Tag Archive: Contract
Your New House Contract

The most important document you sign is the ‘New Home Contract’. This document describes the house to be constructed and provides remedies to deal with any defaults by the builder or the house owner. The more you understand the contents…
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Contracts – Site Possession

Under the terms of a “Standard’ Building Contract you will be required to grant the builder ‘Exclusive Possession’ of the site once the builder is ready to start. This means that the builder is responsible for, and is able to…
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If The Builder Goes Bust

House Building can be a high risk business…………..so what happens if the builder of your new house goes bust? Legally Your house building contract should have clauses included for the eventuality of the builder becoming insolvent. Read the contract carefully…
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Standard Building Contract or ‘Owner Builder Contract’
Some small builders may suggest they can package build a house cheaper for you if you become an ‘Owner Builder’*. * Not be confused with True ‘Owner Building’ where you have the skills and propose doing a lot of the…
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Contract Meeting Advice

It can seem like an age since you paid the initial deposit for your new house. You have spent ages going through everything at Selection. Surely you can just sign the contract and get started?………….That’s what the builder wants,………… but…
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