during each stage of the building process.

This means that you only pay interest on the specific money you are using during each stage that the home is built.

It also means that you do not have to pay stamp duty, as it only applies to established homes.

Leveraging equity in your home, or equity from another property investment, can be another effective way to buy an investment property.

Most lenders and mortgage insurers have valuable data on different locations and property developments.

Accessing this information can assist you in choosing the right loan and investment property for your financial situation.

Property is a long-term investment

Investing in property is a popular and proven path to long-term wealth.

However, as it is a long-term investment, you should not and cannot rely on the property price and yield rising straight away.

The financial benefits of an investment property increase the longer you can afford to commit to the property.

Therefore, it is important to make sure that you can maintain your mortgage repayments over the long term.

It is also important to note that, unlike shares or other investments, you cannot sell part of an investment property if you need money.

As a long-term investment, it is crucial to also be aware of other taxes involved in property investing.

These taxes include Capital Gains Tax, Land Tax and Stamp Duty which may all change over time.

Where to buy

Buying in a familiar market will ensure less time required in researching the area.

Look for areas where high growth is expected and check recent sale prices in the area, so you get an idea of what you can expect to pay.

When considering where to purchase your investment property, it is also important to research the rental yield of similar properties in the area.

Your study and research about vacancy rates will indicate whether the property is in a desirable area that will make it easy to rent the property out, or sell it in the future.

Finally, when considering the area in which to purchase the property, it is also vital to find out about any proposed changes which may affect future property prices includngi factors such as zoning changes or major new developments.

What to buy

There is many things to consider before buying an investment property, choosing a property type is one of the earliest and most important decisions you will make.

  • There are numerous benefits and disadvantages for different property types.
    Units can be easier to maintain than houses, but you will have to pay costly body corporate fees. It is also important to consider the cost of maintaining the property.
  • Older houses can be cheaper to purchase, maintenance costs may result in spending more than you originally intended.

Similarly, while pools and extensive landscaping are attractive features, it is important to consider the maintenance costs involved.

It is advisable to engage a professional building inspector before you purchase an investment property which will allow you to find any potential problems and expenses associated with the purchase.

Features that will make your investment property appealing to as many people as possible, include proximity to nearby schools, shops and transport.

It is important to find a property that will attract all segments of the rental market; such as singles, couples and young families which will ensure that you keep your vacancy rates low.

Negtive gearing

Negative gearing has been a popular strategy for Australian investors for many years.

It occurs when the costs of taking out and maintaining an investment are greater than the income you receive from it. You can then use your investment loss to offset the other income you earn, allowing you to pay less tax.

This means that as a whole you will be required to pay less tax to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

The investment expenses that you can claim as a tax deduction are generally expenses associated with the management and the maintenance of the property.

The three main categories that you can claim deductions on are:

  • Revenue deductions (interest on money you borrowed)
  • Capital items (large items such as dishwashers) and;
  • Building allowances (depreciation over time for building works).

Seek advice from a tax accountant in order to determine which expenses you may be eligible to claim.
Investing in property is one of Australia’s favourite ways to invest.

As with other types of investments, it’s important to do your research and seek professional advice.

Speaking to an experienced financial advisor and attaining the services of a property manager, are vital to ensuring the success of your investment.

Bio: Laura Costello is in her final year of a Bachelor of Law/International Relations at Latrobe University. She is passionate about the law, the power of social media, and the ability to translate her knowledge of both common and complex topics to readers across a variety of mediums, in a way that is easy to understand.

What to Look For When Buying your First Home

Guest Post by Doug Jones

If you and your partner are ready to start a family and are thinking of purchasing your very first home, there is much to consider.

Obviously, the location would need to be suitable for you both, and not too far from your workplace, and this would be the first stage in the selection process.

Once you have narrowed down your preferences to a specific area, then you can begin to think about sourcing a developer.

Housing Developments

Your first home purchase can be a daunting process, and by dealing with an established builder who has several housing projects on the go, they will be able to guide you through the process.

There are a multitude of reasons why you should buy into an existing housing project, and with all the amenities you would need on tap, so to speak, the housing development would be suited to the family lifestyle.

The developer would have a range of display homes, which allows you to really experience the property before making a commitment.

Design Options

The modern housing developer would be happy to work to the client’s specifications where possible, and this allows you, the occupant, to have some input at the design stage, tailoring the living space to suit. You might fall in love with an existing design, and not require any special additions, but whatever you decide, the finished design would be perfect.

Accredited and Recognised

Buying a property is no small outlay, in fact, for most people, it is the biggest single investment they will ever make, and therefore it makes sense to ensure the building work is of the highest quality.

