Getting it Right
Glanced Light – Wall and Ceiling Imperfections

In certain conditions you can easily see very slight surface imperfections This is known as ‘Glanced Light’ . . . . so what does is mean? Well when light strikes a surface at a flat angle like in this first…
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Building Inspection – Compliance not Quality

Role of Building Surveyor One of the key misunderstandings by new house buyers is the role of the building surveyor with respect to building quality of their New House. Many consumers believe that inspections by building surveyors against the minimum…
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How Often Do You Visit The Site

For the first Australian house we built welived and worked close by and could visit every evening. During our last build the site was 40km away so I only visited once or twice a week. Many builders will tell you…
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Practical Completion Inspection – 12 Hints

So your house is nearly finished, and your builder asks you to do a PCI. . . . Whats that? This is your chance to get defects fixed before handover. You will have the opportunity to walk around the house…
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Balcony Drainage

If you are going to have a balcony don’t forget to consider the drainage. You need to make sure that you have a large enough drain, for example this. And the whole balcony slopes down to the drain. If the…
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Getting the Colours Right

Let face it, I am a typical man and colours don’t really interest me much. I like to limit myself to the standards of White, Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. I’m even not too sure…
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Checking Door Painting

Do you read the guarantees on things you buy? Well here is one on a door at my local Bunnings store. II am including this post for 2 reasons. DIY door installation If you are going to fit a door…
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Practical Completion Inspection

The Practical Completion Inspection (PCI) is probably the most important inspection, your chance to identify any faults and get them fixed before handover. It’s a lot simpler to get them fixed before you move in! If you have employed an…
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Keith, Hero of ‘The Block’

If you are having a new house built Keith should be your hero too! Over the years, foreman Keith Schleiger “The Blockinator” seems to be cast as the bad guy. The guy who causes delays, disruptions, and upsets the contestants….
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Working With Your Site Supervisor
If you are building your new house with a big builder once the contract is signed the most important person in the build is going to be the Site Supervisor(SS). The site supervisor is responsible for programming the works, ordering…
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