Block Dimensions
Understanding your Survey Plan

I’m used to look at survey plans but I do understand that most people struggle to understand them. Here is a quick guide to help you understand the survey plan for your new house. The plan below shows a survey…
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Understanding Title Plans

Title plans are quite a bit different to Survey Plans. The above is typically what you would see when looking at the title plan for a small subdivision. This is what it tells you about block No 2, which I…
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Block Boundary Pegs

Your block location is defined by its boundary pegs. It all looks quite simple when you are looking to buy the block. You can go out to the site and see tall pegs with tape at every corner. A few…
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How Close Is Too Close

Here is a photo from the ABC Brisbane facebook page I would say this is far to close. That space is just going to be a collecting point for spiders and vermin. I really don’t see the point of wanting…
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Some a site plan will say the levels relate to AHD and other times the levels will relate to a TBM . .. but what is the difference? AHD – Australian Height Datum Between 1966 and 1968 sea level was measured at…
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Access to Rear

With the narrow blocks that are becoming more common you see a lot of new houses built right to the side boundary on both sides. In some cases that can’t be avoided, but I think there is a real advantage…
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How Adverse Possession Can Affect Buying A Block

Did you know its still possible to take over ownership of someone else’s private land? This makes it important to check the Land Title Plan dimensions against the actual site dimensions of your new house block for the following reasons:…
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Buying a Block

anewhouse GUIDE – E book Aimed at making sure you consider a wide range of issues to ensure you get the right block for your new home! Posts from this Blog and Much More. In pdf format so you can read it on…
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What Sort of Plan?

Buying Land…….There are several sorts of Plans/ Surveys of your Block to think about before you can start building a house. Here is a guide to the various plans based on the same block: Title Plan Title Plans are the…
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