Delaying Progress Payments
So your builder has just made a claim for a Progress Payment . . . . . but you are not happy with the workmanship, or don’t agree that the Construction Stage is finished. What can you do? A lot of people…
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Using Your Own Building Inspector
I frequently hear of people being told by their Builder “You can’t use your own Building Inspector!” If your builder says that, he is trying to Con You! ……or Breaking The Law! Here is an explanation based on my last…
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House in “The Cloud” ?
It looks like it’s a house that Apple’s Steve Jobs might have owned. No Surprise that this Melbourne House is known the Cloud House. Certainly stunning from this view, but you would never know it from the street, as it’s…
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Plumbing Acronyms
There are a lot of acronyms used on plumbing drawings so here are a few definitions: AG – Agricultural (Drains) B – Basin Bth – Bath BT – Boundary Trap DP – Down Pipe FW – Floor Waste HWS –…
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Building Certification Inspections
All house builds have to be inspected to check on their compliance with the Building Code of Australia. These Certification Inspections used to be carried out by the Local Council. Nowadays there is no requirement for a builder to use…
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Insulation Basics – Double Brick Walls
I have previously carried out a worked example of the insulation of a Brick Veneer Wall, so as a comparison here is double brick wall. I have also shown (in brackets) the effect of using a hebel block in place…
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Australian Standards
A lot of people people misunderstand how Australian Standards apply to Contracts so here is a quick guide. Standards Australia All Australian Standards (AS) are published by Standards Australia. which is a non-government organisation. It’s role is to meet Australia’s need…
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Protecting Underground Pipes
One of the problems that happen all too often during a new house build is that Sewers and Drains get filled with concrete. Its normally happens on: A knock down and rebuild project where the sewer connection wasn’t sealed during…
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Understanding Builders
“The Builder is ripping me off!” and ‘The Builder is overcharging for upgrades!” are two comments I hear regularly. Some of these cries may be justified, but a lot are because the customer doesn’t understand the Builder. Why A Builder…
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Retaining Walls – Gabbions
Gabbions are big wire baskets filled with rocks. The baskets are typically available for retaining wall use in 1m x 1m x 2m units. and you arrange the rock fill yourself. Gabbion walls can be described as a Permeable, Steel…
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