The only way you can be sure of the builder’s expertise is to look for an award winning or accredited builder who has been around for a good few years.

You would be able to visit a few of the developer’s current projects, and see for yourself the quality of the homes, and also experience the ambience of the development, which would already be well occupied.

Finance Options

Trying to borrow money from the banks involves a tedious process, and after several face to face meetings, you would likely be told to wait a few years, but there are developers that can also offer attractive loans, and this way, you are only dealing with a single company.

Financing the purchase would be one of the first things to do, and by talking to the right developer, you can quickly receive a pre-mortgage approval and move on to house selection.

Display Homes

If you are lucky enough to come across a developer that has display homes for sale, this can really save you some money.

Not only that, when the last unit is sold, and the display home is handed over, you will inherit all of the expensive fittings, so there is less need to buy anything.

Buying your first home is an exciting time, and by dealing with the right developer, you can be sure that your dream home will live up to your expectations. Please visit Red Ink Homes to learn more about buying a new home in Perth.

Which Way Is North?

Don’t rely on a compass!

Or a mobile phone either!

There are different Norths

  • True North
  • Grid North
  • Magnetic North

The difference can be more than 10 degrees which can affect your view and the solar performance of your house and solar panels.

Just to make it more complicated the difference can change depending on where you live and the date!

True North

True North points to the North Pole, the axis of the earth’s rotation.

Grid North

Grid North is the basis of the grid lines on a paper map as your north reference.

Grid north is typically close ( within 2° east or west of true north) and varies with your position within a zone.

It is used when establishing geographic co-ordinates so it will be the direction the North Arrow points on a house plan prepared for construction.

Magnetic North

A compass needle will align with the earths magnetic field and thus points to the ‘magnetic’ poles.

The Earths magnetic field and thus the ‘Magnetic Pole’ moves over time.

The difference between Magnetic and True North (called Declination) is also different depending on your position.


Want to find the difference for your site? . . . . Follow this link:  Geoscience

What Are Site Works?

The site works is all the work required to prepare the site and allow them to build that standard house.

The following are frequently encountered additional costs:

Levelling the ‘Construction Pad’

The standard project house is designed for a perfectly flat site, however most sites have some sort of Slope.

Depending on the slope the cost may range from $1,000 to in excess of $20,000

Building Retaining Walls

This is another consequence of a sloping site.

Although a level construction pad may have been constructed action to stop the construction pad sliding down the slope, or the block above sliding onto your block, is needed.

With space bieng at a premium the normal solution is a Retaining Wall

If the required wall is higher than 1m the wall will require a site specific engineering design.

Starting cost for a low retaining wall will be in the region of $250/sq metre.

Building Stronger Foundations.

The standard project home is designed to be built on ground that has a Soil Classification ‘M’.

In practice this is very rare.

Even if the underlying material is Class M most modern developments have been levelled to some extentn resulting in there being fill material.

Getting that flat construction pad can also require additional fill

Rock Removal

If you are building on rock Rock  there will be extensive costs for both levelling the pad and constructiong trenches.

Enev if there is no obvious rock builders will typically include a Provisional Sum of $2,000 – $3,000 for removing any large boulders found during excavations

Termite Protection

I think that all Australian houses should have Termite protection even though some areas are considered termite free.

The cost will depend on your prefered solution but can range from a nominal amount, to up to around $2,000.

Bush Fire Protection

Bush Fire protection will depend on the risk level of your block.

Even a fairly low Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL) of 12.5 will require upgrades in the $5,000 – $10,000 range.

Higher risk zones and you could easily get up to $50,000.

Additional Utility Connection Costs

If you have a block that is much larger than 700 sq metres then you could find that the builder will charge for the extra length of service pipes to serve your site.

My last block which was around 1,000 sq metres had an additional $500 cost, larger blocks and the costs will rise substantially.

Root Barriers

Generally this will only be required in Knock Down and Rebuild projects.

It can cost in ecxcess of $4,000 to protect your house from one substantial tree.

 Minimum Energy Rating Requirements

Australian states require minimum Energy Rating of 6 Stars.

Although the builders designs will meet this requirement in an Ideal Orientation your block might have a far from ideal orientation.

Although the rating can be restored to 6 stars by improving the insulation values the cost be more than $10,000.

You will see from the above that some initial investigation of suitable block will benefit you in avoiding overspending your budget on your new home construction.

If you want to understand more check out the Guide to Buying a Block

The Dedicated Designer – 6 Tips for Giving Your Home a Pre-Sale Makeover

Guest Post by Hubert Dwight

House envy. . . . The struggle is real. . . .We have all been there.

You walk into someone’s home and your eyes dart from corner to corner in disbelief that everything is so in-place and perfect.  

