Tag Archive: Letter Box
Letter Boxes – Is Bigger Better?

One of the big signs to potential burglars that there is no one at home is a letter box stuffed with post and junk mail after its gone dark in the evening. In a post about letter boxes I talked…
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Your letter box

I know that a lot of communications come via Email and Facebook now but I still like to receive mail. A nice card means a lot more to me than a Happy Birthday tweet. If you are like me and…
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The Castle – Win
Hydrant Letter Box – Fail

Another one of those houses where I walked up and down the street 2-3 times before I realised the owner had used a hydrant cover as a letter box. Don’t people want to get any post? . ….
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Letter Box Fail

Can you see the mail box? Do you think the people in this house don’t like to get post?………or do they like to give their postie a challenge? The only way to deliver a letter is to push the bush…
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