Buying a Block

anewhouse GUIDE – E book Aimed at making sure you consider a wide range of issues to ensure you get the right block for your new home! Posts from this Blog and Much More. In pdf format so you can read it on…
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Drop Edge Beams

If you want to build your new home on a slope you may need to have the additional cost of needing drop edge beams on the low side of the slabs. These are a sort of retaining wall to hold…
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Advice – Fail

When I saw this Billboard the other day I had turn round to drive past it again, as I didn’t believe it the first time! They are making it appear that it’s a big deal that they are selling what are…
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What’s on the Nature Strip?

Don’t forget to have a look at the Footpath and Nature Strip! Often forgotten but what’s there can affect what you can do with the block, and general livability. Some of the things that can affect you are: Place of…
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Types of Fill

You will often find a reference to ‘Fill’ in your Geotechnical Report. Your site may require ‘Cut and Fill’ to level the site. Here is a bit of information about the various types of fill: Ordinary Fill Ordinary fill is…
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Building On Rock

Based on the Soil Classification rock is considered one of the best surfaces to build a house foundation. It comes under the Classification Class A. That doesn’t mean its going to be cheap especially for a conventional raft or waffle…
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Cubby House – Fail

What do you think of this Cubby House that someone built in their garden, soon after moving in? Well it looks pretty good…………………………. Solidly constructed building, nice colourful paint job, and securely bolted down to a convenient concrete slab. So why…
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Can You Subdivide?
I would advise calling into the Council Planning Department and discussing your block as early as possible. I have always found them very helpful. To be better informed here are 4 things to think about before talking to the planner: State…
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Restricted Site, Costs

People are astonished at how the builders costs soar when building on a restricted site! A restricted site is generally when a the building takes up most of the block. Generally this means that there is little room to store…
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When I started in the drainage business 40 years ago we called them Manholes. Since then due to political correctness we have had; Person Holes, Access Points, Inspection Pits, but now we seem to be coming back to calling them…
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