Trying to play it cool, you say something like “I like what you have done with the place”, while inside you are screaming “I WANT TO LIVE HERE!”.

Well folks, that is just the sentiment you need to capture when you are prepping your house to go on the market.  

The smell of fresh baked cookies and a reasonable price are not going to cut it in today’s real estate landscape.  

So, for those looking to put their house out for sale, read ahead for 6 tips for giving your home a pre-sale makeover.

1. Help is Available

If you read that intro paragraph and immediately started to panic, don’t worry, you have options.   

So style and “home-making” is not your specialty, you are certainly not alone.   

Many people preparing their home for sale will turn to a trusted company for property styling in Melbourne.  

Good styling companies will turn any house into a high end, classy and elegant home.   

With a competitive buyers market, styling your home is an integral part of selling your home quickly for the price you are after.

2. Love your Lighting

Ambient lighting, correct wattage, and purposefully placed candles will transform the feel of your house.  

Make sure very room in your house has a cozy, welcoming lighting rather than harsh high watt bulbs that make anyone cringe.  

Don’t underestimate the power of candles in your house either.  Investing in some high quality candles will whisk potential buyers away to their favourite beach, or coziest fire place, all whilst standing in your living room.

3. Bring the Outdoors In

Indoor plants can have a calming effect by bringing in the natural healing properties of mother nature.  

Plants are not only aesthetically pleasing, they are scientifically proven to improve health.  

Indoor air, like outdoor air, can contain harmful pollutants.  

Indoor plants can actually act as a natural air filter, making your house have that fresh, clean air feeling – something any home buyer will be drawn to immediately.   

Feeling like your green thumb is a bit out of practice?  . . . Don’t worry, help is available in choosing the best plants for your indoor space.

4. Soak up the Seasons

You know that feeling when you go to your mum’s house at Christmas and it is perfectly decorated and you get all warm and fuzzy inside?  There is no reason not recreate this feeling all year long, with every season.  A bowl of fresh cherries in Summer, fresh tulips in a vase in Spring, a bowl of pinecones in Winter.  These small touches will really make a house a home.

5. Size Matters

Stressed about the small size of some of your rooms?

Boost the perceived size of any room with large feature mirrors.  

From bathrooms to small second bedrooms,  mirrors make rooms feel larger and also increase the amount of natural light reflected into a room.

It also is a way for people to literally see themselves in the home making a quick purchase more likely!

6. Beauty and the Bathroom

Did you know the average human spends 1 hour 42 minutes in the bathroom per week?

That is a lot of time!  So you should put in some serious love into your loo.  

Creating a mini-vacation feeling in your bathroom will highlight the room as a feature in the house.  

A clean, crisp, well-organised bathroom will catch the eye of any style savvy home-buyer.  

Plush towels, fresh flowers,  clean and crisp surfaces and a scented candle will transform your bathroom into a holiday escape.  

You don’t need to remodel to get that feeling, small style tips can make all the difference!


Selling your home is a scary and exciting time.

Taking the time to assess your style, and how it will fare to a wider audience is an essential part in the process.  

A pre-sale makeover may be just what you need to pass on your property to the next owners.

Whether you seek expert guidance from a company, or re-style room by room, take the time to create that “wow” moment for anyone who walks through your front door.  

You never know who will insist on making that their front door after one look at your perfectly styled house!

Ghost Houses 2017

Walking around my local area I came across this abandoned partially built house. . . 

. . . and next door this abandoned 3 house development.

They are reminders that things can go wrong, and if you are over committed financially you can’t find a a way back.

Here are just some of the ways that you can run out of money during the build, and finish up owning a ghost.

  • Builder going Bust, Even if you have a guarantee it is still going to cost you extra to have another builder take over the job.
  • Additional Site Works costs.
  • You split from your partner.
  • You, or your partner, loses a job.
  • Your employer suffering a downturn restricting the amount of overtime you were expecting to earn.
  • Illness reducing wages for several months.
  • Rise in Interest Rates.

Make sure you aren’t over committed!

Why You Might Not Find A Builder Rating

Can’t find a quality rating for your builder?

Perhaps you should check your contract before you sign it.

Apparently some builders require customers to sign a contract that: ‘Prohibits them from publishing anything about the builder without the builders express permission.’

That could include sending a rating to a ratings website, or commenting on an internet forum.

It seems to me that any builder that has a clause like this has something to hide on the quality front.

You have been warned.

Want to find out more then check out the story at this link : Sydney Morning Herald


Perth Home Builder 101 Residential removes “Unfair” clause banning customers from writing unapproved reviews
The Deputy Chair of the ACCC, who brought forward this case said “Consumers should be free to have their say about their experience with a business and must not face penalties for doing so.”

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